God isn't real

god isn't real

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prove it

but kek is

nothing prove that god exist
Thus god does not exist

that's stupid

absence of evidence is not evidence of absence blah blah

he can't be proven to be real
therefore he isn't real

Yahweh is a little demon shit

Shadilay, praise kek

Absence of evidence doesn't mean evidence of absence.

yes it does

>he can't be proven
prove it

if you guys wanted to be honest and rational about it, you'd say: "i personally have never seen sufficient evidence to warrant belief in God"

> Being an atheist in 2016
> Not agnostic theist/traditionalist master race

they're logically equivalent
quit leaning on shallow arguments you don't understand

that is what I said

>they're logically equivalent
no, they're not.
what we know, how we know, has no bearing on what actually is

epistemology vs ontology you dummy

he's real and he hates you

also quit doing
> this shrek bullshit
it's literally like, blatant strawmanning
you just took something I said and rephrase it in a way you can easily defeat it on your own terms

>there is no god
is not the same thing as
>i personally, in my opinion, have never seen what my feelings say is sufficient evidence for the existence of God

i quoted you word for word, if you misspoke, correct thyself

tell that to kek

all you're doing is exponentially expanding the scope of the argument and taking advantage of the resulting forced directionless momentum

god is perfect therefore he exists

Kek is real

no, i'm asking you to substantiate your claim

you are living. That is proof.

>the same
thanks, I knew you'd come around

thanks for correcting the record, shill


KEK = god = real

Why would you waste time trying to convince anonymous strangers that their long-held beliefs are wrong? It's obviously not gonna work.
Non-religious folk should never bother engaging in religious discussion, just appreciate that fact that religion is slowly dying on its own and enjoy the rest of your life.

thanks for telling a great joke

but he is, he helped me re-find the love of my life

>he can't be proven to be real
i only cut off "to be real"
you can add it back on and my argumentation still holds

Stop lying to yourself, user.

cos we're all here to waste time

It's a tough pill to swallow at first but eventually you'll be able to look at life in a whole new optimistic way.

Embrace it my fellow human.

There is no god but KEK, and Pepe is his prophet

Neither are we

Of course he isn't.

Not true.


Burden of proof.

How does that prove anything?

is on you
and what does this prove?

So what?
Literally makes no difference.

>43 posts in
>no atheishit has provided evidence for OP's claim


God saved him and he went on to spread the word of god. It's self explanatory burger. The burden of proof is placed on the one who questions it. You can do a little better than "I know Gods not real despite no evidence".

the combination of words and crying gun pepe signals he is sick of the born again christ _redpillers_ embracing the new edgelord fad of anti-intellectualism

Lord Kek is real.

Why doesn't god save pure infants that die in hospitals yet saved one guy who 100% sinned in his life?

it's not anti-intellectual to ask you to substantiate the claim adherents to your religion have made in this thread

it is not self explanatory obviously because you just explained it. it's your narrative, you gave the situation a purpose and a meaning. explaining to me your values doesn't objectively prove anything

kek is real. get over it. non believers will be judged

neither are you user.

Hardly anyone in the western world has any concept of what a transcendent God means and is anymore.

You can only understand and squabble or believe in a petty materialistic deity.

but does karma exist? what about dharma?


Back to >>r/atheism

>All evidence for God being real is man-made.
>Therefore, God is a man-made phenomenon.

Easy. There is no evidence of God existing that is independent of man.

God's plan to inspire more faith. As for the babies I can't answer for God, I just assume some are just incompatible with life. Some were born and knew their parents love which is comforting.

>All evidence for God being real is man-made.
prove it

not an original thought

>needing the tangibility

Yeah, you missed the point. To seek the source and never find it, we are viewing this life through these machines subjectively; yet all things must end. Even if he did not exist, does that prevent you from being a good righteous person? Would some horseshit written on some pages? Some words from a fellow humans mouth perhaps?

No you ignorant muppet, learn to philosophy.
The burden of proof is on one who makes posited claims, ergo 'you cannot disprove the dragon that lives in my garage, I won't let you in. He's dangerous.' Is coherent, according to you 'proven'.

People seldom say they 'know without evidence' EXCEPT when you're a lying ass priest, PRETENDING to speak for GOD, wherein which they will claim, without evidence
(despite knowledge being something demonstrable, and measurable in its accuracy)
things that they cannot know,
and claiming some bullshit moral highground because of this.

Your philosophy is fucked.

These. Not one of you has a shred of anything to back you're angst claims.

>Prove something that is readily available!
Are you brain-damaged?

wtf you nigger that is one thing that is actually self evident. man's understanding of god is automatically man made

The voice in my head is telling me god is real, who put that voice there I wonder?

No shit it isnt
Go back to r9k if you like """original""" posts so much

Australia isn't real

prove to me that voice in your head is real. I don't hear it

>All evidence for X is fraudulent
>Therefore, X doesn't exist
is a shit argument either way


was it constructed or revealed?
again, epistemology vs ontology

not an original insult

The Jews.
Also see someone if you're hearing voices

God is real. He just doesn't give a shit about "muh babies are sufferings cuz innocent". His notion of morality, good and evil are beyond petty human schemes.

Your information network contained in your brain merely allows your consciousness to manifest in this reality. One day the network will die and your consciousness will be expressed elsewhere

>It's shit!

You just don't like it. But what I said was still true and the conclusion logically follows. Try again, theistbabby.


most likely we're part of a simulation

if religious people like you were correct then all objectivity is lost.

2+2 now equals faggit because I felt like blustering and saying the word faggit. you cant disprove 2+2 is faggit so now we have to live in a fag society where the loudest most annoying fag rules you. that is essentially what religion is.

how do you know all of this?! prove it!!

by shit, i of course mean that it's not valid as an argument

sub in something else, like "the murder of bob"
someone could frame someone else, create fraudulent evidence, but still could've been murdered

The singularity has already happened and will happen again.
>Cicada Simulation bro

what? prove it!!

Being omnipotent by definition includes the power to exist.

how can a computer program have qualia

yeah fuck off

God is as real as all the ye ole fairytales and modern fanfics written by teenagers.

It's as simple as, we are; there fore, he MIGHT be.

All other religious horseshit in between literally be damned.

Also, that sentence hurt my fucking head to read, user.

>i of course mean that it's not valid as an argument
Prove it.

>muh non sequiter!
Theistbabby whining hard.

I dont know why i am responding to a little kid baiting but here it goes
You are a faggot and this is originaliosmusiolele
R9k is such a bullshit board but with your intelligence and lack of creativity im assuming youre from plebbit

>how can a computer program have qualia

>qualia: the internal and subjective component of sense perceptions, arising from stimulation of the senses by phenomena.

By definition it already does.

>no evidence for God
>muh christ on a stick

>Kalam Cosmological argument
>Anthropic principle
>no evidence for a multiverse
>nothing can't explode
>fulfilled predictions in the scriptures

Atheism is so 2006. It's been kicked to the curb by everyone.

Atheists just can't get over the fact that they lost the culture war.

Let me take you under 18s back to the year of 2006:
>atheism on the rise on the internet with their voices getting more heard everyday
>atheist leaders like Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens are respected voices in the community
>r/atheism is one of the top boards on bleddit
>corporate stores trying to push things like "Happy Holidays" and having "Holiday Trees"

Cut to today:
>Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchen (may he RIP) viewed as complete psychos for their insane political/social views
>r/atheism moved to the basement of bleddit because it was embarrassing euphoric garbage
>things like "Reason Rally" draw less than a Hitler impersonator at a bar mitvah
>atheist communities tear themselves apart over things like elevator gate (giving rise to New Atheism, and Atheism+, which are less successful than just regular Atheism)
>constant rape and sexual assault allegations at atheist conventions (even atheist leaders like Lawrence Krauss are accused...by other atheist leaders)
>"Happy Holidays" and "Holiday Trees" are a distant memory
>liberal atheists in Britain crushed by Brexit

And quite frankly all this bad stuff wasn't even needed. All it would have took was one euphoric quote and a couple of fedora pictures. Christianity is still kicking 2000 years later, and atheism is at it knees because of a jpeg of a fat guy in a fedora. Sad

>prove it
i did, nigger

yes, that's what your conclusion was

> little kid
> faggot
> r9k
> le intelligence
> plebbit
not original

Do you seriously want to be used as a tool?

I disagree. Spirituality in any form is based on faith. But even knowing that and knowing you can even know anything is grounds for philosophy. The evidence is you want to call basically existing that is within your eye line. Coming out of the gate swinging that I should even dare question that maybe people don't know it all, triggers you quite a bit. Dragons do exist. Look into the island of komodo. Educate yourself with that "intelligence".


>i did, nigger

>yes, that's what your conclusion was
Theistbabby doesn't understand what, "Logically follows is." :^)

No one was arguing, "fraudulent evidence," either. Do try and keep up.


Assuming you have a negative viewpoint (this is Sup Forums) there's more evidence of Satan than there is of anything else right now

And if Satan exists, God exists

its a very comforting thought


honestly tho why are dedicated atheists usually so embarrassing?