Why do you worship a dirty arab hippie jew?
Why do you worship a dirty arab hippie jew?
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I dont. does not mean I worship anything though. viking gods were more like superheroes of which to draw inspiration. not to grovel in the sand for
scandis are a failed race
I don't.
Pfft. Jesus>Odin. Odin sucked cock and dressed as a woman. hahahahha
I didn't know varg was arab
And why should some Norwegian idiot be dictating which God other Europeans who have different cultural traditions and history worship?
Watching Varg attempting to work with his hands Is sometimes cringe worthy.
It's obvious he hasn't done It much.
I don't
Because it's a cultural war.
If you accept Christianity, you also accept Jews and Mudslimes.
If the family is tainted, then it must be purged, all of it.
Here are our main seats.
You can come here if you want, but don't afraid of slaughter and blood.
Does this topic need to be posted 10 times a day every day?
What cleaning his chainsaw while he ranting?
>City boy identified
Why do you worship fake gods that you invented based on poorly translated folklore?
>If you accept Christianity, you also accept Jews and Mudslimes.
The historical record categorically disproves this. My ancestors led a centuries-long war against Muslims and expelled the Jews from their lands multiple times, the last one being in 1939 under a Catholic authoritarian regime.
I will not have some foreigner, some Norwegian know-nothing and criminal, tell me who I should worship. Even if I were not a faithful Catholic I sure as hell wouldn't worship Odin and Thor and whatever other nonsense, who are in fact more foreign to my people than Christ the King.
Assuming you're talking about Jesus, it's because he's God, and that's true. I think it's a lot better to choose a religion based on truth compared to what fits with muh 14/88.
If you knew how far from civilization I am.
I had to dig ditches and run my own phone lines so I could get internet.
It's obvious by the way he goes about cleaning his chainsaw, working on his car ect. I'm not trying to offend, I can just tell It's not a normal everyday thing for him.
Reminder that the majority of your "Christian brethren" are not white and that you have to embrace and accept the demise of white people because it's literally the "Christian" thing to do.
Just because your uncle and your nephew argue and you've had a few family feuds doesn't exempt the fact that you're still buying into the same ideology that prevents you from outright killing them off.
If anything, it just proves my point if the offspring and the father of your faith are degenerate. Thus it must be cleansed.
Does this affect whether the religion is true or not?
>Jewish religion
>End result of following it is white genocide
Really makes you think.
Christianity will forever be linked to Judaism, It cannot exist without It. So long as you worship the Jewish god you are subject to Jewish influence, regardless if jews where expelled In the past.
A look at the state of Christianity today Is proof enough of this.
Nope. It is true that we must recognise the inherent dignity of all humans by virtue of being made in God's image and likeness, but it is absolutely not true that we must endorse or accept mass immigration - Christian or otherwise. Pius XI in the encyclical Mit Brennender Sorge - a MAGISTERIAL DOCUMENT - wrote that the love of one's own race is healthy and natural so long as race is not exalted beyond its natural value; that is, so long as it is not divinised and idolised.
The sort of insanity which Francis has promoted is not only a 180 from previous Catholic teachings but there is also absolutely no obligation whatever on the part of Catholics to follow his recommendations.
Fun Fact: Nietzsche called Christianity the religion of the weak not Jesus, He admired Jesus.
Does this affect whether the religion is true or not?
Christianity is all embracing, the current Pope is right in comparing it to Communism. You literally have to believe in a total equality(which demonstrably doens't exist btw), as long as the africans are Christian you have to welcome them flooding Europe. It's going against the teaching of Jesus to turn anyone away as long as they're "Christian"
I worship a frog.
Praise Kek.
>religion manufactured by Jews
Yes, on that basis alone. It is man made, God has nothing to do with it.
I have no idea what that analogy is meant to convey.
The Hebraeic origins of Christianity have done nothing to alleviate the inherent antagonism and antipathy which have existed, literally since Christianity's foundation, between Christians and Jews. This antagonism and antipathy is enshrined in the very Sacred Scripture of our faith. Therefore, that there is a connection means in practice very little.
In any case, no one ITT has offered viable alternatives to the God which my forefathers have loved and worshiped for nearly two millennia. What is the alternative? Which god[s] should I worship, according to you?
Why do you worship a cum guzzling faggot, Kristian? (Or should I say, Louis Cachet?)
> that you invented based on poorly translated folklore?
Pacific NW?
So would you believe a gentile's firsthand testimony? Or would he just be a good goy?
You know a jew wrote that right?
Fucking idiots
>Obey Catholicism - Europe grew in scholarship and might with a burgeoning population
>Adopt the thoughts and philosophies of Jews and the weak - declines
>Starts using the pill to modify their biochemistry to prevent children and indulge in hedonism and population plunges
1) Orthodox Jews are devout and have a growing population
2) Secular Jews are atheists and have no kids
3) Devout Trad Catholics have big families
4) Atheists, "Neopagans" and Protestants have no kids
I'll just wait 3 generations and my hardcore Catholic children will rule be default
The non-Jewish parts are entirely Pagan in origin. Most of Christian morality is founded on Pagan philosophy.
>Adopt the thoughts and philosophies of Jews
The Jewish parts are the Christian parts.
Yes sir, that's Saddle mountain.
At least he admits it in one video, he says someone commented that he wasn't sharpening his chain correctly and now he knows how to do it right!
>The non-Jewish parts are entirely Pagan in origin
sent off to trade school, were you?
Look - go read a book about Catholic thought and try again, Nigel.
comfy pic
maybe he's still learning. my guess is that it takes a while to get good at these things unless you're talented
>Christianity is all embracing, the current Pope is right in comparing it to Communism
Christianity is universalist and absolutist in nature but you know absolutely nothing if you think it should be likened to socialism, the very philosophy and driving spirit behind which is Marxist materialism. Why is it, do you think, that the Church has been the longest-standing opponent to socialism, condemning it as an evil of unparalleled magnitude since it first surfaced in Europe?
So, no, Francis is not right. He is, in fact, in error.
>You literally have to believe in a total equality
No, you must believe in equality only in the sense of dignity of the person. No one has ever denied the existence of racial differences - strengths and weaknesses - apart from post-Enlightenment liberals (pro-tip: also condemned by the Church). I mean, look was Bp. Williamson recently wrote about a racial hierarchy. Many Catholics disagreed with what he wrote but no one can claim that his ideas ran contrary to our theology or the teachings of the Church.
>It's going against the teaching of Jesus to turn anyone away as long as they're "Christian"
LOL, no it's not. We must be charitable to our fellow Christians, certainly, but no where has it been written that this translates to erasing national boundaries. In fact, I have often made the argument to people who claim this that such imprudence will exacerbate current frustrations to the point of violence. Imprudent charity of this sort is not charity at all, but the unknowing promotion of conflict.
>heh heh heh muh dik
>whities be impotent, i be winning with muh dik
literally your argument
Who burnt churches and killed a guy over bants
where do you work? how do you work/get to work?
>muh Jew on a stick
You have to go back to the forest and LARP with your fairy friends, Varg
Why do you worship a bunch of sky faggots?
You know that was written by a jew right?
*tips fedora*
It's a new meme, bruh. Of course it does
Oh you
>sees a thunder
>'damn, thor must be really pissed!'
nice shilling
Stop watching porn.
Stop playing video games.
Stop shaving.
Stop drinking soda.
Stop taking hot showers.
No, 'Nigel is an ignorant twit' is demonstrable.
Awkward kid, later awkward teen musician, then jail time. Things take time to learn.
Stop smiling.
>posting a satanist
inb4 he's Pagan, he burns down churches and makes black metal music. He's a fucking satanist. All pagans are satanists because they let the Devil influence them into worshiping false gods.
fuck off varg holy shit
I see English isn't your native tongue.
No: my point is "Authentic Christianity is about a strong, growing population, including Whites; Whites have declined in population as they abandon Christianity".
>I am a White guy with 6 kids - how about you?
Stop spamming.
scandinavias are the single most autistic ""people"" in europe
stop stopping
While americans are the single most autistic """people""" on the planet.
Those are some mighty fine digits.
What's the primary source for the claims in your picture?
Written by David (((Greenberg)))
This shit gets posted here all the time.
I know, I'm not asking where the picture is from but where this kike gets this information from. As you can see in his mentioned sources all are from other (((academics))) from the 70s or so.
If that shit's true then there should be something older attesting to it, shouldn't it?
Lol ok dude I can make up bullshit statements too.
>"Authentic Christianity is about a strong, growing population, including Whites
This is supported by nothing and a projection of your own White Nationalist beliefs. I can equate different things too:
"Authentic Atheism is about steering history towards the eventual dictatorship of the proletariat and the resulting destruction of the private means of production."
I equated atheism with Communism so you get the error in logical thinking that you made here.
>Whites have declined in population as they abandon Christianity"
Correlation doesn't equal causation, I can say that the amount of communists in white countries dropped dramatically in the 1990s and this was due to the rise in atheism and I would be wrong. Again I am merely making an example with communism so you get that your logic is wrong and I ignore the exact name of the fallacy.
It's pretty good that you have 6 kids, but I decided to go about it other way and donate to a sperm bank. So I have 38 kids.
It's better than worshipping trees and shit like a silly paganigger
Is it?
>Whites have declined in population as they abandon Christianity
How exactly? The trees are there for a fact and have a very important role in our world.
Fucking topkek!
I don't know. I've tried googling the sources but I can't find anything on what Tally 1974 is referring to on his analysis of the Havamal.
If Odin really drank the ejaculated semen of hanged men then surely you'd find it in tons of other books, but somehow this jew managed to come to this conclusion virtually on his own.
Can't have Europeans go back to their native faith after all :^)
Most pagans don't actually believe in their "gods", even Varg doesn't. You'll never be taken seriously as a religion because you're not even one.
Most Christians don't believe in their "god" either which is why you can see mental gymnastics with logos and prime mover whenever you seriously discuss this stuff with them.
>you won't be taken seriously because you're not retarded enough
Vikernes is innocent!
1) Truth is universal, not cultural.
2) Ignoring truth because you don't like where it comes from is beyond retarded.
3) Ignoring religion because of its age is also retarded.
4) The Germanic gods are some of the most shit possible.
Loki (who did not actually suck cocks) and Thor are not Odin
I was wrong Odin did those things, at least according to one shady source
no. I hate beards and I hate your dumb metalhead nigger beard that looks like some dog's hairy asshole with hair around it.
the beard meme is disgusting.
Does this prove that Kekism is the true white man's religion?
I just hope it's a bait thread and you don't take this literal fucking bearded hippie nut seriously.