Poll: Richard Spencer

Ok, let's settle this once and for all:


Do you think he's controlled opposition or genuine?

Other urls found in this thread:


Bamp. Really curious to see the results on this one from a large sample.

People are finally waking up and remembering.

Reminder: bump this thread if you want to see the real answer to this question like I do.

Express this thought into the poll, then

Shameless self bamp


Some guy says on live TV everything people here have been spouting for years and now he's controlled opposition? Nah, he's just a retard who can't debate. At a point in his interview I thought he was going to say ">implying".

Gas the autiste

Ban these fucking threads as spam all ready


shut up jew, you plant is going to be outed whether you like it or now

he's a faggot

>"done allot of us"
>not mentioning kek or meme magic.

obvious newfag/shill.

No, he's not controlled opposition

He's a moron that coined a good phrase in 2011. That phrase got picked up and used by other people, differently than he had intended, but 5 years later he decided to step forward and claim to be the "founder" of the alt-right because he coined the term. Then everybody else that had been using the term for less retarded purposes got lumped in with him.

Basically, he's a retard and everybody that didn't want to be associated with him should've used their own term. I hope they learn their lesson on that one.


He's just a retard ruining things.

You're not curious to know what the true consensus on this is? Not even after all the shitposting being flung after the last two days?

Well I am. It will reveal more about the general mindset of the average poster here once we have a large enough sample size to look at.

Spencer created this movement, there would be no Alt Right without him, and therefore no Sup Forums ... you betraying the movement you ungrateful fucks!!!

KEK sent his only Son to us , the Meme bacame Flesh named Richard Spencer, and your're crucifying him just like the Jews crucified their /ownguy/ and sided with the Romans!

THIS IS Important, repost this!

KEKism finally found a human savior figure, an embodiment in the flesh, and people reject him!

we already solved it FAGGOT


already solved OP

No, he belongs in the gas chamber with his beliefs.
Someone need to fucking banish the stormkeks back into their containment site

>Then there should be no problem doing it again.

Though some of those answers take away from an accurate result, so this one will be much better.

Butthurt TRS invaders BTFO

flag checks out, time to prep the bull sven

If he is controlled opposition then so is Sup Forums.

Suddenly you have someone acting like Sup Forums in the open and then Sup Forums has a moral panic.



>woah goy-, I mean guys, this person is too politically incorrect for our politically incorrect board

TRS is in full Shill and Damage Ctrl Mode.

He's either controlled position or genuinely retarded.

Richard Spencer and his supporters got on public television and heiled Trump, his downie supporters of course followed up.

He's an embarrassment to the Trump establishment and the American people. There is no 'Alt-Right' 'nor will it ever exist. It's merely a boogie-man for liberals yet this storm-cunt is trying to form it into a reality.

Also, pro-tip: This is America. We are a Republic. We don't heil our leaders as if we're some fascist nation, fuck off with your pitiful attempts at delivering National Socialism. It isn't happening.



he is genuine. A genuine retard

>Do you think he's controlled opposition or genuine?

Controlled opposition, obviously.

No one even heard of this jackass until like 3 days ago, and suddenly he's the "Leader of us"

Or some bullshit like that.

Fake and Gay.

Richard Spencer is genuine, the people like Mike Cernovich and all the other alt-liters are the real faggots who got exposed for being the schism in the alt-right which from the beginning has always been white nationalist.

Anyone who didn't know alt-right was white nationalist is a newfag and should go back to the_donald where they can jack off to Mike Cernovich and Paul Joseph Watson all day long.

Those who tried to get Sup Forums to renounce him because the crowd reacted with a roman salute should shill another website.

Anyone who has a problem with a roman salute, or hell even if it was a Nazi salute, should realize that they are no fun liberals and should promptly evacuate to their safe space immediately.


I don't think people understand what controlled oppositions means.

If anything he is the real opposition because he is going full 1488. The cuckservatives trump supporters that think we should all be friends with niggers and gays are the controlled opposition here.

Regardless of either, alt right has no leader and supporting a white nationalist publicly is retarded.

Are you a fucking idiot? If you have to ask this question, you're a fucking idiot.

So I'm going to recant my question and turn it into a statement.

You are a fucking idiot.

How the video clip is heavily edited you shill
lügenpresse lied about Trump and they lied about Richard.

>We don't heil our leaders

get fucked shill

The Shills have come out of the wood work user.


He is being paid to do what he does. He is controlled opposition. You Dumb Fucking Moron.

It doesn't matter - either way he's doing far more harm than good.

He has since cashed in.

He has much more claim to the alt-right than anyone else does. Infact in all the videos where he talks about this event he always is a very straight forward white nationalist. He's Sup Forums's wet dream and all the faggots here denouncing him are alt-lite who thought they were alt-right.

What should be happening is that they create their own movement called alt-lite and then they can distance themselves from the alt-right without changing it's intended meaning.

It's a song you leaf cuck

he is controlled phony fake as fuck





A very antisemitic and Nazi song amirite?

>He's the physical embodiment of Sup Forums
Did kek spawn him to spread our views and oppose kikes and be our saviour?
Is he our jesus?

Go back to the_donald alt-liter Sup Forums is Politically Incorrect. Take your shit elsewhere faggot.

This. Reminder that Spencer has literally done multiple hour long podcasts and written multiple articles about the "artistic meaning" of the movie that gave rise to fucking Baneposting.

He is just doesn't have the genius it would take to actually do what he's trying to do (mainstream far-right views)

Reminder that le controlled opposition meme was started by Kike Cernovich. Go back to reading Gorilla Mindset r/TheDonald faggots

CTR trying to see if their tactics are working.

If you want them to go away, you will all answer that he is controlled opposition.

He's not controlled opposition, he's a useful idiot.

Your implying that there's some sort of redundant answer to a question that's been a topic of hot debate for a few days now. If it's that apparent, then the polls should make it apparent.

No one on Sup Forums had even heard of this faggot before you retards on TRS spammed him here. Just admit your spam campaign failed and go home.

Sup Forums is officially a left-wing Sup Forums tier board
go to the 4x2 chans if you want genuine alt right discussion instead of this stupid rabblr overwhelming our once great board from the US election
leave these idiots here on their own.

My wet dream would be somebody who is actually capable of convincing people of his ideals, not someone who acts like a complete retard. I don't know how many times I have to repeat that the ire isn't about his fucking ideals or goals. It's about him being a moron.

leaf of truth

Fuck off sean, no one cares about you

>Media finds "deplorable" Trump supporter
>Props him up with free coverage, run narrative he's the face of the alt-right.
>Demands Trump disavow alt-right
>Trump disavows because he never talked about this stuff to begin with.

Only people who gladly wore the label of alt-reddit even care. That's why r_thedonald is freaking out over it.

Oh God, I just saw the video where the audience members do the "heil" salutes.

This right here.

Spencer's "alt right" brigade is some of the most beta fucks I've ever seen. They mock leftists for their cults of personality and collectivist swooning over Beyoncé, Obama, etc and then do the exact same thing with Trump. They are cringe incarnate, especially when they call other people cucks. They all look like orbiters who frequently get literally cucked into the friend zone daily.
But yeah, when America goes NatSoc, finally, after millennia, Chad will no longer be who gets all the pussy. Women will realize that what they really needed to get wet was a skinny or skinny fat autist ranting about Jews like a BLM supporter ranting about whitey.

Trump got in a variety of reasons, but if I had to chose one main exaplantion, he represented a giant "fuck you!" to the establishment that fucked all of us.
Spencer and his pitiful group have now gone and taken Trump's victory to be a green light for Nazi LARPing. Not the case at all.

They are a great argument for unrestricted free speech, though. Holy fuck those 20 year olds are gonna regret that shit in about 4 months.

Libtards should hopefully learn from this.

Republic always, never cucked beta leader worship.

reaffirming my belief that americans are nihilistic degenerate scum

Beyond embarrassing.

Everyone voting yes are legit retarded.

Richard Spencer is real. These faggots are fake.

he's a wanabee european

(((Mike Cernovich))) is a jew, and PJW works for (((Infowars))).
No fucking surprise.

Awww, your little ploy not working out, kike?

Nobody here trusts Spencer.

He's a decent looking guy with decent public speaking skills and access to a hotel conference room.

He doesn't SAY anything worth hearing.
He doesn't KNOW anyone with real power.

What he DOES have is a lot of JEWS showing up to his events to throw out Nazi salutes on camera.


Shoo shill it's an edited video coming from MSM

fuck off you don't belong here and it shows

>h-how dare these people disassociate from the name that we've made toxic!

Ok, whatever you say (((user)))


Bunch of unimpressive-looking white guys springing to their feet to do a heil, looking like they probably haven't left their basement in a few years.
Not the kind of sight you want at a supposedly altright conference.

Never mind... I've seen worse things. The nationalist bloke who killed the pro-EU MP in England like a week before the EU referendum was on a whole different planet of retardation. I was utterly gobsmacked.

OP here.

Current results as currently being displayed via my shitty obscure island Internet.


his autism is definitely real
dude just trainwrecked the alt-right


Why are there so many reddit fags here? He is not controlled opposition retards you're just scared of being called a nazi fucking cowards.

Anyone with the best interests of a "neo-nazi movement" at heart would never allow people to FUCKING HEIL at a meeting with press.

Controlled opposition or literal retard. Your pick.


Correct, even if he's not controlled opposition in the "he isn't genuine, and is being controlled by Soros or whoever." He's a fucking retard who is being held up by the media as the face of the alt-right, when in fact none of us had ever heard of him.

He's a sperg with a Jewtube channel. You can't control spergs. They are too retarded.

Ironically, Cernovich is more or less controlled opposition.

redit invasion is real

a genuine useful idiot to serve as a poster boy to justify MSM's bias.

That's what I always come back to with Nazis, even the originals.
I am a simple man and often look for simple contradictions.
Goebbels was an absolute physical disaster while preaching about Aryan physical beauty and fitness standards.
Hitler had fucking dark brown hair.
Beyond the obvious retardation of most of their beta philosophy, the physical contradictions of the leaders of a movement based at least in significant part on physical appearance was, and still is, laughable.

Stfu newfag kid

Why the fuck are you alt light fags on this board? "We are a Republic." No, sheep we are a representative democracy. Keep on watching Fox News and Mio.

>why wont these naughty goys attack everyone we tell them to? we called him a nazi and everything!

He's genuine.

i think you meant to reply to this post


Oh damn, so my argument that he's bad at convincing people failed because the MSM twisted his words... meaning he didn't convince people.

Fuck off, he should've expected as much would happen.

no, hes a bad goy and we need to disavow. am i right Sup Forums? we're not alt-right, but we know that nazis like spencer arent either! anyone the media tells us to attack, we attack!

It doesn't matter whether he is or he isn't. He is Sup Forums.

the twat is being assigned alt right status by the extreme left to give them something to attack and 50/50 shills and trolls are going along with it.

Only kikes discuss on their appearance , but they never discuss the real reason on why people loved them. Their message. I wonder what's easier to teach the goys.

The media wouldn't have anyone to attack and would still be running around like a chicken with no head if people like Spencer could hide their powerlevels.