>Trump Playlist FUCK BOTS

>A Message from President Elect Trump 11/21/16
>Trump Objectified 11/18/16
>Trump ditches media to eat a well done steak
>Pence emotional return to Indiana 11/10/16
>Trump Meets with obummer 11/10/16
>Trump Rally in Grand Rapids MI 11/7/16 THE FINAL RALLY
>Trump Victory Speech 11/8/16

>The Truth about Trump Protesters
>Election 2016
>Clinton landslide
>SJW Meltdowns 1
>SJW Meltdowns 2
>Trump Saltmining
>Liberal Tears and Rants
>Tumblr reacts

>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguation of Fire
>In the Hall of the Trumpen President
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story
>AD: Trump's Argument for America
>American Hero
>The Lion
>Trump Triumphant

OP pastebin:

Other urls found in this thread:

Who is Richard Spencer? Why should I care? Did Trump ACTUALLY back down from something?



>wasn't first


With the large influx of shills, concern trolls and other kind of disruptors it is important to keep our guard up and to learn their usual techniques.

As a refresher course for those who already seen it and as a new lesson for those who didn't take a look at pic related, the following threads or at the links below [1] and [2].

It will help you to identify and prevent you from falling for the most common tricks from the trolls and shills.




Don't fall for it, don't answer to the shills.

>tfw we got Portubro back

Thank God this is happening

MAGA is happening now

Lolis for Trump

I'm starting to question what Trump's true motivations are. He's going back from everything he said during the campaign. I think he's just going to handle the economic stuff and not touch immigration, the borders, corruption, the Middle East, or anything.

Well what do you think?

Secretary of State:
Treasury of Secretary: (plz be ron paul)
Defense Secretary:
Homeland Security Secretary:

And what job will Carson get? surgeon general surely?



Takagi is a grown ass middle schooler, not a loli.

I was asking before, is it finally okay to tell family you are pro-Trump? They are rabid lefties. Feels bad man, I just want us to all MAGA. Gonna see them for the holidays.

Tulsi for Secretary of State.

he's a literal nobody, never heard of the guy until the (((media))) claimed yesterday he's the leader/founder of alt-right

And she's a cunt

At best a faggot larper autist, at worst controlled opposition. You shouldn't. It depends on how adamant you are on wanting Hillary jailed immediately and whether you think having an open mind about climate change means the economy is doomed and Trump will magically turn into Hillary because of it.

NYT said Trump's name was mentioned in a meeting where people threw up nazi salutes. Trump said he wants nothing to do with those people.

>CTR in overdrive today
>David Brock paid his former gay lover $850K in "blackmail" to keep "things" secret
>Turns out former gay lover the same guy who owns Comet Pizza

Really makes you think.

Is CTR some kind of coverup for child abuse?

Oh shit CtR might actually be back, that Bill Mitchell guy tweeted that for some reason CtR hillbots are back to attacking him today

I thought it was just Sup Forums memeing and funposting

>shills believe we'll fall for the media's desperate attempt at dividing and conquering

No, fuck off. Every last one of you niggers will hang and all the doubters will be put up against the wall.

I'm in the same boat, brudda. Fuck this shitty state, everyone is a goddamn librawl here.

>Not to take anything away from you Portugal Bro, but someone else predicted red PA even earlier.

I was pointing to that scenario even earlier than that article, here is a post from July 09 [1]

> Here is a thought: with this whole BLM shenanigans and the left blaming white america for it the states with the following characteristics will be in play:

>> swing or light blue states
>> with a rural republican white conservative voter base
>> with an urban leftist democrat voter base that happens to outvote the rural voters by a small margin
>> that suffered from NAFTA and lost jobs
>> that doesn't have a sizeable minority population and doesn't cause or suffer the racial disparities overplayed by the left

>Which states fit the bill for these characteristics?

>I can think Ohio and Pennsylvania, maybe Michigan and, in a small proportion, Florida.

Up until then it was just a hunch, in the following months I elaborated on the hunch with a viable model and path.


Trump isn't going to do anything to fix the corruption in our government. Anybody who believes otherwise is delusional.

>that salt

Carson gets housing

So he can build houses from nogs for nogs

Does anyone even find watsonposts funny?

>Trump isn't going to fix anything g-guys. Why won't you believe me!

You just can't handle the bantz.

You're living in a fantasy world bud. Wake up.

>Leftist purging themselves from the bureaucracy

Not even President yet

>Is CTR some kind of coverup for child abuse?

That means its employee are implicated.

>mfw i enjoy watching it all burn

Jesus fucking christ this amount of shilling is just insane.

I'm encouraged that libtards are bailing out of government positions.

You can't handle me

You're right we should've voted for Hillary instead if we wanted to fix government corruption

Trump isn't building a wall, touching Obamacare, getting rid of illegals, or any of his campaign promises.

He's just gonna make it easier for billionaires to get rich and enrich his companies. He played you all for fools. I supported him and fell for his lies.

He's going back against everything he promised.

You fucks are still in Denial since you think your meme won that he's going to do everything you've ever dreamed of.


University is the same. Everyone is a rabid cuck. I had a dream where we all had hats and got to work MAGA. Did all of you talk to your family about Trump?

Hillary Clinton lost, m8.

This. Give it up retards, you've been trying this for 16 months and it's not working.

>>tfw we got Portubro back

I never left, except for a couple of busy days at work. Must have baked at very least a thread a day most days since August.


MSNBC is doing so badly that they're taking out ad time on Fox business



>Trump is a genuinely big hearted guy
>revels in the competition and is willing to utterly destroy his opponents to win
>is gracious and magnanimous in victory
>never takes anything off the table

loli is a body type, you utter fucking retard.

I bet you supported Cruz in the primaries.

Leader of the Alt-Right® here. Trump actually will fix corruption. Anyone who doesn't believe it is definitely delusional.

So, Quinnipiac turned out to be one of the most disappointing (((pollsters))) from your studies??

Which ones rank as the worst?

It was so much worse before. I have been her since 8am like I was a NEET awooing at them.

Keep a lid on it. Lefties are not known for understanding actual diversity. MAGA with us- we can be your family :3

Luckily for me, I redpilled my whole family on the mean stream meteor.

I'm just so tired of the garbage bot who uses the same titles and unrelated pictures over and over.

>Obama gave Ellen Degenerate a medal of freedom
She's a nice lady and all, even if she's a liberal hack, but really? Medal of Freedom? K

Richard Spencer is a classical CIA plant

Are you really posting this AGAIN? God, your shilling attempts are so pathetic. Every thread I see this same picture and this same post. Did you make your parents waste their money on a college education so you could shitpost Sup Forums or are you just doing it because you have to pass time down in the basement?

i do. i like the guy too, but enjoy the exaggerated text.

Ride the Tiger, brother!

what is our opinion of charles payne?

How much will they pay me?

>Which ones rank as the worst?

My guess is NBC / WSJ. They were hilariously wrong going back through the primaries.

Posted by Julie, the delusional?

>Remember what Trump said at all his rallies, "I don't want my enemy to know what I'm doing." It would be wise to wait until he's inaugurated first before getting all worked up like libtard snowflakes.

Not even risking a prediction on that subject considering I put 100% trust on whoever Trump chooses.

People were very wary of Trump choices every step of this path:

> Keeping Lewandoski
> Manafort
> Pence
> Kellyanne
> Bannon

And every single choice from Trump was the right one for the time it was made.

Second guessing Trump is for suckers.


my family is comprised of marines. I do not think they would take kindly to you using the military to threaten and intimidate someone especially over the internet. Not only that, but technically if reddit or whomever wanted to they could call the police right now because what you just said constitutes a death threat. I don't know who you are and I don't care too. However you would be wise to watch your words. This is friendly advice from a stranger. Two wrongs don't make a right and threatening someones life is against the law. I've taken the liberty of reporting you. Have a nice day.

He kept the Clintons out of the White House. That's a pretty fucking good start.

I always supported Rafael.

>tfw you actually believed Trump was a nationalist and not another kike servant of Moloch

1 gambling credit

>Projecting this hard
Wew lad.

Report spam when you see it.

My family's been avoiding me for the last couple weeks. My mom freaked out after the election and told me not to come home for Thanksgiving, but she reneged once she calmed down. And I know that uni feel, I'm in a Cali UC.

why do niggers insist on destroying things? will trump get thoes niggers to vote for republican for the next 200 years?

>MSNBC is doing so badly that they're taking out ad time on Fox business

hahahahhaahah, wish I could see.

good guy. close to dobbs economically.


do you even math?

Monmouth was embarrasing, got it completely wrong.
PPP was also terrible.

McClatchy was awful throughout the season but their last poll was dead-on, so I will give them that.

Trafalgar Group was the best (only ones who predicted that Trump would win Michigan and Pennsylvania)

I do. His accent is ludicrous and he plays it up for effect.

Oh ok I'm staying home then.

His AG will handle it and I doubt he'll get a special prosecutor since it's still under FBI investigation anyway


No one that the media made into a boogeyman and you faggots bought it hook line and sinker

>media shilling against anything identifiable to the """alt right""""

you guys realize that these same people branded pepe the frog a symbol of hate right? they are just trying to divide and conquer trumps supporters and cause infighting. dont play their stupid games

>Which ones rank as the worst?
I'll be posting something related to it soon but, at least for state polls, Quinn was atrocious.

Except for Trafalgar and Remmington (both bought and paid by republicans so they didn't have a reason to hurt Trump) most other polls were way off marks in WI, MI, PA; FL, OH and NC.

Feels forced to me. To each their own, I suppose. Watson seems alright. I don't like how he fell for the alt-right strawman trap though.

David Knight is my favourite (t)info(il)Wars guy tbqh

4D chess checklist:
>not prosecuting Hillary
>filling his cabinet with the warmongering corporate neocons and kikes
>not building a wall
>not deporting illegals, likely granting amnesty
>not touching Obamacare
>probably condemning assault weapons at the next mass shooting or his own assassination attempt
>destroying internet and personal freedom in the name of "stopping terrorism"
>not banning muslims from entering the country
>likely going to war with Iran and possibly "best friend" Russia
>denouncing the alt-right

What else Sup Forums? He's such a genius.

Ok. So another mainstream media puppet, Hillary in jail (which nobody should have thought he'd go for immediately), and climate change (he's still probably going to pull unnecessary spending on climate change research).

Thank you. So why is Sup Forums suddenly acting like this matters? I thought reddit and left a few days ago.

Oh for fuck's sake Moloch, get out. Kek is stronger

they were just as wrong for the general. think they ended up at like hillary +8

You don't want a partial refund of your taxes?

Based nog

Take guesses now.

I've been on Sup Forums for years and this is the first time I've heard of Richard Spencer.

Is this the newest psyop ?

I like the guy and I like the meme.

They shut down the pizzagate sub on reddit.

Media Matters/CTR are scared shitless.

There's nothing they can do now though. President Trump is inevitable, he's won, they lose. This is the last thrashing of a dying animal.

Of course not. We've been raided by new fags lately who gave into this shit like retards and it's pretty obvious from their posts

>keeping lewandowski

>shills going to town on muh alt rite,muh Spencer, muh Trump disavows the alt-right meme again

Why are they still here. The board is being flooded by slide threads and shills right now.