Are french people white Sup Forums?
Pic related is your average french man
Are french people white Sup Forums?
Pic related is your average french man
I'm swarthier than him and my bloodline is 100% French from Louisiana
fuck you faggot.
Who cares if it happened or not? If I was the leader of Germany I would have interned them all at the first sign of conflict. During WWI they refused to fight and then almost succeeded in subjugating the entire country after it was ground down by half a decade of trench warfare. 90% of the German communist revoultion leaders were full blown Jew desert rats. Hitler also watched Jew NKVD head Yagoda kill some 7,000,000 european christians only a stonesthrow away as well. He feared for his people and rightfully so in my opinion.
Also just look at the USA, they let the Jews in with open arms and it took less than two generations for the majority to completely turn on them.
They used to be white, but now they're a mix of arab and black.
Mad that you're not white?
Yes they are.
Ffs if they're not then Americans are all niggers.
When did that happen?
Never seen a white french guy
White is not a rice you dumbfuck.
Griezmann is white
I remember looking at paintings on my history book, the ones about france always showed white people. Don't know if it's actually true, or just an attempt to whitewash their history.
They aint white jean pierre
This is a quebequer. Race mixing with anglos tainted his ancestor's bloodline forever.
You said you'd never seen a white French guy so i just showed you one desu
Is this your average englishman?
Theres only one?
I don't know, ask them
You live right next to them.
Is this you by the way?
You know Europe's a failed continent when their largest city has a Muslim mayor
>Is this you by the way?
looks like my sister's boyfriend desu
He represents the values of england
So your sisters dating the whitest man in France?
Idk mang i'm not French