European army

Sup Forums
What are your thoughts about the European Union having its own army?.

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What was the Third Reich?

Bound to fail.


european nations should be obliged to send a certain portion of their young males to the US military every year. Then we can americanize them and they will in turn Americanize their own societies.

I hope it kills all the shills then die.

Almost impossible to implement, cultural barriers, language barriers, countries that may not want that etc.

USSR 2.0
>United army of ^
>EU bank

Would be pretty pointless with NATO still there, but with American support dwindling I guess there's a need for it, since, you know, the US is the only thing ensuring the security of everything east of France.

We can kill all of you with it

>language barriers
stop with this meme please.

It will have 80 bureaucrats for every soldier.

I love the idea about americanizing European nations! Samuel Adams imagined America becoming a Christian Sparta. Why can't that become true, even today?!


Leave e*rope to me

It simply won't work, especially when half of all young people in Europe now are pakis.

half of the actual US Army is hispanic. It doesnt matter who you send to be killed as long as the commanders are smart people.

Don't forget the French. Napoleon was Hitler before Hitler was Hitler.

niggermany trying to start another european war

Germans trying again to take over yurop

It will be little more than a token parade force destined to be eaten alive by Russia.

>EU army = civil war
good happening threads could be in our futures.

It's a challenge no doubt. They still die if you put a bullet trough them.

What on Earth does a trading block need a ready army for, precisely?

Good luck building border barriers when this bullshit passes unopposed and un-voted on. They'll just deploy their army to open the way again.

>america 2.0: this time we start out shitty

I guess you could create a super government and make it even further away from the people and the problems they face.

Will only be used against its own citizens.

>What on Earth does a trading block need a ready army for, precisely?

In case someone wants to leave.


We're neutral as fuck so let the eternal kraut get raped by the ruski cock again.

It's a meme, if it is actually made real, it would be so heavily limited, that it wouldn't be able to do anything.

It could be made good, but the current state of the EU is the problem itself.

How are people supposed to develop any sort of allegiance, loyalty, esprit de corps, fidelity when you are literally fighting and dying for some amorphous political block. If I was a trained soldier of a European country I would be willing to fight for my country and people but even then I would have a breaking point, but try and get me to die for "Europe", (i.e. Brussels), and ill tell you to fuck off, hell, even ask me to just fight for "Europe" when things arent going our way and i would tell you to fuck off. Fighting for your country, now, is something i can understand. I bet as shit hit the fan the lack of any sort of cohesion would see them routed by the ruskis who have a strong esperit de corps and soldiering heritage.

cartel yourself mexico

It's a bad bad thing.

Language and cultural barrier are almost non existant challenges (having all your officer mastering english and then having different bataillons speaking different language is easy), we have the same military culture since the Middle Age in Europe.
The Légion Étrangère shows anyway that you can make a good western warrior out of every background as long as they have the will and mental strenght.

No, the biggest problem is that could be used very easily against the people by an oppressive superstate.
An italian soldier will think twice before shooting his own people, a bulgarian less, history shown that killing each is practically tradition and removing this inhibition is easy.

Second problem is that it will be probably highly ineffective, there is a reason why the president/PM is the commander in chief everywhere: it allow fast reactions, a "military council" would just be another highly inefficient bureaucratic structure.

I have no problem coordinating a continental defence system but creating a european army is inefficient and evil on too many points.

We already have enough jihadi armies to deal with

Cossack descendant here. How do I join Kurd-smashing Armenian-killing group in Turkey?

Yes because almost every soldier is gonna just magically learn a new language

Also what language? Not everyone speaks English and English is not going to be an EU language when Britain fucks off

>le Napoléon was Hitler meme

kys, literally nothing in common

Pretty comfy 2bh. I didn't like the fact we were relying on the whims of some fat Americans to protect ourselves.

>English is not going to be an EU language when Britain fucks off

It should be since there is no more reason to get offended.

But yeah, France will keep insisting we all speak French.

>(((European Union)))
>able/willing to fight anyone except for internal rebellions

With this gay union? Horrible idea, think Habsburg-level of military incompetence and now tenfold it and that's how effective and competent this European army would be, what Europe actually needs right now is a European revolution that ends with beheading fucks like Juncker and Schulz.

> language is not a problem
Correct: Capitulation treatees shall only be written using the French language.

>decide to make EU army
>spend billions making new modern building where the command can go
>new bureaucracy has to get all nations in agreement before action can be taken
>as each individual nation can now claim to have more money being spend on its defence (as it is combined with every other nation) they can more easily justify spending cuts as technically more money is still being spent
>France has to do everything as it is the only one with the infrastructure for big builds
>entire EU's military is sent to the med to pick up migrants

Germany is trying to be relevant again after being assravaged by the entire world twice. They're being supported by the east european butthurt belt, along with france who wants to be relevant once more.

I think it will likely happen, but the actual size and implementation will depend on what Trump says. The US won't let its satellite states off that easily.

I can't wait to leave the continent, holy shit.

Would be a good thing, if the EU would federalize its fiscal policy like the US does with its states, and institute fair and open elections for EU leadership instead of faceless all-powerful appointees.

And secure your damn borders.

Why are you guys against this? Youre against every single thing that will benefit us. Why not have an army on par with russias or chinas?
Youre trying to hard to be anti everything.

OFC DUDE.. you are and you will always be ANTI EU because you still dream to be an empire.. keep dreaming.

>thinking that English is the international language because of Britain

I dream of a United Nations of (Western) Europe, a proper ethnostate with it's own army obviously. A Switzerland on steroids if you will.

The (J)E(w)U is not it. May it burn in hell and be erased from history books.

See? This guy gets it.

And we ask ourselves why whites are a minority in the world. See you on the battlefield guys.


The road to Military Dictatorship.

>American education

It's Jews who lobby for the "EU army" in order to force us to partake in Jewish proxy wars.

Stop this shit!

It does not matter because Europeans refuse to defend themselves.

> if the EU would federalize its fiscal policy like the US does with its states
U wot m8?

If the Krauts wont go "Full Reich" mode that would be a great step for a better Europe

You fucking pussies. Imagine what we could do with a 2 million man army. No fucking refugee would want to deal with that.
I dream of fort Europa

You're a fucking idiot, holy shit.

Why would I want to support a foreign mercenary army that only exists to protect Central Europe? What happens to Finnish reservists? Are we sent to die somewhere because Brussels said so?

>Imagine what we could do with a 2 million man army
you could literally give piggybacks to every single african to europe to ensure it's destruction.

No EU army is going to hunt down muslims dude.

A ploy by the Euro-parlement to try and consolidate power before the collapse of the Union is inevitable. One of the measures they are taking to salvage the current mess, just listen to what that traitor Verhofstadt has to say about it.

And my own personal tinfoil theory: To create an army which is only responsible to the Euro-parlement and could be used and deployed by them to bring insubordinate nations/protests to heel.

>Finnish reservists

M8 you're literally not going to be a country in 50 years at most, just like us. You should start learning Russian now, to get a head start.

Yeah, of course a faggot sitting behind Finnish defence is a warhawk. Fuck you cunt

The coolness factor is definitely there.

t. country that go crushed by France in every single war.
From Richelieu to Napoléon it has always been easy peasy to beat the austrian, your blood is milk.

Looks like a shitty mobile game desu

Germany starting ww3. Fuck krauts.

>military with a trade union
>soldiers can go on strike if they don't like their pay or the occupational hazards they're exposed to

Do it. Just fucking do it. This is going to be the most entertaining bullshit Europe has done in 200 years.

>Imagine what we could do with a 2 million man army.

Yes Sven. Just imagine that army.

Seizing your property for Abdhul and friends.

Wait you didn't think the army would be serving *you* did you?

because the EU army will not turn out like this.

>M8 you're literally not going to be a country in 50 years at most
Thanks to EU

Or we do the opposite and fucking unite again under one goddamn banner and stop this madness. Im not saying we should federalize, but an EU army? Give me one good reason why the fuck not

>consol port

"Since I have commanded a coalition, my admiration for Napoleon's conquest have reduced drastically." Georges Clemenceau.

Fuck that, I would proudly die defending finbros from mother Russia.

Let's start deporting muslims first.

Exactly my point.

Why are there so many threads about this?

its a levarge against russia and turkey

There is no reason to have a European Army.
Armies should be national only. Europe is not a nation.
What if we ever need to fight each other, what happens to the European Army then?

because that is not what the (((EU))) wants, which is why they've been bringing in refugees and letting your people get raped.

I wonder would if national country soldiers would accept being ruled under unelected leaders of the EU. Surely there would be a line even soldiers wouldn't cross.

Hail Merkel!

Friendly reminder that this was the main commander/general character for the European Federation in that game.

Do you know who Kalergi is?


Just shut your dirty asshole you fucking gypsy, the EU might be nice for shit nations like yours that rake in the EU dosh while sending their scum across the continent, it sucks ass for actual competent nations and I don't want an empire, I just want a refugee/gypsy/scum free nation. No scuttle back to the sewer hole you obviously crawled out of. The audacity of this Romaroach.

What is this Half Life 3

Because this is how world wars start.

You goddamn cucks. You fucking cowards. We could be #1.
>Muh nation-state
Fuck your nation-state, this isnt the 1930s that you guys keep jerking off too. Those times are long gone and the concept isnt even realistic anymore. EU army is the future.

you're fucking retarded bud.

Tell me; where was English first spoken?

Sup Forums in a nutshell

Go back even further, Francia.

I defend Finland and Finland only. Fuck your globalist wet dream.

There is no "We..". We are different people.
You Swedes mean nothing to me. You're not my people. You're foreigners.
And everyone else who is neither Greek, nor Orthodox Christian.
Temporary alliances, cool. Not with you though ever, if I could help it.
Why should my people fight your wars and die for you or vice versa?

You really fucking think the EU army will be used to benefit our people? How dense are you?

Seems pointless when there's already Nato, anything they could actually agree to do Nato would agree to too, and Nato's logistical and command coordination is as high as it needs to be already.