/lefty_pol/ General

>(National) Socialism
>National Communism (To a certain degree)

>Full on Communism
>(((Global))) Socialism
>Left Ideology
>Ect. ~

*Do note: This is only for individuals who would like a "left" system, but without minorities*

Discuss how the government in charge makes everything works better.
Discuss propaganda, and ways on how to create a great strong country.
Discuss how we could make a "left"-based system work.

>TT: youtube.com/watch?v=U06jlgpMtQs

Other urls found in this thread:


The classic leftist would be considered far right neonazi nowadays.

Op is a faggot, get this commie shit out of here.

You know, even with a homogenous white populous, communism is still a shitty economic system. The USSR was pretty homogenous, but that didn't stop the breadlines, famines and purges.

I was wanting to develop a lefy-MLP fan fic serries, that explores the spectrum of leftist ideologue through the lens of thhe My Little Pont Universe
> Pony Chomsky
> Pony Guevera
> Pony Trotsky
> etc.

What is your take on Traditional vs. Neo Equestrian Ideologies?

While I find my self drawn towards Hasbro Era Equestrian thought, the higher reliance on friendship as a catalyst for actual magic is intriging.

>I was wanting to develop a lefy-MLP fan fic serries, that explores the spectrum of leftist ideologue through the lens of thhe My Little Pont Universe

Sup Forums is to stupid to see that globalism and capitalism is the same shit.

get out jew

Stalin, well, he just didn't trust his people.

He would do annually purges and just kill his general and his people.

In my opinion, I think the people who work should receive more for working.
>how would you do that you dumb commie XDDDD
I would tax blacks, the highest 1% (not a large amount), and I'd tax Latinos, Muslims, and gays as well, so extra money can go to the (white) working community

>Is against globalism and is Pro-nationalism
>your le jews
t. brazilian intellectual

>I would tax blacks, the highest 1% (not a large amount), and I'd tax Latinos, Muslims, and gays as well

And then they leave?

Like there is no cross over possible between globalism and communism?

>implying i'd let them leave
>implying they'd have the money to leave
why, where would they go? back to africa?

I'd rather live under the U.N.S (United Nations Of Socialism) than Africa desu

there is with (((Trotskyism))) or other internationalists movements.
but there are some anti-globalist/internationalist socialist and communist ideologies

Not sure if joking

Hey comrades,

I've always wondered how retards on Sup Forums can believe in nationalism while advocating for capitalism which is basically just the vehicle which leads to globalism?

True nationalism has always included the nationalization of banks, health care, corporations etc.

>not following/supporting the political system of the UNS

The crossover is more with global capitalism than anything. (((Free trade))), (((free markets))), (((free movement of peoples))) are all capitalist concepts.

You can't be anti-globalist and pro-capitalist -- if you are a capitalist you would be a capitalist that is in support of heavy regulation of banking and industry.

>In the UDC, individuals may not have weapons, as guns are one of the main causes of deaths.

no thanks

the black area is where i'd deport all the non-whites to, so i can tax the shit out of them and make them work for shit

then i'd give a portion of that money to the white people in all other states

name one thing wrong with that
>pro tip; u cant

the UDC is where the niggers, spics, gays and muslims go you dumb faggot

You have alreadyvlost

How the fuck is this leftism

because, i tax the shit out of them and then give the money to white people of the UNS (all those other states on the map) for free

well only if they work for the great government that is

>no democracy

So we cant talk about forming a democratic National Socialist oriented party?

If so, then everything in this thread is just ideological navel gazing devoid of any practicality.

also, i said national socialism was allowed ( )

no, i just meant no (((Democratic))) hillary fags that hate whites and love bbc

Ridiculous tax laws are not inherently leftist you fucking idiot, see: King George III. Leftism comes from what social structures and programs makes those taxes a necessity, like upholding fair wages, equality of the volk, etc. Using taxes to enslave other races isn't leftist, it's as right wing as a moloch worshiping jewish supremacist.

Sorry for the typos (fat fingers on a flip phone)

It's going to be called "MLP: Egalitarian Society is Magic"

It would be a-chronological in which all the related leftist-thinkers can exist in Equestria in a convoluted timeline (think Dark Souls, where historical figures could appear and disipate in and of reality.)

The protagonist is Raul, a young farmer thrust into a magical world of geopolitical intrigue and magic must comfront the grim realities of a lazzie-farre society while seeking out the reasons behind his fathers mysterious disappearance.

Sorry for the tl;dr. Oppinions/feedback?

>taxing non-whites so i can give more money and power to whites for FREE
sounds pretty leftist is you ask me

and who knows, maybe i'd let SOME non-whites into the UNS if they can pass and IQ test and swear to work

Are you drunk or just retarded?

See you at the gallows commiefags

why go after us in the nationalistic left when we agree on most things?


how i'm i being retarded?
it's just basic fascism

i think you're the retarded one

ah right.

National Socialism is the most logical politial platform.

These conservicucks will wank themselves over right wing thinking, will dismiss any sort of policy focused on the people as 'communism' and as degenerate but ask yourselves, are you happy?

American parties are both right of the political spectrum, America is the closest thing to unfettered capitalism in the world, so how is that working for you?

Most aenemic middle class in the developed world and it keeps shrinking at a rapid rate. The middle class in america hold under 15% of the wealth, take for example Australia in which the middle class hold over 49%. American wages havent grown at all, in fact the average american today is making less than americans on minimum wage in the 70s if you factor in inflation, PP and the total lack of wage growth. Approximately 75% of americans are living paycheck to paycheck. BUT MUH GUNZ. Keep wanking yourselves off to an ideology that shits on the middle and working class, keep harping on about how great conservicuckism is for 'ALPHAS' tm. If you believe a country's purpose is simply to make it as easy as possible for some (((sykpe))) to make a profit then keep harping on about an ideology that doesnt give to fucks about you.

National Socialism recognises that A country exists to (a) Improve the quality of life of its people (b) to protect its peoples, its culture and its heritage (c) to ensure all citizens have access basic needs but to also ensure that government assistance does not degenerate into a full on left wing gibmedat state or degenerate communism which both stiffle meritocracy.

Im not talking about communism or the brand of left wing gibmedat politics and identity poltics espoused by the left these days. Im talking about an ideology that looks after the working and middle class and does this by also guarding against degenerate culture.

An Ideology that is:
Socially: Traditionalist/Conservative/Nationalist.

Have any of you (((guys))) read pic related??

When I read it, everything just snapped into place.

Gib brief summary pls

I have always wondered why make lefty Sup Forums? To avoid debate with right wingers or avoid the autists calling you commies and saying gtfo?

That's where you're wrong kiddo.

She says that it's pretty much irrelevant whether race is a social construct or a biological one. She acknowledges that the scientific consensus is that race is not biological.

But she says that the race is a construction of power. And the way it comes into being is through a process called Racialization.

That's when a sovereign state uses certain physical characteristics to exclude the unruly people(those the state can't rule, or those the state perceives as a threat).

So those physical characteristics can be skin color, or eye color or hair color, or maybe there are no physical discernible physical characteristics in which case the sovereign state makes it's own labels to squash the unruly.
Example of this is jews having to wear gold stars in Nazi Germany.

But the reason always states the same. The sovereign state is acting in its own self interested of keeping its power. The unruly or their perceived unrulliness is a threat to this power. So the sovereign state racialiazes the unruly, and paints them as a threat to the majority.

This is where the concept of "camps" comes in. As in it's not normal to kill people but in this area here it is. Camps don't need to be physical, for example: it's not normal or ethical to threat a human being this way but if it's in a camp of black skin then such behavior is normal.

So through racialization the sovereign state riles up the majority under the perceived threat that the unruly pose(blacks will rape you, browns will cut your head off, homosexuals will brainwash your children, transsexuals will rape your children in bathrooms etc) and so it strongholds its preexisting power of the majority and at the same time gets the go ahead to squash the unruly because the majority of the population is OK with it now.

But also she says that the very birth of racial identity is this process of racialization. The racialized develop an identity of their race just because of this process alone.