The goyim

Ok, Jew here. i see a lot on this board about "Redpilling" and how the holocaust didnt happen. IE id like to learn about this alternate history. so any sources on the holocaust never happening id be happy to see.

Other urls found in this thread:–19

also dont mean this in a condescending way, i want to redpill if its true.


Even if it did happen what is the motive for bringing it up when there are mass casualty events far out numbering the supposed 6 million Kikes.

Who cares if it happened or not? If I was the leader of Germany I would have interned all the inbred rats at the first sign of conflict. Don't forget during WWI they refused to fight and then almost succeeded in subjugating the entire country after it was ground down by half a decade of trench warfare. 90% of the German communist revoultion leaders were Jewish and Hitler also watched Jew NKVD head Yagoda kill some 7,000,000 european christians only a stonesthrow away as well. He feared for his people and rightfully so in my opinion.

Also just look at the USA, they let the Jews in with open arms and it took less than two generations for the majority to completely turn on them.–19

well, if enough people believe otherwise id like to entertain the idea. and because Im a kike its particularly interesting to me.

How can anything be interesting to you when you parasite off of White countries bitching about things that the current generation didn't even do.

i mean isnt the killing of innocent people on both fronts just abhorrent? whether the person who committed it was Jewish it's still genocide of millions of people.

The holocaust happened its that just some parts are untrue or exaggerated

actually im a conservative who thinks social justice is bullshit, same with BLM and the rest of that shit. as for parasiting? i hear that a lot but how am i being a parasite (another actual question not meant for condescension)

which parts? not trying to be condescending im just interested in the aspects that are.

Well after getting Russia to fight Germany not only did you infiltrate and bring shit skins in you also took it upon yourself to seize the treasury and financial positions to fuck with everyone for your shitty tribe's books.

meh, that's fair. though Ive never owned a white collar business, nor held a financial position. i just assumed a lot of kikes were better at it than me, but at the same time arent a lot of powerful government positions run by people who aren't jewish?

No. Because Jews are Supremacists who kick out people who aren't in the 'group'.

the synagogue i occasionally go to, is all for bullshit inclusion. i could care less who's in my synagogue or anywhere else. Remember most Jews are democrat assholes who bide their time by focusing on petty nonissues like "the pay gap"
or "Racist cops" its all horsehit, now ive never gone to another synogogue so maybe they are supremacist, but where i go there's an emphasis on helping others, and expanding the community. but again that's my personal experience, i'm not going to say all Jews have that focus.

The Pay Gap exists and it is between Non Jews and Jews. Cops are Racist for Jews. Because they're a Mafia controlled by Jews.
Israelis are rotten and throw each other under the first chance they get yet have 'Synagogues' and think about 'helping others'. Give me a break.

Much less than 6 million Jews died. The six million figure is likely a propaganda figure which may or may not have mystical/religious significance, but was definitely in circulation prior to World War 2, and before HItler came to power

Any claims about homicidal gas chambers have been greatly exaggerated or fabricated (depending on if you think Irving or Faurisson is more compelling)
No crematoria for living persons
Final solution was a geographic solution along the lines of the Haavara agreement. Hitler didn't like Jews, and he wanted them out of the country.
The horrible pictures you've probably been shown as proof of the murderous Naht-zees was likely due to typhus run amuck as a result of the Allies bombing supply trains leading into the camps, as well as critical infrastructure such as water purification camps being knocked out or crippled, making it impossible to combat the epidemic typhus. A comparison of the pictures of typhus infected prisoners from the Andersonville concentration camp during the American civil war will show striking similarities to the liberated prisoners of camps such as Dachau or Auschwitz

thats a little conspiracy theoryesque. I don't know of anyone who control the police, policy are a departmentalized. meaning police in one town, are indifferent to police in another, to say Jews somehow control them seems a little rash. i can agree, israel is a shitty fucking country, i believe it needs to take advantage of the western society around it to go from a group of annoying kikes, into a group of people who follow a value system that's more beneficial. whether you believe in the helping others bit is entirely up to you, im not going to argue about something i wont change your mind on, the truth is donating, and helping the community around where my synagogue is, is how we act and always have.

thats quite compelling, thank you!

What is there to 'donate' you take what Whites produce and give it to others. Great work. Now go back to the stolen land of Israel. Or better yet back to those shitty islands.

I dont think anyone actually says that it didnt happen. They just say there's a lot of fake shit that doesnt add up, propaganda et al.
One thing I still never buy is that "scratches on concrete walls" in gas chamber in I dont know where (Auschwitz, maybe?).
You telling me that extremely malnutritioned people being fucking gassed managed to do that? Not buying it one bit.

where did we steal from whites? i take shifts as construction welder, i make my own money. and we donate it to everything from homeless shelters, to education for those in poorer countries. and if the land is stolen wouldnt you rather take me back and send me to the "islands" you are referencing?

See also:
Pic may be related. I can't read German, and I don't remember what it was or why I downloaded it.

We all know that Israel attacked the USA on 9/11 now the proof:

yea, i imagine a lot of the scratches were at least caused by people in the museum. and if the gassings did happen were they slow, or quick? because if it was slow enough they might overtake the lungs and those who held the walls would scratch as they fell, eve so i imagine the scratches were fake or at least their were fewer.

1 hour and 45 minutes goes beyond what i want to listen to in pursuit of this, is there any key points within it that show Israel is cause of the attacks?

Ask yourself why any of these details matter.

It's not about how many but how.
It was automated process of mass killing. Inhumane.

well if it was falsehood, id make it as convincing as possible. but if it did happen wouldn't it also be detailed? and a fast vs slow acting gas would mean the difference between time to scratch the wall potentially to warn others ore to hold onto something. when inspecting history, i just think its best to be thorough.

There is no proof of automated killing.

Ask yourself this. Is there any need for this 'diversity' that your people shove down Whites throats.

There is you moron. You should know it was mandatory to go see by yourself unless you're younger than 30 years old.

OP if you are serious about wanting to know more. watch this video by a Jewish man called David Cole, and his interview of the curator of Auschwitz. It should leave you in no doubt.

Its not a Nazi propaganda source, it s a Jewish man searching for the truth.

im a conservative, getting people hired based on solely their skin color is fucking retarded. Diversity is a retarded idea, a meritocracy for those who deserve the position is what needs to happen.

What fucking language are you speaking, you make no sense.

well thank you, ill watch it.

he has a french flag, its not surprising it would his english would be a little bit broken

>I'm a conservative.
>Invades a country.
>To 'conserve' it.

You're welcome. If you would like some further reading look into David Irving, and his chemical analysis if the gas chambers by scientists. He's written a few books on the topic.

Are you really Russian or just pretending? During USSR every child was visiting a camp with school to remember.

The Holocaust is neither truth nor falsehood rather it is unfalsifiable.

It's own benighted status renders ernest debate and thus truth unaitainble.

The world now is as it is despite the lies of the past. Truth is moot.

never invaded this country, i was born here. and a conservative believes in the idea of a smaller government.

thank you, ill look into those as well. again thanks for being so helpful.

i see what your saying, thats actually quite an interesting stance.

That's not remotely true, and I live a long fucking way from Poland froggy.

But I have been to Auschwitz, and I have seen chimneys build in the wrong places for show, a gas chamber door made of wood, that opens outwards (think about trying to close that) with people crammed in shoulder to shoulder).

Watch that video unless you are afraid of what is in it.

That's Republicanism.
Conservatism is conserving the values and people of the land.


yea, i suppose your right i mostly use it as an umbrella term, either way a smaller government and values that have a basis in more traditional ideals, have always been my stance.

That's not the Jews stances that are in power yet you choose to associate with them. They inflate the petrodollar for their parties where all they do is mock peace and prosperity by hurting others.

If you're too young ask your parents they should be able to remember this.

yea, but thats what most people in power do, i associate with the people in my synagogue only when im there, im not particularly friendly with them outside of it, nor do i know any powerful politicians. and im curious, who are they hurting?

Shut up you French cunt, you don't know what you are talking about.

Every school child in the USSR was not sent to the camps for a field trip across the entire nation to learn about the camps. Maybe people who lived near it.

No its a jew thing.

Jews poison the food supply with G.M.O.'s and Jews like Soros the Rothschilds Rockefellers do all sorts of nasty things. It's all in public domain. Instead of being a Pro White Valueist you choose to associate yourself with your ancestry and books.

but my "values" are liberal shit stains. at that, ive never seen anything saying GMO's are dangerous to humans,besides most businessmen are assholes either way. actually, its a minority thing in general, when people feel disadvantaged they act like gayniggers from outerspace.

People in power feel disadvantaged because they are a minority? Can't stop jewing can you? Is it like a thing with you people? You have to lie or your daddy satan gets upset with you?

It all stems from Talmudic Judaism that gives you free will to fuck over the goyim without commuting a sin.

That and forgiveness of trespasses a year in advance.

Combine that with a middle eastern merchant mentality (some would say shrewdness), and free will to profit form usury, and it was a recipe for making a fuck lot of money at the expense of the native populations.

And jealousy breeds animosity.

Its been an ongoing battle since the middle ages, but many Jewish dynasties did very well, namely the Rothschild. The story is Judaism, and justification of Anti-Semitism in a nutshell. This should be /pol required reading:

no minorities no matter what position their in feel like crap based on birth, they cant accept they're the problem and pin it on race and religion, which is why i hate identity politics, and this coddling based on race and religion so special snowflakes feel accepted.

If you are the reading type, you should also check out Kevin MacDonald's work.
His most famous book is Culture of Critique, but he also has:
A People that Shall Dwell Alone
Separation and its Discontents

All three discuss Jewish ethnocentrism and their effects on Europeans.
These are from the perspective of EvoPsych and group strategy.
They are not about the Holocaust, so you may want to read them later.

Oh didnt know you spoke for people you arent. Guess jews really cant stop jewing. Look forward to the real oven friend.

thank you, either way i have to go to sleep, i have work tomorrow either way thanks to those who were helpful. and it was engaging conversation with those who disagreed.

>Can't stop jewing can you? Is it like a thing with you people?
The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.
He is the penultimate dindu nuffin.

The Bible is the ultimate red pill on the subject, my jewd.

It's okay though, because Jesus will forgive you if you ask.

If you really want to know where you and I come from, watch this. It's really fucking neato.

i dont need to be someone to get a basic understanding of human nature and its psyche, ever seen a BLM rally? those people have the same rights as anyone here and still think they are treated like shit? even people like al sharpton have this mentality despite being immensely influential, and wealthy.

Jews, especially the media are behind minorities feeling downtrodden (every black/minority group in America including the NAACP and SPLC were founded and funded by Jews). Identity politics - divide and conquer has been a Jewish and. Socialist tool for a long time.

Not forgetting the Jews are the driving force behind Socialism and all its bastard children.

Even pushing for minority quotas in business and the media is driven by Jewish interests. All to help the Jew protect themselves

Redpill isn't something you take voluntarily

Its a suppository

Not an argument. You know you can dodge the oven if u want man... Jesus forgives those who want it.

Also a kike, if that's relevant. I think Jews control the media, for sure (just looking at the numbers). But it may only be semi-conscious. Also the holocaust was exaggerated - I think it was between 100,000 and 2 million killed.

Take a look at who is president, editor, etc. of news outlets.