ChristCucks WILL defend this. They have NO SHAME for their semitic religion
Other urls found in this thread:
>he doesn't understand blind faith
I thought atheists were supposed to be smart
Go back to plebbit
Dumbass, God has done many miracles in front of cameras. People getting saved in burning buildings, people drowning from tsunamis, surviving deadly car crashes, etc. Some people like your dumbass self just don't choose to believe it was God who saved them because you still can't get over the conceptual ideology of materialism that your body was created from literally NOTHING. It's autistic faggots like yourself that will burn in eternity so I could careless about your opinion.
You'll get what's coming to you sinner.
Maybe he just doesn't have the power to do it anymore. Maybe technology has antitheistic properties so the more it propagates the weaker god gets. That is why in more primitive parts of the world they still encounter visible miracles, they just don't understand yet it is coming from the one true god. Basically I think a good middle ground would be to go back to the Renaissance tech and stay there. That way we still have some amenities AND get some miracles back
only god has the power to condemn people, you could go to hell for trying to twists the powers of god for your own gain. Not saying you are right now just you are treading dangerous ground
Christ is bullshit
Allah is real
Why is it always Americans who believe in dumb shit?
Christianity was the first jewish conspiracy
*tips fedorra
Allah is real - yet he claims a prior Holy Book is his word and authoritative, yet contradicts and gets it wrong at every turn?
something is clearly wrong here
I am trying to save this man from his degenerate thinking. I will never amount to such as our Lord and Savior but if I did not defend him there could be an even greater consequence. I have no fear or shame. And to say God doesn't perform miracles is completely illogical considering he is protecting us daily and there is proof.
>Miracles on camera
>What is special effect
anyway, the point is to believe, not to KNOW god exist.
If you know, there is no faith.
Jesus is real
Christ being divine is bullshit
He is a man
John 14
>22Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world? 23Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. 24He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.
its even in the fucking bible
>I am trying to save this man from his degenerate thinking
No you aren't, you literally said he will burn in hell and you don't care. Saying stuff like that invokes gods wrath. Please don't do this, I don't want to see anyone burn.
God is fake, we are just meat machines without a soul that goes to some happy candyland for eternity....
We need to ban and start rounding up Religitards. Make them go meet Jesus (it wont happen) for good, fucking unscientific pieces of shit, my blood boils when I see like three damn churches in a row, is one church not good enough for your fucking fairy tales?
Only atheism is eternal! HOO-RAH
Does not compute.
they got around it by saying that the previous stuff was "corrupted"
if you read about jewish law in the OT the only way of repenting sins was through sacrifice
this is why satan wants to blind those who would otherwise believe through islam by claiming that he was just a prophet and everyone who never even died
I agree OP, but I don't understand how you can even rationalize any god logically. God says in Genesis that he gave human's free will. Free will means that you are in total control of your actions. Things you do in the present cannot be known in advance. Any god, by definition, is an all knowing & all powerful being. If it is not all powerful & all knowing, it is not a god, and thus not worthy of our praise. How can free will & an all knowing/powerful god coexist? If god is truly a god, wouldn't our actions have to be set in stone and known in advance in order for those actions to be known by a god? This huge contradiction & it is one of the fundamental ideas upon which the rest of the bible is built upon. The whole point of original sin is mankind's punishment for adam & eve's first sin. If god is truly a god, wouldn't he have known that they would sin before he created them? He created imperfect beings and then expected them to behave without fault. These are not the actions of an all knowing and all powerful entity. Theists argue that god knows all possible decisions you will make because he exists outside of space and time. But here lies the problem. If god existed outside the realm of space and time he would have to know the ultimate outcome of your life. Without space or time, there are no choice. When you view someone, since there is no present (because time isn't a thing) you would appear as a flat statue that is the total sum of all your experience. If free will doesn't exist, existence is meaningless because we have don't truly have a choice. We're nothing more than programmed machines. If free will does exist, god technically can't be considered a god. This is why i can't logically rationalize any god.
no, free will means nobody can know the future beforehand at all, including an all-powerful being
Now do one about Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Paganism, and Aztec religion.
its probably not as powerfull because its not real , insert any god with damned the only thing what works is godamned
God generally only performs many miracles when he's bringing about a revelation. The miracles are to reinforce what the prophets teach.
God's not bringing many miracles now because there is no revelation - though miracles do happen.
Generally, God likes 'softer' miracles. Providence.
You know this doesn't work, right?
Why are atheists so retarded?
What is Our Lady of Guadalupe?
What is Our Lady of Fatima?
say a prayer and ask for evidence
Nah, you're missing the anti-authoritarian mindset that some of us have, that replace the void-that-never-existed-that-religion-created-then-filled.
That is to say, I'm a filthy anti-gun pacifist, and could only be motivated to partisan resistance to strong authoritarian measures, in the name of the individual (the best virtue enhanced by capitalism).
Ie I hate 'the man' so bad that he's the only force I'd be tempted to violence to resist.
Or to put it another way, I would cheer as the retard bus with crosses came by to pick up all the special people with imaginary friends, but would, stoically, make a point of joining if it was banned, due to contrarianism.
>lol ur rong retard!!!!!
>having blind faith in anything
On december 24 at 8:00 in the morning, a young 14 year old boy by the name Scott Johnson was found dead. Doctors couldn't come up with the cause of his death. His mother checked his emails
To see if she could figure out what's happened. Turns out he was still signed into myspace. She found he had gone to sleep after he read and didn't repost a chain letter. If you don't repost this To six videos a girl with no face will kill you tonight. Sorry don't want to die.
So I take that as a no and you ARE actually retarded.
> yet contradicts and gets it wrong at every turn?
No, thats the bible
This BTFOs the atheists.
>FAG in the name
>being a dumb faggot
Checks out.
You can't prove it wrong :^)
Fuck you I hope that shit actually happerns to you nigger
Miracles stopped happening well before the invention of video cameras. And there are some events today I could chalk up as miracles, Nov. 8th, for example.
You really can.
Seriously, Google it and you can find it refuted in most places.
Let's face it: you just don't WANT theism to be true because you don't want to be accountable for your actions.
>jesus dies
stfu u fucking retarded burger.
that's the point i'm trying to make. god and freewill cannot coexist
In an atheistic world free will does not exist, are actions would be caused by chemistry and physics following conventional law, thus will is deterministic and not free.
>Doesn't realize video-cameras ARE the miracle.
>Fucking heathons.
god debunked
i don't believe in free will. I was just explaining a thought experiment as to why free will and the biblical god cannot coexist
Maybe if your God is a strawman and you have an IQ of 50, and you've never read anything.
You really ARE stupid and ignorant. Fucking hell.
He stopped WAY before video camera.
It's not like he performed miracles everyday and then just stopped.
>It's the observation of an action deprives free will meme again.
Didn't we just have this thread?
I believe after Christ was risen there is a time of silence where God stops directly intervening in people's lives until Revelation comes.
If God asks his followers to believe in him based only on faith, then why did he perform any miracles at all?
I doubt that back in the bible days faith was a more compelling argument than people getting transmuted into salt and heathen cities being destroyed by fire and brimstone.
Fools. The believer sees God in all the works of nature and in all the good works of men. Truly, the good in Man, which was never part of Man's nature, is God's greatest Miracle.
Why would our Father, God the Almighty, deign to show His Miracles to the faithless of our time? Verily I say to you, the generation of Sodom and Gomorrah would have covered themselves in sack-cloth and ashes, and would have crawled in the dirt, if they had the knowledge that we posses. The will stand up in judgement of this Generation, and we will know the Wrath of the Lord God. Pray that we may also know His Mercy.
God tried faith after animal and child sacrifices weren't really cutting it anymore.
>posting this webm
>criticizing others
>pic related
>hurr durr you stupid and wrong
>provides no counter arguement
every time you comment. just kys, because it's obvious you have no critical thinking skills. There is no strawman in my argument, please look up what it means. Every argument about god must draw assumptions because we don't know the characteristics of god you autistic pohm
God is real. I have felt his presence. He loves us all.
>Don't know the characteristics of God.
>Argue against said God.
Atheists everybody.
Imagine having this saved on your computer
I don't need to provide a counter argument. You're talking shit and you're not even looking into why it's wrong before posting it. You need to review your argument.
By all means, kill yourself, you mentally deficient fedora.
So no hell?
How do you know you actually felt it and didn't just think you did?
The human mind on a subconscious level has absolute control over its own perceptions.
>implying free will makes any fuckin sense regardless of whether or not there is a god
Free will does not make sense, it's incoherent.
>severe down syndrome prevents you from realizing that this fact changes when the one observing the action is a fucking deity
If a deity observes an action before a person even thinks of the idea, then it is was programmed before hand
Hell isn't a Dante's Inferno hell of ironic punishments. It's being in God's Presence and experiencing His Love while unworthy.
That makes it far worse.
Sounds fine to me
From a quantum perspective, free will does not and cannot exist.
When your Mama watches your autistic ass clean up your cum rags every weekend like a good boy, do you suddenly lose all your agency and free will?
Or are you just upset that you can't jack of your furry waifus in private?
Meh. To be honest a lot of "miracles" happen every day.
Just Hitler surviving so many attempts to murder him is sorta a miracle.
Hey! I am autistic pls dont bully me.
Multiverse theory doesn't open up the possibility?
It isn't
Quran is not canon.
>God performed amazing miracles in front of the Israelites in Egypt
>goes quiet for a month and they all worship a gold cow
Why would today be any different?
You don't even need high level physics
From a logical perspective, counter factual free will does not and cannot exist
Free will, to most people, means that a person "chooses" their actions and they "could have" chosen differently
But you cannot "choose" anything except according to your desires, and your desires are not, themselves chosen. If you were to choose something not according to your desires, then it would be chosen randomly or chaotically, which isn't free will.
>Cameras have been around for around 100
>years, only became common for everyone in the last 15
>Hurr durr, how come there have been so many miracles attributed in thousands of years but not in the last 100??
Love comes with understanding and forgiveness.
Can one atone for their shame?
>the idea of god requires mental gymnastics & the denial of fundamental principals of reality
>expects people to make an argument against god without any proof of existence or making assumptions about gods nature
>everything you are taught as a child is eventually learned to be false or over simplified but "muh god" is somehow excempt.
>not a single historian around the time of jesus even mentions his name, despite him wandering around commiting mircales & a roman dictator fearing his popularity
do you know how retarded this makes you for actually believing this stuff? what's the difference between believing in god and santa claus? they both have the same amount of evidence of their existence.
theists everyone
That's what Christ's sacrifice is for.
It's up to you if you want to accept His gift and willingly accept His Love.
>what's the difference between believing in god and santa claus?
Do be fair I think most christians do actually believe there was a saint blessed with magic from god to deliver toys to children, just that he isn't around anymore
>believing in god and santa claus
Both of whom are real people?
Who are you trying to fool?
>you're wrong because you disagree, despite having no evidence to refute the claim
got it
What? If anything, God is supposed to show his miracles to the faithless way more often than the fervant. He flooded the earth, opened it up to swallow enough people to populate half a country, and at the end of time, is gonna burn all this shit to literally nothing and drop a huge new Jerusalem that he personally built from the fucking sky. Don't spout that bullshit, pal. As a former devout Christian, I read the fucking instruction manual cover to cover. There's good reason I'm not into that shit anymore.
Thank you for the words.
>What is the Apparition of Zeitoun for $500, please, Alex?
It i like you have no idea what you are talking about.
Try Googling if you actually care.
>thinks there's no historic evidence of Jesus
This is just embarrassing
You're welcome.
May we meet in Paradise.
Ancient aliens episode of this when?
As a former atheist, I know how elated you're feeling right now "schooling" everybody and soaking up attention.
This is the hippie-dippiest version of hell of which I've ever read. Hell is a realm DEVOID of God's presence. Of all things good. That's why you aren't supposed to want to go there, you imbecile.
>The miracle of St. Januarius has been filmed almost every year for more than 2 decades
I'm sorry, WTF was your ignorant self saying earlier?
>Implying Trump getting elected was not awe-inspiring
>Implying Brexit was not awe-inspiring
There are plenty of miracles, they've just moved to bigger and better things.
How very Catholic.
Your apostasy is the worst kind of folly, and your lack of understanding is no surprise from a faithless heathen. Showing Miracles to the Faithless is like casting pearls before swine. The pigs have more honor than the faithless, and are more worthy of pearls than the faithless are of miracles.
If you had read the Book from cover to cover, you would know not to trust in the wisdom of this world. A worm is closer in kind to man than man is to God. Only in the Miracle of our Intelligence are we close to God, a miracle which so many squander, as you have done.
Abandon your faithless suffering, turn to God, or be as meaningless as the worm.
>he doesn't know about the small true deliverance churches around the world that heal people from problems like cancer with the power of God
When you find one of these real churches not the 99% of them scatter in the USA that are bullshit, then you will truly question reality and everything that you thought you knew will be turned upside down, the matrix will become reality before your eyes and the true red pill will be given
Nope. YOU can't debunk it. Stop being a silly retard
Me on the left, you on the right
>I got nuthin'