Why are Germans so jealous of the British?

Krauts literally started two world wars because they looked at Britain's empire and got butthurt Kek

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Krauts are always butthurt. They think they're victims all the time.

Krauts were also jealous of Romans as well and did the same shit. Germs are basically just eternally butthurt and are basically white Muslims.

Are Germans even white?

pic related /thread

They're white but they have the mindset of niggers.

Looks like the continent is getting a little too united...

the better question how could brits end up worse than germans considering that they werent put through 70+ years of propaganda?

nationwide muslim rape gangs, internet police state, anti white indoctrination in schools all of it was a thing in the UK years before the cuckening happened in germany

this is no an ANGLO hate thread


Even Hitler couldn't contain his boner for the British Empire during WWII

Now somebody's activated the self-destruct sequence and Krauts want to destroy themselves taking the rest of Europe with them

You can get arrested in Germany for saying you want controlled immigration on Facebook. No-one is as cucked as you.



ffs why isn't my trip working lads


feels good tbqh

it is

Huh? Other way around, they are the ones always bringing stuff up.
Germans are jelly of Italians.
Read some Goethe.

You've just get a million shitskins into your country in the space of a year
>Try harder

>mfw the world hates us

Remember lads, it's not enough that England succeeds, others must fail.

It's not

all the cases are nitpicked bullshit were every time it turns out that a leftist friend of the arrested reported him over hurt feelings and fed additional bullshit to the feds

as for the sites itself twitter is going full hugbox and facebook is going 1984 and neither are german companies

Is that true?

Now it is.

>it's another divide and conquer thread

That ones close
Going for anglo right?



Germany is such a cuck stronghold Kek


Didn't Austria-Hungary start ww1? (or rather the serbs) Didn't anotehr austrian start ww2 because germany got fucked over by the allies after ww1?

Before the great war, Germany was the cultural and industrial capital of europe. No need to be jelly of the island monkeys

>Krauts literally started two world wars because they looked at Britain's empire and got butthurt Kek

What twisted logic is that?

>Be Britain 1900
>Economic decline because Germany BTFO's everyone except the US with economy
>Island can't feed itself, loses markets to Germany, conflict of interests with Russia in Asia and starts to get BTFO'd in China due to US interests
>Germany somehow jealous at someone who will lose his #1 spot with peace
>Germany would have it all without war

Jealous so needed war???


They're more jealous of the English more than anything, they don't really give a shit about the Scots, Welsh or Irish or than trying to use them to attack the English.

>the person behind every divisive post itt
the island jew is getting nervous again.

dumb brits, france is our rival

posts like these are all made by shills.

there's no legal basis.

Germany started WW1 because they were jealous of British superiority on the seas. They were also butthurt that the Germany 'empire' was irrelevant compared to the British one. Even the Dutch had a stronger empire than Krauts. Then you got your shit pushed in and sperged out again.

The German is a truly envious creature. Sad!

is that why we attack france before the small island every time?

You attack them as they stand between you and Albion.

Does it hurt you to be speaking English? I bet it does doesn't it

Lots of people are jealous of the British. They had perhaps the biggest empire of all time, have produced countless top-notch scientific and artistic minds, managed to butt-fuck every attempt anybody ever made to take control over the entirety of Europe, created the world's currently most important language, spawned the world's currently most powerful nation, were the most successful (from an amoral perspective) colonial power, produced much of the finest music of the last 60 years, are one of the world's few nuclear powers, etc. etc. etc.

And all this despite being just a small island.

Plus they have that sexy accent.

I speak english because the USA was smuggling weapons on a civilian ship

Feels good bro
t. Dutch-British person
[spoiler]Am I white?[/spoiler]

They're immature fucks. Germany wasn't a thing until late 19th century and once it was, it immediately started shit.

Don't fall for D&C shills. Englishmen and Germans are natural allies; the English *came* from Germany ffs.

>Dutch flag siding with anglos over krauts

False flag


No spoiler tags? What a shit board

WRONG. germans have a cuter accent :3

You might be surprised,but we get on quite well with gerrys,the nazi uniform was exquisitely tailored.

>german cucks

Because the Germans feel they're the best country on the planet but haven't really done anything objectively impressive, whereas Britain had the worlds largest empire and, much as Germany wants to be respected, our opinion counts for far more internationally than theirs does, no one outside of Europe cares about a damn thing the Germans say.

Basically, massive inferiority complex.

Having said all that, Germany is probably the country whose average way of life and day to day experience is the closest to ours. In my experience I felt far more at home in Germany than in any other foreign country I've visited.


Probably because we've cucked those krauts out of an empire THREE times now.

is this really the worst loss we have against you?
Netherlands had an giant empire, Spain was not a complete shithole.
You saying "Brits had the largest empire" is like black people saying they were kings and shit

Reminder that OP is not Dutch
He is a shitty anglo that tries to stir hatred between Euros

>Anglo education

Saying that Germany started the first world war is the ultimate bluepill.

Germans were better than british in any possible way, except at sea. They had no reason to wage war agains't Britain.

At WWII the germans didn't wanted war at Britain. It was the anglos that started the war

We did have the largest empire though, India had ~300 million people, whereas the Spanish got their shit pushed in by Napoleon and then the Yanks. We might have taken SA off the Netherlands but Indonesia was nowhere near as big as anything we owned.

Hamilton should take a leaf out of Schumacher book,and run ze german of ze road,maybe give skiing a miss.

To be expected given how close we are racially.

>If you invade X we will go to war
*Germany invaded X*

Germans did this twice. They are the aggressors. I'm glad Brits have cucked them again with Brexit. Germany is a failed state. They haven't won a war in 130 years and they're becoming Islamic.

Why are they grouped up and walking like a herd of sheep

To me they look more like an old-school army column from the days of musket and rifle.

Fuck you and fuck your EU krautlover

You are closer to french or even spanish than germans tho

It's because Brits had one of the most alpha racial mixes in history. Anglo/Saxon/Briton mixed with some mutt Roman lineage made for a potent mix that the albino OG Germanic tribes back in Germania weren't ever able to surpass.

>Brazilian education
It's like you willfully choose to ignore certain key points of the start of both wars. Nice confirmation bias.

you sure are a dutch person. Totally man.
meanwhile britain has actually towns controlled by sharia law


Anglos betrayed czechs, it was more than natural expect that anglos would betray the poles too. Actually they betrayed, but only after the war.

Your people are snakes.

Romans left no genetic trace in Britain. English people are roughly 2/3 Celtic and 1/3 Germanic.

Its celt genetic aggression,not even the romans conquered the scots,we have tamed them a little.


Real life is not so simple. When the most terrible war in all known history happened 20 years ago, and when you know that thousands of people, at minimum, *will* definitely die if you go ahead and declare war, and when you think that maybe if you let the whole Czechoslovakia thing go for now there will be some way to reverse things diplomatically later,...

Well, I totally understand calling it betrayal, but there's more to it than that

>tfw most R1b in Europe

Prove I'm wrong.

Berlin-Baghdad Railway would crush any economic relevancy the british still had upon the German Empire, and this the anglos would never allow.

In WWII the anglos waged war to save the (((poles))).
They didn't cared about czechs, because there weren't many of (((them))) there.

>Its a cultureless kanker fag whose country speaks English more than Dutch talking shit about Germany

kys swamp trash


OP is not dutch.
He is a anglo that always shitpost here.

OY VEY, dont be anglosemite my huehue friend

Fake map.

Sardinia is mostly I2

Heh, thanks for the correction Brazilbro

R1a will always be R1b's bitch, so they romanticized they were Il (Nord)

Yeah , i'm sure that was the reason , you retarded swampnigger.

Aren't yourselves germans with an uglier dialect?

The grand puppeteer reveals himself

You mountain autists blacked Germanics forever with your warmongering HAHAHAHAHA

They're jealous of our un-freedoms.


More like the Brits got scared when the Germans tried to challenge British supremacy, and got dogpiled by Britain and her butt buddies.

straight into the chambers.

>jealous of the brits
for what?
hello satan

whatever helps you sleep best mate

>Empire you couldn't compete with
>Military you couldn't compete with
>Commerce you couldn't compete with
>Culture you couldn't compete with

If only...


In the first world war, Germany were down and out, you guys came along so you could sit at the winners table.

In the Second, it was pretty much a stalemate on the western front that we would have eventually won, you guys just helped finished it off quicker.

1. Empire i did never cared about
2. Military i did never cared about
3. one word: brexit. economy might increase but because of the fall of environmental standars they might fuck themselves really nice.
Also: EU-Army
4. Culture i did never cared about

>This kraut thinks environmental protection standards gives you power
>This kraut thinks an army of traitorous Italians led by cowardly French is a serious force

Netherlands is a hive of utter degeneracy anyway


Isn't that Dolph Lundgren?