Don't let the lugenpresse win defend our man!
Don't let the lugenpresse win defend our man!
dudes a sperg, dont really care what happens to him.
cant keep it up forever Im really not interested in defending him personally but the people getting mad over some people giving roman salute are pissing me the fuck off
Again I could point out how 9/10 of the 1919 German communist revolution leaders were Jewish, how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA, how the lawsuits that opened abortion in our countries were lead by kikes, I could even lay out all the noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with. But I won't. Rather i'll ask that every time someone in this thread sees societal/political rot ask yourself, and do some digging if necessary, if a certain sunken eyed inbred tribe is behind it.
Sup Forums calls this 'taking the redpill' and it ruins people for one simply cannot stop seeing the (((coincidences)))
who was sperging what? yeah the audience had a few spergs and it wouldn't fucking suprise me if some of them weren't planted to make them look bad
what kind of shitty leader alienates 2/3rd of the illusory coalition he had no part in fostering?
He fucked up.
Stormfront made its bed.
What bed did he make? What the fuck did he do that wasn't already being said/done in the past?
It's all division tactics and left wing agitators trying to prove how racist eoght wong is to inite left wing again against roght wing in us politics. For now we must focus on cultural warfare and ignore squabbles like this.
He did a long and decent speech and then at the end he memed by saying hail Trump.
5 spergs in the audience did the salutes.
>still swallowing mainstream media narrative so easily
fuck that
he will be the death of us
>our man
Fuck no, he's a goddamned plant. "Leader of the alt-right" my ass. He's been trying to co-opt this movement from day one. For anybody who doesn't believe me, just look at the spike in popularity he's had on this board over the past two days--it isn't organic, it came out of the blue.
He's being pushed to the top so they can tear him down, destroying everything we've fought for.
Nah. Fuck that guy.
Why are these spam threads not being banned? Mods, what the fuck.
>he will be the death of us
nice concern troll
Mein Führer!
he gave the lugenpresse the ammunition. it's his fault the alt-right is now nothing more than another futile echo of fascism
so no answer?
kike media strawman general #18: it's not working edition
I like your German
He's not our man. Fuck off ctr.
Now more than ever we have to ignore CTR shills and back our guy
ohai nyt
fuck off
this x 10
Why are Americans so limp-wristed? All of the memes he spouted were from Sup Forums (not fucking Stormfront) and now y'all act like you don't know it.
the kike media so badly want a figurehead to attack, despite that hatred of kikes and niggers is amorphous and extends beyond the white race
not an argument
He's not our man, never was
He's a fucking liability
Fuck off you faggots
You're worse than CTR
You entirely missed my point you fucking nigger
He is not the leader of anything. The media is propping him up as one, and useful idiots like you are falling for it hook, line, and sinker. He's alienating on-the-fencers instead of encouraging them to join, effectively halting and containing the whole operation.
Fucking faggots, I swear to god.
>All of the memes he spouted were from Sup Forums
and thats where they belong
ok you are full oh shit back to the_donald with you
HE IS NOT /ourguy/
Literally who? Quit following the MSM trying to pin a leader on an already loosely defined group
Maybe you're the kike plant, trying to divide and conquer. The only thing wrong with the video is the morons who did the roman salute. We have no leader, but he's not our enemy.
Not your personal army.
there's no excuse for the video other than making us look like retards
>our man
Who is this guy?
Does he post on Sup Forums?
Why does CTR want us to defend him?
>Fuck off CTR
>implying there's a single person here who hasnt jokingly raised his right arm at some point.
I will always defend my QT hubando :3.
Good luck with that. He's not a trannyjew so Sup Forums won't support him.
Said ''hail Trump'' which kind of sounds like ''heil'', and then some journalists ran out doing nazi salutes.
VERY SCARY! Must disown immediately!
Such racism is not tolerated on Sup Forums.
Why do people on Sup Forums care about what the Jewish media says about a white nationalist? He's on our side.
Anyone who claims to represent the "alt right" post trump (even if they supported trump before the election) is 100% controlled opposition. Do not trust or support.
>our man
>having that big of a potato for a head
Latvia must be full of envy
Conquer and divide.
They're pushing this aggressively. They are pushing the idea that if we don't disown him and jump the ship we're all going to drown.
The problem is - Richard Spencer is milder than any regular on Sup Forums.
The ideas that he holds are not even remotely radical. These people took the mildest guy they could find and turned him into a martyr to scare us all from any ''radical'' idea like speaking out against diversity or saying that white people want to live alongside white people.
>disown him
>all this kike posting
False flag by the jews.
From the youtube comments:
"Let me see if I get this straight: Jews infiltrate alt-right dinner party, take a roman salute picture with a camera whore Asian and then sell the image to the media claiming that it was from white Americans. They then proceed to get the restaurant, which did not even know what their guests were into and bully the restaurant into giving 10k to a Jewish organization. I could not imagine a more shitty way to make money (save pedo bear)."
Spread the word
That's a good side to take. Anything is better than these faggots attacking Richard Spencer and insulting everyone who is even remotely white nationalistic.
I don't even see Richard Spencer as an ''alt-right'' guy. I knew about him before people were pushing it as a movement, before Trump ran for president.
The guy is just a white nationalist.
I can't wait for the ''alt-right'' label to die already. It was a terrible PR move.
He is a little bitch who is trying to steal everyone elses thunder. His Nazi salute stunt smeared everyone and forced Trump to disavow all of his online supporters. Bad enough Hillary tried to put labels on us, now this faggot does the same. Fuck him.
Daily reminder that if you don't read anything besides Sup Forums you are a fucking nigger
Except there was no nazi salute stunt, you absolute retard and/or paid shill.
He didn't salute and he's said he not the leader of the alt right
He's not our man.
He's either an idiot, or a controlled opposition plant.
Remember, Sup Forums is not part of the "alt right". That term wasn't even used here until this year, when the kike media started labeling us as parts of the "alt right".
We have no association to this Spencer fag, and we have no reason to pay any attentions to this bs.
The kike media wants to label those who speak against the narrative, so they can delegitimize our arguments and grievances as just "nazism" in the eyes of the public, by associating them with this Spencer moron.
Don't fall for their schemes.
You're not one of us.
The term was used before media picked it up and most people thought it was kind of gay, and they were right.
''Alt-right'' is a failed PR move by Spencer.
Richard Spencer is just a white nationalist and he is our guy. We talked about him before faggots like you came to the board.
>he is an idiot! a plant!
Why? Because he said ''hail''? Fuck off, retard.
TRS is no worse than CTR faggots
Take your $0.02 and go back to (((Reddit))), cuck
Fuvk the Alt-Lite
Boycott (((Cernovich))), PJW, InfoWars, Rebel Media, (((Milo)))
They all used our movement for shekels and are now trying go tear it apart.
FUCK all of them and FUCK these shills like The alt right was a thing as long as 6 years ago. It has always been a white nationalist movement.
If you dont like that fuck off.
Elloominarty triangle + merchant
Did you even google the alt right before jumping from reddit to Sup Forums and shitting this image out?
The ((())) coincidence detector was started by TRS and the Alt Right was started by Spencer in 2010.
Fuck off newcunt
((((You)))) have to go back you fucking Slav
Get out
Piss off, I have been posting on Sup Forums even before there was Sup Forums. I used to browse /new/ before moot axed it and created Sup Forums, and then I came here.
The term "alt right" was never used here until this fucking year and Spencer is either and idiot or a plant because he gave free ammo to the kike media that had been desperately labeling everyone who spoke against the leftist narrative as members of the "alt right".
The media now has "proof" that the anti establishment people, who have spoken against the leftist narrative, the "alt right", are all in fact nazis because of Spencer. That is precisely what the media wanted.
Shills trying to communicate
Get out. You're not wanted here.
You fucking lying faggot.
Here's people talking about alt-right from 2013.
Lying piece of shit shill. You exposed yourself by pretending to have been here.
honestly whatever like when the alternative is some jew IQ fetishist NRx type or just obvious fraud's like cernovich there isnt much better
Go away TRS no one asked you for your opinion
Take your $0.02 and fuck off. You're no better than CTR and (((them)))
i've never even heard of this guy until today. i don't know who he is and he has no representation of me
I a-am t-totally one of u guys haha
we didn't talk about no alt-right back in my days ha ha
I've been here for years, I promise!
Hail Spencer
Reminds me of today, I read an article about Trevor Noah "battling apartheid" so I went and looked him up, turns out he's half jewish.
It's literally every fucking time, you cannot unswallow this pill
That's just how we wave hello. I don't get the anger
What? Did you reply to the wrong person?
>I am totally one of u guys haha
>Who is this Spencer haha
>I am one of u haha
Kill yourselves, shills
He's a project of (((them))) in order to use (((Soros)))-inspired D&C techniques. Anyone unironically defending him is helping the Jews and their victim complexes in an attempt to make Sup Forums look bad.
t. Dicky on Latvian Proxy
>Searching for posts that contain ‘alt-right’ and in ascending order. Returning only first 5000 of 73455 results found.
>Searching for posts that contain ‘alt-right’ and in ascending order. Returning only first 5000 of 73455 results found.
>Searching for posts that contain ‘alt-right’ and in ascending order. Returning only first 5000 of 73455 results found.
>Searching for posts that contain ‘alt-right’ and in ascending order. Returning only first 5000 of 73455 results found.
Fuck off, lying shill loser.
You are not one of us.
God dammit this new CTR angle is really annoying. Spencer is a plant, alt-right label is a bait.
>brown whore name Tila Tequila
>a Kike
>few faggots chatting about the alt right and Spencer means that the whole board was associated with them.
Nice grasping at straws.
My point was that no one associated Sup Forums as a whole with the "alt right" or spencer, until the Media kikes started pushing that narrative.
>you are not one of us
Reddit is just around the corner, faggot. Either that or bathe in your shekels like you're told to when you're not shilling for TRS and your nu-male idol
Is this the faggot who takes the "alt-right" seriously?
I bet he's the kind of son of a bitch who reports awooposting
Nice goal moving.
Claiming that the media made up the alt-right, that you were here since day one and no one spoke about the alt-right, now backpedaling. Total loser shill. You were not here. You are a shill and a lying piece of shit.
Trump is "our man", everyone else is just a cog or a pawn, take your pick.
>What follows is for those who want to change the world from what it is to what they believe it should be. 'The Prince' was written by Machiavelli for the Haves on how to hold power. 'Rules for Radicals' is written for the Have-Nots on how to take it away."
((((You)))) are one of them. Kill yourself TRS kike
I never claimed that media made up the term you retard.
I said that media started tossing around the term recently, and labeling every voice that spoke against them as being parts of the "alt right", which previously had just referred to Spencer and some other far right white nationalists active in USA.
Again Sup Forums is not part of the alt right. This board was never widely associated with that term or Spencer until the media kikes started putting that label on us.
Who is this faggot and why is he all over our board?