UK banning degeneracy in porn

UK is the first country to admit that pornography has a negative effect on it's population, and is finally doing something about it.

>''Such restrictions include the “four-finger rule”, for instance, which limits the number of digits that can be placed into any orifice while on video.''


Did they also ban bestiality such as fucking with niggers?

I bet the EU did this.

Tory sadomasochist scum won't ban starving the disabled and poor pretending its to save money because it makes them wet

>porn sites in the uk
It's fucking nothing.

Fucking goats will still be okay, right? Otherwise their might be an uprising.

Why aren't they invoking article 50? This is what they waste their time on?

>please dont ban Sup Forums please dont ban Sup Forums please dont ban Sup Forums please dont ban Sup Forums please dont ban Sup Forums please dont ban Sup Forums please dont ban Sup Forums please dont ban Sup Forums please dont ban Sup Forums please dont ban Sup Forums please dont ban Sup Forums please dont ban Sup Forums please dont ban Sup Forums please dont ban Sup Forums please dont ban Sup Forums please dont ban Sup Forums please dont ban Sup Forums please dont ban Sup Forums please dont ban Sup Forums please dont ban Sup Forums please dont ban Sup Forums please dont ban Sup Forums please dont ban Sup Forums please dont ban Sup Forums please dont ban Sup Forums please dont ban Sup Forums please dont ban Sup Forums please dont ban Sup Forums


Too bad Sup Forums is going to get banned because it has tons of all kinds of porn.

I don't know what banning would solve, honestly.

Prohibition worked so well with alcohol, weed and drugs in general.

I guess trying to censor things on the internet will work out just fine!

Conflicted feelings about this because

A) I like jerking it to porn sometimes
B) I know damn well it has a negative effect on people who do exactly that

Its a choice between freedom and responsibility. I'm actually completely stumped on how I feel about it.

How long until Britain just drops the pretense and becomes totalatarian?

It's not like there is an underground dealer of porn that will work around this prohibition..

Unless of course they revert back to playboy magazines and video tapes.

Feels good to live in freedomland


General porn ban when?

Doubt it, our government have been saying this for like 15 years now. They never seem to actually do anything about it but say it a lot, remember a few years ago they said the same then said we'd have to phone our internet provider if we didn't want it blocked (its where that phone box, muslim beheads mom greentext comes from)

>Inb4 only interracial cuckold porn will be legal.

Feels good man

Good. The less non americans on this board the better. Aussies, Canadians, and assorted Euros are the major problem with this entire site. Why are there so many Euros posting memes in trump threads? Its fucking stupid


Next up porn produces hunted down Duerte style

>Actually read the article
>Its fucking nothing

Wasted my previous post, to be honest.

Also top kek at fucking France Germany in here acting like we're anywhere near as bad as they are, lol

There are already several threads up; why must you make another?

This is to please sand niggers
The island is even more cucked now than it was before
>Tfw you are so far cucked you start seeing there's a horseshoe for cucking too

I like the attention

I hope Danny Dong is okay

>Implying there isn't VPNs or ways around some stupid fucking internet ban

>Impliying britbong police wont raid your house looking for dangerous forks and find your degenerate porn stash which will lead to a 5 year minimum jail time penalty while Muhammed your next door neighbor laughs from his window to the sight of you being dragged out by the police and nods to them while he's getting his dick sucked by his 5 underage girl harem out of sight.

>only sandniggers are opposed to degeneracy

Go away Milo

The problem with prohibition wasn't banning things it was nagging women wanting to bore men with thier insignificant opinions

Welp, I guess banning websites to britain will be as easy as posting porn to a website that you don't like, eh?

jesus christ UK really is the epitome of a nanny state

why are brits so domesticated and compliant?

>Reading comprehension is just as rare as dental care in the UK
The reason they did it was for Muslims guaranteed.


lol england why are you fuckers so stupid

>fisting is banned

Poor lezzas, they really cannot do anything more.

what else can they do, raise their R18 butter knives and march on parliament?

>vote for conservative governments because MUH IMMIGRATION, MUH SOCIALIST CARE FOR POOR
>they get in and ban porn

You retards sure do crack me up.

>haha stupid bongs can't even jerk off to black men fucking white women what a bunch of cucks

When will it end though? I'd be OK with banning violent or very weird porn. Maybe porn that is too degrading in some way too. But what then? We're gonna have state-mandated feminist porn. I wouldn't even mind if all porn were a bit more like amateur porn, it's nice desu. But not everyone wants that. Actually I wouldn't want that, I just want to get off quickly and efficiently and be done with it. Current porn works very well. Don't fix what isn't broken REEEEEEEEEEE.

They are cattle. Like any european nation, their people have become livestock.

>banning things always works flawlessly

False alarm guys they are still allowing gay porn, only. Because it would be discrimination not to , LGBT rights etc

Porn has a direct correlation to reducing rape
But hey enjoy ahmed raping even more than usual now, along with tyrone

but then where will I get my UK Diaper Girls updates from?

Cuckold porn, piss porn, scat prn, all that degenerate shit should be banned. They should keep vanilla porn tho

joining the end of the hiring queue for porn censors is going to be the first time a civil servant has ever willingly left London...

this is bs tbqh

i'm a virgin, let me fap in peace

we 1984 now

I'm going to make lots of money.

>it's an amerifat thinks consumer capitalism is freedom episode

All degenerates need to be hunted down and punished. Liberals like you need to learn that.

Vanilla is pure

>peadophiles banning pornography.
They probably got sick of trying to defile small children and sully their innocent but discovering the child had been jacking it to the most depraved shit on the web for years already. Really takes the tang of the judeo-masonic ritual child abuse.

>keep the stuff I like, ban everything else.

HAhahaha... BREXIT and now BAN porn... what's next??? ROFL..

Please ban cetacean bestiality! Think of the whales... That is to say, fatty fuckers. Disgusting!!!

No it wasn't. You're probably another moron who thinks Britain has sharia law and communism is gonna steal your freedumbs.

Fuck this new-fangled 'internet' shite, we're gonna go back to the glory days of finding porno mags in bushes down the local park.

All degeneracy punished by public flogging.

I'm glad b-based Tories are focusing on the real issues

you will never defeat the human spirit, Rupert.

If I want to touch my dick the government shouldnt be there to count my strokes.

Get in the queue to be regulated and fucked and fucked

UK has porn sites?

Someone should make a fake campaign that shows all the degenerate porn readily available on Sup Forums and have them ban the britshits from our sacred lands.


Don't think UK have any porn sites or "places"... muslims are getting to horny..

>being subject a slave sexual desire like a fucking animal makes me free

Good goyim.

I want to leave this shit hole.

TM being the PM is a fucking disaster, evil bitch 2bh.

killergram for instance.

>wtf I can't fap to my interracial bdsm cuckold porn now
Fuck off degenerate

And yet, the bill still allows for cuck porn and interracial sex.

When is the UK stoning gays?

how does this affect my hentai cause thats all i care about


Meaningless phrase. Some of us have no chance of having sex so this is just fucking cruel. Cunts like you are control freaks, psycopaths

Hopefully soon

Because America affects the entire Free World retard.

I failed the porn license test yet again. Any protips how to get over getting cucked? Or at least fake it a bit? I really need those cuck points.


No wonder lolberts don't care about society when youre destined to be alone and your genes will die.

But at least now you can repent through God so you aren't thrown in the lake of fire

Long before you learn how to spell.

About half of Americans are either Hispanic or black so it's clear we need to block 50% of all Americans
A nation is not a bunch of individuals wandering aimlessly. Boo fucking hoo, degenerate

Sharia won this time.

Yeah the country that's ruled by pedos is sooooo concerned about porn. More like they want to legitimize the porn tracking for blackmail they already do.

Because unlike divide and conquer fags, we care about the white countries.

Also, you're one of the countries that makes big economic impact.

You're a total cunt. Fuck you.


Yeah shitposting aside this is probably the case. I don't watch porn anyway so I don't care but this is shit.

Most people don't even know. You'd be amazed how fucking apathetic Brits are to anything that isn't some meme.



Hitchens is going to fuckin love this shit but of course he'll say they didn't go far enough.

Only interracial porn will be allowed then?

America is not free you fucking idiot. British values make it possible to get rid of subversive agents meanwhile you cucks have to defend libtards because "muh freedom of speech"

Which kind of porn are they getting rid off?

Monkeys porn.


it's not just that

it's a practice run so they can censor fucking everything


Muh Sharia.

>YFW they ban everything except trap/gay shit.


Fuck off retard. I like hearing other points of view

He's in prison btw


>Snoopers Charter is giving the OK
>Americans laugh about it and give each other high freedoms
>Meanwhile they've been under PRISM, and are still under it because muh 2nd amendment is nothing more than an illusion of freedom apparently

If it isn't it's about time you started using them. You were literally cucked all ends up by your own government and did absolutely nothing about it because Kim Kardashian was looking for a new nigger or released on a new "purse" or some other shit. You should be fucking ashamed of yourselves.