I just heard about #pizzagate for the first time, but almost everything is deleted about it. Can you redpill me on it, Sup Forums?
I just heard about #pizzagate for the first time, but almost everything is deleted about it. Can you redpill me on it...
Other urls found in this thread:
Nothing much to say, pizza is pretty good
Someone on Sup Forums ordered sausage pizza but ended up getting just cheese.
I'm talking about that thing with some Clinton-linked pizzeria being a pedophile ring.
Ah, that was just fake news to cover up the cheese instead of sausage controversy.
Hillary's right hand man is a pedo cultist who actually eats children and is involved in a CP ring that's embedded in the US and several other governments
Clintons think pizza is really damn good
Damn shills really did take over
Papa Johns turned out to be better than Pizza Hut; people lost their minds.
Papa John's turned out to be better than Pizza Hut; people lost their minds.
Read about it
The shilling never ceases to amaze me
Hillary and her friends ordered pizza and now everyone on Sup Forums who thinks 911 was an inside job and the holocaust was fake is trying to say that this pizza place sells children as sex slaves too.
Some /x/ guy connected the dots and discovered that a pizza place was also a heathen pedophile gangrape orgy cult.
This hurt a lot of people's feelings.
Mannwe are so vlose to 99999999
What the fuck, the cover-up is REAL
once upon a time Sup Forums was very bored looking through yet another batch of shitty wikileaks emails crammed full of literally nothing
people noticed a couple of emails mentioning pizza or something, joked that it would be funny if it was actually code for child sex slaves or something
tinfoils started to believe the meme and it became a thing, probably with help from cointelpro/ctr types who wanted to make trump supporters look desperate and insane
basically it's a joke that got out of hand and is becoming increasingly weird and awkward as time goes on, will no doubt lead to more media smears and whatnot
John Podesta's emails contained statements with nonsense syntax.
Having "pizza for an hour"
A handkerchief containing a pizza-related map.
Spending thousands of dollars to have plebian food like pizza and hot dogs "flown in".
"Playing dominos 'on' pasta or cheese"
A photo of two plain asian women eating pizza with a pre-school girl, and adult men fawning over how "great" it is.
This was eventually linked to commercial pizza restaurants with Instagram photos implicitly sexualizing food and children.
According to original FBI resources, some of symbology was pedo related.
Instagrams were taken down.
Corporate symbols were changed.
Main stream media recently shilled on behalf of "conspiracy" of it all.
As if that weren't enough, Podesta was invited to "spirit cooking".
Things eventually led the fact that the Clinton foundations employs dubious motherfuckers to provide "relief" to 3rd world natural disaster areas who just so happen to have business relations to things like the Amber-alert system.
It was a big web of suggestive pedo shit which entangled the state department under clinton, the clinton foundation, and democratic donors.
Who the fuck uses a semi colon correctly in normal sentences?
Someone at work.
Backed up pizza posts
What the fuck, turks having no sense of humour is TRUE
Thanks for posting. Is this where we left off?
Is that all of it?
From many materials, some summary...
Stay here for a while (few days), may be there will appear more...
From the side panel of metro.co.uk, today....
>creeping normalisation
Podesta and Haibert are Pedophiles who got kicked out of Japan for raping children there. Podesta calls Dennis Haibert his friend in the emails and Weiner's lesbian wife is muslim brotherhood traitor and source of these emails. This pizzagate crime also ties into the Jeffrey Epstein pedophile of the "lolita express" network.
Jews did it.
It's retarded assholes trying to ruin the lives of everyone associated with a restaurant because Hillary Clinton or her campaign manager ate there once. That's pretty much it.
Has anyone with real in depth and Archived (Eyes Wide Open) related info sent it to Infowars? They posted requesting info and want to do a story about it.
Fuck I haven't eaten since Sunday. These pizza threads kill me.