(see thread)
This is a normal distribution curve [see pic]. Every goddamn stem graduate (and even dropouts) will know it, since it's taught very early in every stem course.
This curve can be used to describe anything. Be it the average length of the penis of your ancestors, the average number of hair on the left eyebrows of the people in your city, or the average IQ within a population.
So yeah dummies, the numbers you see on that IQ map that's spammed all over this board to prove niggers are inferior are an AVERAGE. An AVERAGE meaning there's niggers dummer than that and niggers smarter than that, but the vast majority of them falls near the number you see, and that's their AVERAGE. Obviously that applies to whites as well. So yes there are niggers who are way smarter than (You), my dear reader.
That said, it DOES NOT fucking mean that we need to start treating them like our equals. There is a reason EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME niggers are left on their own they fail and fail miserably. There's a reason Detroit and Chicago are shitholes. There's a reason if Haiti, Zimbabwe and now S.Africa have turned from rich and prosperous lands to shit once the whites left. There's a reason colonial infrastructure has been left to rust for 50 years and most of it is now unusable. There's a reason and now the Chinese are about to colonize Africa all over again.
And NO, it's not "cultural", it's fucking BIOLOGICAL. If a society only has 2/100 individuals with an IQ above 90, no fucking shit, ofc the place will turn into ruins.
And NO, just because that nigger friend of yours is a smart guy doesn't mean his offsprings will be and so a new race of smart niggers will pop into existence. In fact they'll likely be dummer and more in line with the rest of the niggers even if they get access to better than average education. It's called "regression to the mean".
So to clarify this hopefully once and for all: yes there can be extremely smart and successful niggers (way more than (You)'ll ever be) and there can be extremely dumb and retarded whites. All of that falls within the extremes of the normal distribution. But they are the EXCEPTION, not the rule. And you must always consider the AVERAGE when making an evaluation of a complex system, like a human race.
Don't be kind to them just because you find one with "muh stem degree&patents" or "muh wife died of cancer" or "muh cultural differences can be fixed" bullshit.
Fuck all niggers. RWN.
Christian Peterson
Italians are niggers though.
John Robinson
Hmmm. What should happen to those smart niggers then?
Jordan Russell
Well done pastanigger.
Carter Carter
Back to Africa with the rest of them.
See pic.
Jaxon Reed
Modern Italians are niggers (I give a pass to the Northerners). Ancient Italy was white.
IQ deviations practically vanish when adequate upbringing and nutrition are accounted for. "Hurrr durr blacks are stoopid" is just because you're looking at the least properly fed and lowest income race.
Nathaniel Hill
>This curve can be used to describe anything.
use it to describe a straight line
Christian Anderson
Draw me 1000 straight lines by hand.
A handful of them will be nearly perfectly straight. Another handful will be awful, barely worthy of being called straight even for a hand drawing. The vast majority of them will be oke-ish.
Carson Butler
It describes the length, and/or width of straight lines on the internet :p
Ryan White
Haha fuck off white boy. Only reason you're so fixated on us is that you fail to measure up as a person.
Elijah Rodriguez
>de niro
Dylan Cook
No, they do not. An optimally fed and nurtured african will have a lower IQ than a white who will have a lower IQ than an east asian (on average).
Nathan Thompson
Oliver Bailey
Blacks Americans are significantly more well fed, wealthy and educated than their relatives in Africa and have way more life opportunities. Yet, for example, the murder rate among blacks in the US is incredibly similar to that of African countries.
Beside genius, who do you think created the wealth and abundance so common in every white western country, God?
Europeans have gone through more prosperous and less prosperous times (even, truth be told, weren't even the first human race to organize in complex societies). Yet here they are at the top of the world, while niggers are today just as primitive as they were 10,000ya: no writings, no numbers, no wheel.
Most of us here know this and accept this. The reason why the opposite view is also quite vocal here is because of dumb cunt Americans. Range ban Americans when? >but muh based black man USA is the most cucked "white" country.
Lincoln Parker
Faust Vrancic was croatian, so the parachute is arguably a croatian invention breh no Volta and Galvani pfffftttt
Gavin Richardson
>De Niro
Asher Walker
Ay hol up, why don't you make me get out you filthy fucking wop?
Italians are so dirty that refugees bet their lives on Arabs looking like Italians.
Anthony Nguyen
You're an idiot. Give me the Study # or stfu. American Blacks have a higher IQ because on average are 20% white....their IQ scores show that. baka
Sicilians don't seem to struggle to tell Arabs apart. Maybe you need to see an eye doctor?
Jonathan Hall
No it doesn't. The Central Limit Theorem only states that the probability distribution of the standard scores converges to a normal distribution only when you can average the independent variables. If something cant be described with a quantitative metric (rather, something qualitative), then the normal distribution can't describe it.
Parker Diaz
Not true. You blatantly made it up to try pretend you have a claim. Even then you ignore the upbringing and rigid school structure surrounding east asians.
No they aren't. They aren't risking starvation, but forcing yourself to live off Walmart food as opposed to some upscale rich diet is still awful for growth. Same goes for their crappy water supplies and school systems.
Google scholar it. Plenty are available.
Bentley Lopez
>No they aren't Jamal pls
Tell me Jamal, what is preventing you from hitching your wagon and go found the utopian town of Niggerland somewhere? There's plenty of unorganized land in the US with potential for settlement.
I know: like every good nigger you expect, when not downright demand from, dem evil rayciss whiteys to solve your problems before you get your ass to do anything. No fucking wonders Africans in Africa are starving, there's none else that will do the job for you.
The one and only reason for this whole conversation about blacks and white is because you spoiled little nigger are lucky enough to be a minority in a white country. Else you'd be just another number on the "died of starvation/aids/malaria/tribal war in Africa this year".
If dem evil rayciss whiteys are needed for you to have decent food and a functional school system that pretty much confirms my original point.
Jeremiah Peterson
I'm whiter than you, pasta boy. I'm just not retarded and didn't have a failed education like they seem to over in the meatball factory. Where's your stupid deflection now? Let me know when you get your "Italian Lake" back. Until then, you're just the niggers of white people.
Levi Ramirez
He was indeed of Italian decent. Most of Corsica are ethnically Italian. It's pretty interesting how possibly the most famous person in French history was Italian.
Don't mind me I'm just a sand nigger.
Jason Mitchell
Even if I go to Africa you'll still be a loser whiteboy.
Thomas Miller
>It's only environmental >Procedes to have lower average SAT scores than whites despite being richer
Austin Bennett
>De Niro
Adam Murphy
And the gap is not closing...
Julian Lewis
Aiden Green
nice fucking image big boy
Jose Morales
I don't need to deflect. I just need all the shitskins to gtfo of my country or in alternative be genocided, I'm open to both possibilities.
Tell me Jamal, if whiteys are so bad why are all your fellow negros flooding into Europe?
You're still here? BACK. TO. AFRICA.
>149x90 Brazil pls
Ryder Anderson
You seem triggered
Wyatt Young
Wew, it looks like someone is taking Sup Forums a little too seriously. You should probably leave; it's not good for you.
Also >Italy
Carter Gomez
my mistake, but you get what I mean
Daniel Lopez
This. Niggers are absolute nation destroying scum who deserve no respect at all on here.
Thomas Davis
>richest black people are disproportionately athletes because it's their only good shot of escaping poverty >richest white people don't have to funnel into the same system >this does not equate to high SAT or ACT scores for the black people >What did they mean by this!?!?
And you think you're smart? Hahaha
Still not black. Maybe make yourself useful and make me some gnocci. At least try learn it before your immigrants get better at it than you. Then you won't even have ANY use.
Carter Johnson
>This curve can be used to describe anything WEW LAD stopped reading there
Michael Myers
That's some interesting data OP why don't we compare it to mine.
Isaiah Taylor
But it's also really shocking when you compare it to this data.
Levi Hall
Except that the same fucking gap exists even when you compare people raised by rmiddle class white families.
Jack Lewis
Here we can see it represented in a different way.
Wyatt Stewart
What are p-values? I guess standard deviations ain't shit.
Kevin Rivera
But we can't ignore this one either.
Nicholas Johnson
All these niggers on Sup Forums because of section 8 housing with subsidized internet... thanks Obama.
Camden Johnson
Jordan Young
Posting the same single debunked study over and over. Follow your own link.
Jose Bennett
>This curve can be used to describe anything. t. Low tier stem lord
Blacks making more than $200,000 (highest bracket) per year score the same on SAT's as whites with a family income of less than $20,000 (lowest bracket). That pretty much blows your theory out of the water.
Anthony Flores
Read my next post. Fool.
Caleb Davis
Your next post doesn't explain anything. If the richest blacks were athletes, why is the gap closed slightly? Why is the gap persistent across all income margins? Why don't poor white people perform badly?
It must be miserable denying reality like you are.
William Adams
Joshua Rivera
Great scene
Logan Wright
>Posts mean value. >Doesn't post standard deviation. Okay
Ethan Thomas
>Italy >white t. Spic At least I know who the fuck I am.... Say hi to the moors
Joshua Gonzalez
Well post the standard deviation of SAT scores then faggot.
Jeremiah Robinson
>expecting a nigger to do something
Cameron Rodriguez
Because of the food quality difference? You still have a genetic component as well. But it isn't the be all end all. Poor whites do perform badly. Nice projection there at the end. Remember, you're taking an average still buddy.
Brody Brown
I have no idea where that table comes from. I'm also not the one making claims contrary to commonly held scientific belief. From the values I've seen for all college bound senior (no income effects accounted for), the difference isn't significant (100 mean difference and 100 Std Dev), so about 15% possibility it's by pure chance.