How to we handle the new CTR tactics?

How to we handle the new CTR tactics?

they're labeling a literal nobody as "our" leader and tries to mock and demoralize us

every shill thread so far are filled with this faggot

Alright guys, I was for Trump first, but now that I've seen the Nazis supporting him like Spencer, I think it's for the best if the Supreme Court overturned the results.

None of that is new

I was willing to give Trump a chance to show that his presidency would unite the USA like he claimed, but it's clear that all it's done is embolden racists.

This Nazi fiasco with Spencer just goes to show Trumpism went too far. If it's true that the election was hacked like it's rumored, they should look into it. The Supreme Court can still overturn this election result.

Sorry bros, I know it sounds defeatist, but it's for the best. This went too far, trust me, because this is descending into madness...

Exactly! I've been here THE ENTIRE SUMMER and I've never even heard of the guy. Nobody on r/the_Donald has either. Could he be a more obvious plant? Nice try MSM

There is no need to do so. The deal has been made. Trump likes to make deals, remember.

Hillary is going to the loony bin. Obama walks.

Thanks for your input fellow American.

We recognize our true leader, the famous musician.

You stop making threads about it, holy shit, no one actually cares because labeling all of us does not fucking work.

This brand of identity politics does not work, and Sup Forums will be normal again in a few days

Make more off topic threads addressing us. Its the only way to win

Alright guys, I was for Trump first, but now that I've seen the Nazis supporting him like Spencer, I think it's for the best if the Supreme Court overturned the results.

I'll be honest, I used to be alt-right. Now that Trump has disavowed us, he's crashing and burning. But in all seriousness the supreme court should overturn the results.

Now that Trump made Richard Spencer part of his administration, I just don't think I can support him anymore. I wanted to make America great again. CNN says that the alt-right is a bunch of Nazi impersonators. I can't be part of that kind of movement. CNN was right all along. Fuck Sup Forums, what kind of mess have you got us all into now?

OP is the real CTR.


I'll be honest, I used to be alt-right. Now that Trump has disavowed us, he's crashing and burning. But in all seriousness the supreme court should overturn the results.

Now that Trump made Richard Spencer part of his administration, I just don't think I can support him anymore. I wanted to make America great again. CNN says that the alt-right is a bunch of Nazi impersonators. I can't be part of that kind of movement. CNN was right all along. Fuck Sup Forums, what kind of mess have you got us all into now?

Alright guys, I was for Trump first, but now that I've seen the Nazis supporting him like Spencer, I think it's for the best if the Supreme Court overturned the results.

Same. Idk who this spencer guy is but he's pissing me off.

Fuck off, shill Faggot.

I'll be honest, I used to be alt-right. Now that Trump has disavowed us, he's crashing and burning. But in all seriousness the supreme court should overturn the results.

Milo needs to make a statement. He threw his version of Alt-Right around all election season.

>'Sorry. I was confused. I meant to say Indie-Right not Alt-Right.

Yeah....that's the ticket, (gulp)

98% of pol never heard of this guy and suddenly he is pol's leader?
Seems (((suspicious))) if you ask me.

A verbatim copy of another shillposter.
Fuck off.

>New tactics


To be honest I used to be the supreme court until the alt-right disavowed us, They're crashing and burning, but in all seriousness Trump should overturn Spencer.

Spam it with redpills. I was thinking of creating a bot that would just post random redpill collages in threads, but I'm not sure about the thread selection strategy. Any ideas?

Behead him and leave his head in a bridge

Alright guys, I was for Trump first, but now that I've seen the Nazis supporting him like Spencer, I think it's for the best if the Supreme Court overturned the results.

Alright, goys, I was with the Nazis at first, but now that I see Spencer supporting the supreme court I think it's best if Trump overturned the results.

I don't think Spencer is "controlled opposition" so much as he's a strawman. They can prop him up and say "If you support Trump, you support THESE NAZIS!!1!"

They did the same thing during the election, but they *thought* they could prop up Mike "Trans-former" Pence as the "If you support Trump, you support THIS HOMOPHOBE!!1!". Only to find out on election night that a plurality of people are actually OK with homophobes. So now they had to find someone more extreme to be the strawman, and thus you get Spencer in the limelight.

The best I can think of is that they're trying to shift the Overton window by salami slices. By finding the most rightwing of Trump supporters and getting him to disavow them, the hope is that maybe that brings the average rightwing-ness of Trump supporters back towards Romney-esque milquetoasts?

First they'll come for the Spencers. Then they'll come for the Pences. Then they'll come for the midwesteners, and before you know it they'll be back on the narrative holding up 'All white people everywhere' as the strawman villain.

CTR has no reason to exist anymore, now it's just regular trolls and leftists from other boards who are butthurt they didn't get the last laugh this election.

Sup Forums is not "alt-right", not in the narrow meaning aka Spencer's magical herd and not in the wider meaning aka how it was used this year.
Do not allow this labelling bullshit as it will only hurt anti-establishment conservatives. This is an extension of identity politics, and allowing anyone to stamp an identity on Sup Forums or actually anyone is wrong.
Address the Spencer issue as you will.

>Alright guys, I was for Trump first, but now that I've seen the Nazis supporting him like Spencer, I think it's for the best if the Supreme Court overturned the results.

Former Alt-rightist here, This is fucking hilarious watching Richard Spencer ruin the Alt-right and now that Trump has disavowed us, he's crashing and burning. But in all seriousness the supreme court should overturn the results.

Alright guys, I was for Trump first, but now that I've seen the Nazis supporting him like Spencer, I think it's for the best if the Supreme Court overturned the results.



>Self applying political labels like you're a fan of a fucking football team

I've been screaming at the top of my shitposting lungs about this cuck since I got home.

Nobody knows who he is. I even scoured the_donald to see if I had missed anything. All I found was a few posts criticizing him, all with heavy downvotes from CTR/TRS/Jews/FuckifIknow.

Nobody knows this faggot.

He's fucking Milhouse level forced meme BULLSHIT. Lefty Kike media plant designed only to hurt our great President-elect.


I'll be honest, I drank too much whiskey tonight. Besides the point. I really just came here to say I used to be alt-right. Now that Trump has disavowed us, he's crashing and burning. But in all seriousness the supreme court should overturn the results.

Alright guys, I was for Trump first, but now that I've seen the Nazis supporting him like Spencer, I think it's for the best if the Supreme Court overturned the results.

I don't even understand these shill threads or tactics. We were never a cohesive group or anything but individuals and tiny cells working together for lulz. These faggots trying to make some giant entity the enemy and literally creating a strawman for them to fight is hilariously stupid.

I don't even know who this Richard Spencer faggot is. And I've been channing and memeing for the god emperor since forever.

Alright guys, I was for Trump first, but now that I've seen the Nazis supporting him like Spencer, I think it's for the best if the Supreme Court overturned the results.

Wow this can't be a shillposter. This is irony.

Huh? Everyone knows based Spencer. He's been leading this movement from the beginning. Have you been living under a rock?

Don't you remember the memes? Pencer Spencer?

He's a leader of a fringe racial realist faction. The term "alt-right" being misused eventually bit everyone in the ass.
This is why labels are shit and voluntarily picking one is stupid.

Here's your (You), m8.

I can actually tell you're being facetious, so you're alright in my book, Slovenia-bro.

Can't say the same for other cucks around here, today.

The day of the rope can't come soon enough.

Wait guys... could Spencer just be a plant by the opposition to make Trump supporters look like they support Nazi sympathizers? I don't think CNN would do something like that, but just something to think about.

>telling me things I already know and agree with

Better than shilling for this faggot, I suppose.

I'm getting flashbacks from the election theater of the Meme Wars

Fuck off spaceball

If you don't pick a label someone will pick one for you, faggot.

He was there, just incredibly obscure, while the faces of that entire label were people like Coulter or Milo. Now is the time to ditch the political labels and different flavors of right wing and discuss your views free of them. You do not need them to have a meaningful discussion where some random Pole feeds you tautologies and you react with justifiable scorn for instance.
Inclusive flavors of ideology end up being eerily similar to the dozen letters in LGBBQCABLETV movements.

this pretty much


I love the word homophobe because phobe means phobia which is irrational fear, yet homophobe means gay hater. Yet at the same time its not a phobia because its a perfectly rational fear that one of them will give you AIDs.

I wrote this for another thread it was archived I wanted to share it with everyone in hopes that would add some perspective:

The question was why are the shills here, they aren't changing anyone's minds

It's easier to understand once you realise that "shills" are not saying these things for your own benefit or to sway you. They are saying it for their own sanity. Think a little bit about the surveillance state that's being built, and who's in charge. Being anti-Trump or moderate might not always be acceptable. Even Sup Forums is probably not as safe as people think. It sounds weird, but this might be the influx of normies going underground to get their anger out somewhere. That's why I've been here since September anyway. But I'm trying to leave, and post a lot less than I used to. So they'll probably leave again too. But, the point is, it might not be for you, or to entertain you, or to convince you of anything. It might just be people dealing with the huge amounts of stress that they are feeling right now. Spencer, for example is stressing us all the fuck out and you are the target of this, because we can say these things anonymously and without getting harassed.

Dont worry about CTR, worry about Russia astroturfing your elections you fucking peanutbrain burgers.

Seriously, who the FUCK is SPENCER?




Alright guys, I was for Hillary first, but now that I've seen the Nazis supporting her like Gaga, I think it's for the best if the Supreme Court confirmed the results. c

1. EITHER disavow and condemn all the nazi/white nationalist stuff Sup Forums does OR make it more obvious that it's trolling and not to be taken seriously. Separate it from the serious talk.

2. Start SERIOUSLY talking about how to make America great again. Discuss ideas that have real potential. Argue and reason the hell out of them.

3. Crack open those old books and CREATE a real conservative philosophy that reflects our generation. Start a new Enlightenment. Re-ignite those forgotten American ideals. Bring them to a new light.

4. ???

5. Hit them with everything you got. Prove them wrong at every level and at every moment. Don't let up until their ideals are looked upon by the entire world with great skepticism.

It's not just CTR that is trying to discourage new conservatives from assembling and raising their voice, but it is the entire LEFT that is planting the seeds to make sure you think twice before opening your mouth with any idea that even remotely sounds conservative. It's their BIG LIE tactic to equate "conservative" with "racist, sexist, misogynistic, ..."

They have the popular celebrities, the top universities, the big businesses. They are the elites. The deck is stacked against us. BUT if we work hard and perfect an idea that is worth striving for, something that we can all believe in and can make this country great again, NO ONE WILL DENY US.

This country was founded by common people. They weren't scholars, royalties, or whatever you would call "elite". They were common, plain, ordinary, folks that had put their heads together and made something incredible. And we can do that again.

>inb4 Gas the kikes, Race war now

Who gives a fuck. They lost. We don't have to do shit you dumb nigger.

Alright guys, I was for Trump first, but now that I've seen the Nazis supporting him like Spencer, I think it's for the best if the Supreme Court overturned the results.

It's almost like she's trying to rip of Milo's faggot haircut.

>The best I can think of is that they're trying to shift the Overton window by salami slices. By finding the most rightwing of Trump supporters and getting him to disavow them, the hope is that maybe that brings the average rightwing-ness of Trump supporters back towards Romney-esque milquetoasts?

>First they'll come for the Spencers. Then they'll come for the Pences. Then they'll come for the midwesteners, and before you know it they'll be back on the narrative holding up 'All white people everywhere' as the strawman villain.

Doesn't that seem like it would only strengthen both Trump and his policies, though? They tried to do that shit throughout Trump's campaign, tying both him and opposition to illegal immigration to David Duke, stormfag groups, KKK, etc, and he still got elected. Anyone who thought before the election that retards like Spencer would have a role in Trump's administration were delusional. All Trump has to do is disavow these groups, and he becomes more and more bulletproof. I think this whole thing is just about trying to get rid of Bannon, the MSM doesn't like that the head of Breitbart has a significant role in Trump's administration, so they're trying to tie him to the alt-right bogeyman.

Walk into an In-and-Out with a MAGA hat on and talk about who loss. See what will happen to your dumb nigger ass.

Probably nothing. Just get to practice my ccw skills at most.

>They did the same thing during the election, but they *thought* they could prop up Mike "Trans-former" Pence as the "If you support Trump, you support THIS HOMOPHOBE!!1!". Only to find out on election night that a plurality of people are actually OK with homophobes.
What happens if it continues, like it did with Pence, and people end up being OK with 'literal Nazis?'

we take over the world

Bump u qt

i use filters

Hiding the rubbish doesn't remove it, it still pollutes the air.

I attest I am still entirely correct

the mods don't do shit though, so reporting the threads is pointless

I need everyone in this thread to drop dead.
Like seriously fucking kill yourselves.
I can't even explain how angry I am right now. I don't even know why this is pissing me off.
But it's gonna give me a heart attack.

what's your problem sancho?

I dunno how you spergs are fucking this up so bad. This was the same tactic gg fell for fucking over and over. This isn't super secret cointelpro, this is babbys first reading of alinsky