Is 2016's the year that keeps on giving?
Is 2016's the year that keeps on giving?
Just you wait boy there's still 5 weeks left on this ride, kiddo.
>alt-right founder
Read the article.
They weren't criticized for making up false news, they were criticized because they said "if jews are people" is an unacceptable thing to write as a headline, whether somebody said it or not.
That fuck-up even made it to Dutch national TV.
CNN is a joke.
They don't want the masses to ask that question themselves
>They weren't criticized for making up false news
Yes they were.
Anyone got a link?
It's debatable.
Who nose
i thought he said "if the media are people"?
that might have been in another timeline tho
Jokes aside, is it really? I mean they look more like humans than any other animals, and they are capable of all the behaviors humans use to interact.
They can also interbreed with any other race and produce viable offspring.
>their hooves, horns, and tail are easily concealed.
Today's CNN Jew saying Nigger was even better, just happened at 2:35pm.
In my timeline he also called them "cucks".
Underrated post
Funny, that's what I heard too but I don't care to rewatch that LARPing cringefest to confirm.
Some states are arguing that greater apes (not niggers, im referring to the intelligent ones) deserve human rights so I dunno...maybe jews can be people, too.
wow what a mess
they are losing to MSNBC in total viewers but still get more 18-50 year olds which is where the ad money comes from
What did they decide on?
meh spencer is ok
Yep. Keep normalizing this, Mainstream.
Go back to R/the_donald
But those apes cannot interbreed with humans, much less produce viable offspring.
>nobody's acknowledged m00tkins yet
this board really is 90% newfags
>Jews don't refer to themselves as 'people'.
>They are the 'chosen ones'
>everyone else is a gentile goyim.
>there for they are not 'people' as they class themselves differently