What's wrong with liberalism again?
What's wrong with liberalism again?
They aren't kissing -me-.
The "Lesbians are Hot" meme completely ignores the fact that men expect a woman partner if they're going to work.
Attention whores like your pic. Lesbians don't exist.
delete this
4 qties that won't be having kids or will adopt kids from Africa.
Theres nothing wrong with liberalism but there definitely is something wrong with the people who hijacked the term
Those aren't lesbians.
>ywn be a cute teen girl and sexually experiment with other cute teen girls
t-thanks for reminding me op
>lesbianism is a liberal thing
liberals always try to claim all the minorities as theirs until those minorities decide to stand up for themselves
that's just one thing that is entirely fucked up about liberals
What do you think a true liberal society would look like?
>tfw in high school the hot girls in the class would call me and start french kissing each other just to tease
>tfw every hot girl was after me
>tfw alpha
10 years later I am on Sup Forums and hate everyone in this world especially women.
what went wrong
>short dark skirts
>sexual degenerates
Catholics detected
iktf, I used to be an ultra chad in highschool, the sort of guy that knew everyone and could easily talk to new people and a guy that other people wanted to be around. Soon after highschool everyone sorta abandoned me and I became a shut in. Was already browsing Sup Forums at the time though, albeit not as avidly.
And? Being a woman is terrible. I'd rather sexually experience my cock going inside their pussy.
if you people are serious HOW THE FUCK did you end up staying here wasting your potential
>ywn be a pretty white girl with white girl friends that all look the same
just get in my cloning tank alread
Cause they're either full of shit or remembering a fantasy
>What's wrong with liberalism again?
That pic
When highschool was over I was extremely stressed and I didn't know what university course to take, so I took a year off and worked close by home for a bit, so I ended up not really making new friends in my age group. Calls for parties and other events became fewer, gf eventually broke up with me and "friends" claimed to be always busy, as social time decreased, time on the internet and in video games increased. Ironically the autists I knew from highschool remained loyal and are always down to hang out with me.
I don't see anything wrong with it, user.
Lesbians are the definition of boring.
thanks for telling me
altho, I must add that autists can be very anal over petty stuff and will cut all contact over it.
yeah, i actually am one of those autists that will do that and i am pretty ashamed of it
>Wanting to be cucked by women
this is true, they talk a lot about books usually, not the interesting books ofc.
All I can advise is, watch out for the "bull dyke".
this place is actually very nice and you guys, even the worst kind of autists, have a lot to offer and are very funny; if you would stop hating yourselves for a second you would realize how much potential you actually have
Where'd you get that pic?
Where'd you get that? Have any more pics?
Lesbianism is only good on 2d, 3d lesbians should be purged, this is a fact, yuri is best love
All these retards reacting the the muh dik argument
Fuck all of you guys.
Young girls who want to experiment because of our degenerate social pressures are not lesbians
The problem is that what we are calling liberalism, is no longer "liberalism" anymore. It's become a title that masks identity politics and strong globalist approaches. In my opinion the identity politics are what are really destroying the liberal movements.
Calm down mane
Sup Forums can be extremely creative. A lot of people that are sort of forgotten about because society sets different standards.
>lets doubt our beliefs pol
>number of white babies contributed: 0
>likelyhood of conception of a nigger baby: +7% per kiss
They're dating probably or greeting each other, are you a homophobe? leave them alone, they're just like anyone else.
you nerds are just mad no one likes anime watching fedoras
Did someone just say something nice about Sup Forums?
Not nearly as good as my 2D yuri qt3.14s but still noice.
>posts picture of underaged chicks kissing implying he is attracted to underaged
>aren't liberals great
ew, pedo pls go
free trade, globalism and obsession over identity politics. i have no problems with lesbians or anyone else. i just don't need a fucking nationwide moral panic over this shit when most people don't behave like the westboro baptist church
Holy bible + crucifix and good night
your pic realted
2d is adequate
But 3d is more adequate
Is being attracted to girls like this pedo?
>underage = no can reproduce
>they bleed monthly or can shoot sperm = good2go
natures law > mans law
>i have no problems with lesbians or anyone else.
back to tumblr, libtard.
Those can't be a day over 13. Shit is weird mang.
>1 post by this ID
when will (((they))) stop thinking that masquerading as stormniggers is a viable tactic
>The "Lesbians are Hot" meme completely ignores the fact that men expect a woman partner if they're going to consume.
I work plenty to sustain myself and my hobbies, I just don't spend my money the way a girlfriend or wife would.
This is my fetish, especially if the bottom woman is straight, too bad there is so few content out there.
>guys everyone loves fags and kikes its well known, I mean I know I do.
maybe cucks like you think fags and niggers should be tolerated but real men with balls stomp them into the dirt daily.
Liberalism is super gay. As your picture clearly indicates.
not today schlomo
you live in a timeline in which boys are girls, girls are women, and women know they're equal to men with no supporting evidance
it ruins places that were otherwise great
The problem with nature's law is that just because you have the ability to reproduce, doesn't mean you have the ability to take care of a child, and 13 year old's typically aren't as safe about sex as people who are say, in their mid twenties or so.
you literally love everything about liberals. you're a fucking ctr shill aren't you?
Nothing. Asians love me.
>not teaching teenagers safe sex instead of abstinence
>you literally love everything about liberals
where did i say or imply this
2D is purity.
you said you love fags, niggers and kikes.
>I have no problem with lesbians or anyone else
I hate redditors.
Are you a legitimate ooga-booga or some western military/embassy worker?
Abstinence is fine if you marry them early instead of making them wait until their late twenties.
birth rates are wrong with liberalism.
Can be.
There's nothing wrong with teaching them safe sex, I'm down for that. You can teach 'em all you like but that doesn't mean they are going to actually follow through. The same goes for abstinence of course but I can't say I wanna give a bunch of young teenagers the green light either.
>fags are less monogamous
and why should i care
That's why the Virgin Marry was impregnated by God after she was married to man who was decades older than her, as it was the norm with the Israelites, a God favored people. Joseph was able to take care of Marry and Jesus because he was older and had built up capital.
I guess God was a pervert.
You get to pay for their aids medicines
You realize that any sort of developed research into the relationship health, emotional health, mental health or physical health of people that frequent Sup Forums would project similar correlation, right?
Like why are you not a degenerate when its easily proven visiting this site makes you worse in all these categories.
>There's nothing wrong with teaching them safe sex
For frack's sake, just teach abstinence and the health benefits that come from not emitting sexual fluids. Keeps the mind and body strong by focusing all nutrition into strengthening the two, rather then expending power to chase a dopamine high.
They close down your bakery because you refuse to serve them is why you should care. But you're a liberal, so you're probably gay yourself.
There is nothing more boring than yuri.
Is it true you guys killed Assange?
and how much is that, half a cent? give me a break. it doesn't affect me at all
>t. pleb
Doesn't change the fact that a majority of the lesbians today are much uglier than the ones in that picture.
Your mind is weak.
>They close down your bakery because you refuse to serve them is why you should care.
then we should tell the gays not to do that. what's your point
"liberals" hate personal liberty
Dunno how much STDs make up of the healthcare budget, but you guys spend a lot on healthcare, even more than us.
>ability to care for a child
is an almost innate skill. hunter/gathers dont read books on how to raise a kid. thats how we did it thousands of years ago and still do to this day. what you mean reall is "provide a basic standard of living for the child". which you may argue isnt possible with one of the parents not old enough to work. well, that never stopped families with stay at home moms in the past. so, there is no reason for a working man not to have a young wife if he so wishes.
i would imagine it's minuscule, based on how much lefties bitch about STDs not being covered enough by the gubment
>somehow have this flag
Why do I even bother anymore?