>Trump Playlist FUCK BOTS

>A Message from President Elect Trump 11/21/16
>Trump Objectified 11/18/16
>Trump ditches media to eat a well done steak
>Pence emotional return to Indiana 11/10/16
>Trump Meets with obummer 11/10/16
>Trump Rally in Grand Rapids MI 11/7/16 THE FINAL RALLY
>Trump Victory Speech 11/8/16

>The Truth about Trump Protesters
>Election 2016
>Clinton landslide
>SJW Meltdowns 1
>SJW Meltdowns 2
>Trump Saltmining
>Liberal Tears and Rants
>Tumblr reacts

>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguation of Fire
>In the Hall of the Trumpen President
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story
>AD: Trump's Argument for America
>American Hero
>The Lion
>Trump Triumphant

OP pastebin:

Other urls found in this thread:


>the thread title

threadly reminder that anyone who labels themselves as being part of the alt right is a democrat plant


>threadly reminder that anyone who labels themselves as being part of the alt right is a democrat plant

everyone. i have some bad news.. look at this:

guys.... this is bad. 100% - 100% chance of a trump presidency?

that's a 0% - 0% chance of failure... i.. i just can't do this anymore.

i've been a trump supporter since june of last year, when he took that escalator ride to make the announcement.. but this is just.. t.. too much.

i just can't take the risk. i'm s-so sorry, but... this is the end. i wish it wasn't, but... but i just knew it was too good to be.. true. this is the end of donald trump's campaign.

i used to be a trump supporter, but after this... it looks like i'm gonna have to s... start shillin' for... hill.

i'm now r-r-re-ready for.. hilla.. ry.....

What is this alt right meme? It strikes me as a massive false flag.


Literally on Canadian Global N/Jews right now they said he flip flopped on his big promises.
>Cimate Change
He said it was a hoax and how he says we have affected the environment. Still with him on this one, no reason to cripple our economy over the boogeyman blah blah china blah

>Hillary jail
Apparently he's going to jail her but he's not? Apparently he personally said he's not interested and they've suffered enough or something. I don't know about this one.

As a general rule when the MSM says something bad about Trump I don't buy it and think it's bullshit. There's a good explanation especially about the hillary one right?

can't win!

Only when the shills are online. But seriously you cannot counter the fact that throughout Sup Forums's history it's virtually all been Hitler-wanking national socialism.

no one cares anymore

I've just decided to get off of the trump train. this latest scandal has me regretting my vote for him. who else with me?

Or claims that the entirety of Sup Forums is a single ideology

Bump 4 julian

>Bump for phase X of Operation [redacted] whereby, [redacted] causes mass [redaction].

Daily reminder that Sup Forums does not support Drumpf and never has. Every single Trump General thread is satire.

threadly reminder not to reply to obvious b8


Damn IVANKA has some sexy puffy nipples.

Let's believe in nationalism together!

Trump is a grade A tier troll

Will Trump allow domestic service waifubots? I want to be princess carried around the house and fed grapes in the bathtub. I stay alive and watch my health for the day this is possible.


Our thugged-out asses hold these truths ta be self-evident, dat all pimps is pimped equal, dat they is endowed by they Creator wit certain unalienable rights, dat among these is game, liberty n' tha pursuit of happiness. That ta secure these rights, posses is instituted among men, derivin they just powers from tha consent of tha governed. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! That whenever any form of posse becomes destructizzle ta these ends, it is tha right of tha playas ta alta or ta abolish it, n' ta institute freshly smoked up posse, layin its foundation on such principlez n' organizin its powers up in such form, as ta dem shall seem most likely ta effect they safety n' happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate dat posses long established should not be chizzled fo' light n' transient causes; n' accordingly all experience hath shown dat mankind is mo' disposed ta suffer, while evils is sufferable, than ta right theyselves by abolishin tha forms ta which they is accustomed. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! But when a long-ass train of abuses n' usurpations, pursuin invariably tha same object evinces a thugged-out design ta reduce dem under absolute despotism, it is they right, it is they duty, ta throw off such posse, n' ta provide freshly smoked up guardz fo' they future security. --Such has been tha patient sufferizzle of these colonies; n' such is now tha necessitizzle which constrains dem ta alta they forma systemz of posse. Da history of tha present Mackdaddy of Great Britain be a history of repeated fuck-ups n' usurpations, all havin up in direct object tha establishment of a absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts be submitted ta a cold-ass lil candid ghetto

i'm a neo-nazi

Something has to flip!

Not the first time either.


I'm going to vote for Hillary next time.

>He wasn't around for Ron Paul

Don't click, this it's a trick.

Being this Naive

Ethnic, cultural, or civic?

I used to play runescape and listen to All American Rejects

Times have changed

Gotta say not my first time going for it.

No regrets!

myspace bulletins would be jealous

At this point it's just a strawman the left have purposely given attention to in order to paint everyone in the trump administration as Hitler

I've just decided to get off of the shill train. this latest scandal has me regretting not filtering them. who else with me?

daily reminder that anyone who's ever used the term Drumpf non-ironically is a loser virgin


Only Americans cared

lol japan cant even nazi right no wonder they lost the war


Why not all of the above?

>Activists Urge Clinton Campaign to Challenge Election Results in 3 Swing States

>Hillary Clinton is being urged by a group of prominent computer scientists and election lawyers to call for a recount in three swing states won by Donald Trump, New York has learned. The group, which includes voting-rights attorney John Bonifaz and J. Alex Halderman, the director of the University of Michigan Center for Computer Security and Society, believes they’ve found persuasive evidence that results in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania may have been manipulated or hacked. The group is so far not speaking on the record about their findings and is focused on lobbying the Clinton team in private

I hope you guys actually do civil war 2.0 if they try to steal it from Trump

Yes I can. Sup Forums is anti Political Correctness. There are many different belief systems on Sup Forums. Nazis are only one group on here.

The only unifying feature of Sup Forums is rejection of PC culture, and general rightism. Trump is going to investigate Hillary? I'm so confused. Seems like Trump says one thing while KAC says another. Is that the strategy?

I say all of them!

Lisa FUCKING Boothe

Best newsfu

kek too late



Mutual exclusivity, mostly. Not all ethnic Americans are American citizens.

All of them senpai

Praise kek for Trump's sweep of the Rust Belt.

If it was down to only one state they would certainly fix is beforehand or try to steal it afterward

Which are the majority on here.

Everywhere you go, there be nazi

Still shilling after the election?

That's no good. Keep that up you might end up inspecting terminal velocity in the pursuit of a better world.

this whole alt right bullshit wouldn't even be a thing if milo could keep his attention whore mouth shut

Show me, specifically, where Kellyanne said, in these exact words, "Trump will not prosecute Hillary Clinton", or "Hillary Clinton will not be prosecuted".

She won't contest it because all they'll discover is that the opposite is true and that she actually did rig it but still lost

Portugal Bro is love.

Portugal Bro is life.

Portugal Bro is truth.

This pasta has sustained me for months. The delicious tears of liberals are my only moisture. Belief in MAGA is my air. I only live for memes now!


Atrophied leftist brains can not comprehend anything outside of identity politics. So they made a label, an identity so that it makes sense to them. Also if you have your opposition corralled up, they are easier to control.

I somehow doubt the Dems want to open that can of worms.

Anyone who ever says "Sup Forums is ____", regardless if you yourself identify as whatever it is they say, is at best a total newfag and at worst a deliberate shill.

The only classification for what unifies the people of Sup Forums is /politically incorrect/. Like it or not, there are nazis on this board. Like it or not, there are ancaps on this board. Like it or not, there are lefties on this board. But like it or not, there is not and will never be one prerequisite ideology required to be a part of this board.

Make Anonymous Great Again

Now that the election is over, is there an easy way to get an official MAGA hat in Europe?

not even close to being the realm of the President's responsibilities, so no. let the FBI do what they want

>calls himself David Goodfriend
>not actually a good friend
really makes you think


They can't. Guess who would have to approve that? Congress.

Mateys, has the Emperor confirmed that he's going to investigate the Hildebeest? Please tell me I'm living in that timeline.


disappointing desu senpai

so glad to hear all of you guys are jumping ship after this latest scandal. it's always nice for us to be intellectually honest and point out the bad side of trump. we aren't like those ctr shills that never point out anything bad about hillary.

>As a general rule when the MSM says something bad about Trump I don't buy it and think it's bullshit. There's a good explanation especially about the hillary one right?

It's all bullshit. They are acknowledging the enormity of the Trump camp, know it will be a fucking blowout in obvious popularity around Inauguration Day and trying to divide and demoralize.

Don't buy it.

We're all on the Mayflower and the Promised Land is in sight; and there is literally fucking nothing they can do about it.

They are just lashing out until they have to bend the knee to the God-Emperor, Shitposter-in-Chief, which they do and will.

> 18900 to go

It's gonna be a shill isn't it

Here too.

btw, it's not 100% yet, remember the electors

There is a small chance that Ted Cruz can still be elected through faithless electors.


>Do you believe we now have the proper spectrum of forces in place to deal with a rising China?

>Well, in light of China's bullying in the South China Sea, I don't think we're building enough ships. I think we're going to be forced as we pull more of our forces home from overseas, from the cold war days, and that was appropriate we bring them home. But, we're going to be forced into a more naval strategy, as far as a military strategy for America. As a result, we're going to have to look at what we're doing and we may have to give the Navy a bigger slice of the budget, in order to carry out the kind of operations that reassure our friends and temper our adversaries designs. I mean, it's all well and good we're trying to get along with China, and I completely endorse that, I don't think China sees any value in going to war with the United States. But at the same time, there are a lot of nations out in that region that would like to see more US Navy's making port calls in their harbors. From Vietnam to the Philippines, from Malaysia to Taiwan and Japan, and if you don't have enough ships, then you're gonna have a hard time doing that and sometimes in this world, the best ambassador you can have is a man o' war. So we're going to have to look at this to make certain we're making a military fit for it's times. That's the bottom line.

Is he right?


The entire media is in full meltdown over the """alt-right.""" How did this CNN false flag become so successful?

neck yourself

Reminder that elector fuckery still has a very, very slim chance of fucking all of us.

We must protect those 306 brave (presumable) Trump electors!

remember: shilling means that they're scared.

guarantee it's going to be a faggot leaf

Tulsi Gabbard 2024!!

It's not that close. It probably won't be until tomorrow at noon.

We have some great liberal tears days coming Iince he's in office. Hecan't do shit until then.

No doubt some lefty is going to try shit on inauguration day. Probably some giant soros protest.

It's not because it's irrelevant. Nobody cares about their shitty David Duke 2.0.

Spencer achieved what he set out to do, which is show that the media is powerless.

>that pic

So is he going after the Clintons or not? I'm getting mixed signals.

From last thread:

Ayyy-fucking-men, sir.

I never knew there was a perfect drug, and that it would be a drug you can only get high on once. I never have to worry about falling victim to Heroin, or Cocaine, I was HERE, watching the oh-so-serious and high-minded ""modern" society eat itself alive because the loud orange man said mean things(And a cartoon frog!!).

At least the afterglow is pretty potent. Wtf am I going to do when the Trump administration doesn't end in horror and blood and everyone chills the fuck out? How do I get back to my version of normal now?

The media is flip flopping over what he has actually been saying.

He never said he wasnt going to.

Have you even been watching whats been going on since the primaries? They misinterpret everything he says and accuse him of saying things he didnt.

So which version of the alt right are we, Sup Forums?

The fun loving meme makers.

Or the dark disruptive innocent jew hating NAZIS?

> (about) 99810000 + 18900 = 100000000

common core math everyone

Mattis is a brilliant man who knows his shit

>implying it won't be Jeb

Anyone else here planning on watching live as the electors' votes get tallied in Congress on January 6th?

He can't say he will until Obama is out of office.

It's like you want Clinton to get pardoned.

> We all thought he was going to beat a woman on election night

We just though her name would start with an M rather an an H

Thank fuck car talk died before this election so I can still enjoy repeats of it before turning off the radio in disgust