>You hand the nazi soldier your identity card
How fucked would you be Sup Forums?
>You hand the nazi soldier your identity card
How fucked would you be Sup Forums?
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Not all that much.
I really don't know
Hitler loved the British people, I would give the Wehrmacht infomation of what the allies were planning.
Not at all
I'd be work camped most likely o
Oy gevalt
not really
>born in australia
idk desu
I'd be loved
Glorious ally reporting in.
I'll be fine :^)
Dont steal my bike kameraad
twice an ally, I'll be good
I'm completely fucked as a member of an oppressed nationality under violent occupation
Kein Problem für mich, uezs.
Nothing wrong here ally!
Just make sure you don't start losing.
Half German, I'd be pretty much set
I`m safe
Einst groß, nun verachtet.
German Passport, Blue eyes, Blond hair
not rly fucked
whitest genes in europe mein freund.
Pretty good
Capthcha: Mass grau
Too bad that pic never happened though
ah guten tag, Klaus
estland ist judenfrei :^)
"Listen here, you little shit..."
wir waren verbundet, ich sage dass es gut gehen wurde.
I'd be safe, I'm also aryan so that's a bonus.
My nationality is German. My ethnicity is Turkish. If we're talking about ww2 Nazis, I'm fine.
czechs are germanic aryans so i am fine
Selam Alejkum Alemanian! Inshallah we will go to victory together! a-selama for now!
But Wehrmacht was not Nazi. If SS instead you are fucked up
I would be fucked.
Immediately enlisted into the SS.
I should be fine...
>here you go
>oh OK heil hitler
>hail salazar
Operation Welsh Reee is under way sir.
Non White
He'd probably give me a firm handshake and a ride to the nearest place to enlist for the Reich.
Everybody would be fucked who wasn't in the Axis or dominion of the third Reich. We'd be instant prisoners regardless of color of skin
inb4 rumanians leaver leaver their positions again
Also I'd be fine
>Well, I admit it, maybe the Treaty of Versailles was a bit harsh for you, but we can both live in peace now, can't we?
What, nobody is going to point out that he's using a Soviet made SVT-40? He's probably a dirty gommie in disguise, y'all got played,
>My nationality is German
Like they would accept that in the 1930s fuck off.
They'd probably wonder what the fuck you're doing in Germany and you better have a good answer too.
I wonder if they preferred chileans instead romanians
Depends on the stage of the war. We declared war near the end because all the cool kids were doing it. But later we took in all the escaped nazis so I guess it didn't matter.
During the war: 20% of being taken to the fields and shot for not sticking to some curfew or whatever.
In case of German victory: sent to a labour camp/gassed
I would be fucked a lot. By all those aryan cuties in the master race breeding grounds.
>he fell for the wehrmacht aren't nazis meme
you really underestimate how serious the majority of them took their duty to their people and leader. they swore an oath and almost all of them meant it.
>Hello Grandpa!
I'd be stabbing a jew as he asked me.
How rude!
Yea you'd be fine the nazis liked muslims.
Guys like me dont hand anything to the Wehrmacht.
aber schon noice kevin :DD
Read a bit more history books.
In 1930 I might have been ok. I'm not saying, that they'd love me, but they'd leave me alone. In a similar scenario in the present I would get culled.
Hello utlänning kan I interäst you in buying some swedish steel?
>not a slav
Yea, I'm fine.
Not at all.
Atleast a high percentage of the officers were not.
return bike pls
Does hitler like spanish people
dude you're white...
I lost my ID card today on the way from work officer :(
>Flemish belgian
we were honorary aryans, would be all good and they wouldn't put me in a working camp
>laughs in german
What did the Nazis think of the Northern Irish? Same as Irish or the UK? I guess genetically we're probably Irish, but no idea. I know most liked English for the Saxons, Viking and Norman genes they had supplement them but we didn't really, the Vikings didn't do much in Northern Ireland and the Normans didn't conquer the north, England did a lot later.
Mexicans =/= Spaniards
kek no, if that dude is white I am white too, and i'm not.
El ejercito de chile nisiquiera entrena con municion de verdad.
This is white.....American Education everyone
Im parents were cuban but i was born in the cayman islands though
Into the oven it goes!
>fuente: juventudes comunistas
Hello greatest ally
oh well, i can count for some luck, cause my parents are silesian and i live in Danzig
But I love Germany
Hans, have you lost a panzer division AGAIN?
You are amerindian, not culturally nor ethnically Spanish, you are Cuban. The only thing you share is Castillan. Can you trace your family back to the european continent?
what? im not a communist u faggot
>german/italian/brit born in America
I guess I'd be alright, hell I dunno.
You look like a supreme gentlemen.
Is this the power of racemixing?
then show your sources, nigger.
no problem brother :)
blue hair and blonde eyes
I think I'll be fine
>be american national of mexican descent
>call yourself "spanish"
Lol i am no indio scum and yea my great great grandparents immigrated to cuba from spain
Oh mein Gott, ein echter norwegischer Arier! Weiter, Freund!