r_the cuck mod comes to Sup Forums and sees posts she doesn't like - starts deleting posts and banning anons - AUTISIM - Many such cases.
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KYS kike
It is coming, soon we will overthrow their reign of evil.
>mfw JIDF
There is a big rumor there is a kike women mod getting triggered. If this thread gets pruned and deleted before 300+ replies, it just further proves my point..
The fuck? That's not even against the rules.
Normalfags need to get out.
Mod was right retard, people like you have ruined this board.
Fuck off, CTR/JIDF.
>allowing women to hold any position of power whatsoever
Holy fuck, it's like you want everything to get fucked up.
r_thenigger needs to either integrate or fuck right off.
They won't learn if they don't discuss desu.
Mod shouldn't have interfered either though.
you know shit is fucked when a fucking jew says you are messed up
oh dont forget to screencap this in case it happens for future threads.
Some weird shit is going on. CTR is even more active than usual, more shitposters than I've seen even at the height of the meme war.
>Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.
Bump. Fuck CTR.
>CTR is even more active than usual
You really think that it would be all over after the election ?
Shills are in full force right now, they changed tactic and somehow they are getting better because the game has changed. It's no more Hillary vs Trump, they are managing to divide us and spread total chaos. Little they know that we thrive in this chaos, and in the end they will waste their time and we'll still win.
Praise Kek.
Yeah, what this guy said.
Shit, it was quiet for a few days after the election, similar to when hitlery 9/11d. I'm wondering if their funding is ever going to run out, or if it's going to be a permanent thing from now on.
Just have to hold out until Jan 20th.
Looks like these fags are really bringing down the hammer now that Trump has won. What they don't realize is that they're on the wrong side of history. We're going to make America great again, and then we're going to make America white again. Hail victory!
Theres absolutely something afoot
>Oh yes my right-wing friends, being nazi is so redpiled, let's do (((roman))) salutes and don't forget to make a photo and upload it with hashtag #DonaldTrump and #AltRight
Common people, am I the only one who can see it?
>I'm wondering if their funding is ever going to run out
See the difference ? we do it with a passion, and we do it for free, we've been doing it since their mothers worked in a strip club to pay their college loans. They will never outnumber us, even if they can use bots and infiltrate us. We are a pure and unstoppable form of energy, they are just a pebble in our shoes.
Jan 20 will change nothing, we are entering the meme cold war.
Op if you didn't know that this board is completely fucking infected with JIDF, CTR and faggots galore, you're the newfag
the only danger to Sup Forums is that it buys into your typical shitty us vs them rhetoric that you and every other jew want us to participate in, resulting in labeling and then weaponizing Sup Forums for some purpose other than TRUTH, truth which is tested in the memetic forge
Sup Forums:
not one person
not one idea
not any 'identity'
You're not the only one, however the way I see it the people who are actually doing shit for our cause are not the ones who are gonna be susceptible to that sort of manipulation.
Fuck off nigger faggot. You didn't even exist here 2 years ago.