What say ye?
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Depends on the circumstances.
Yeah I agree with this.
Fuck that, the more dead pigs the better
Even giving a cop a dirty look should be a death sentence. You idiot.
You and your degenerate Czech gangbang culture should be whited off this planet.
If it's a no-knock warrant or shit like that then no. But an unjustified homicide? Sure.
Killing anyone should be a death penalty. It will have a eugenic effect.
>car crashes
Caveat is: you have only killed someone if it is your fault. If they crashed into you, or died from your self-defense, that is their fault.
Isn't it already a death sentence?
Being a cop is just a profession, why should be more punishable killing a cop than killing an electrician?
Electrician lives matter!
The boner that Americans have for the police is rather interesting in any case, it's a society of bootlickers.
>ID: Poc=Person of color
Fuck off nigger. Cops shouldn't die because your community has no self control or personal responsibility. You niggers need to change your culture and values instead of claiming every obstacle you face systemic racism.
A dirty look is fine. If the suspect so much as raises a hand against an officer it should be considered resisting arrest and defiance of the law and should be met wih capital punishment or on the spot execution.
To prevent abuse on the cop's side I would set up a demerit system. After a certain amount of written and verified complaints over roughness and uneccesary force. Guy gets dishonorably disharged.
No citizen should have elevated importance over another in the eyes of the law.
Are you fucking retarded?
There are all sorts of situations called "justifiable homicide." They don't go away just because someone is wearing a uniform.
Cops already get away with crimes on a regular basis. Every person has a right to defend themselves against a criminal attack.
If anything, we need to eliminate police protections. It's about time they were brought back down to the level they're supposed to be on already - ordinary civilians with ordinary legal responsibilities and limitations.
Absolutely disagree. Totally depends on the circumstances.
>or on the spot execution.
Cops should cuff em behind their backs, have them go on their knees and take 1 to the back of the head for not listening to tops tbqh famalam. Also it should be done right then and there, if the scene isn't public enough drag them to the nearest park on a leash then do it there.
we don't like cops here, it's different than the us.
It's history too...
Frankly you should be given a medal here
Do death sentences actually get followed through these days?
Seems like getting even one done takes endless red tape and years of faffing about.
>There are people right here in the thread that don't respect their police officers.
You need to be at least 18 to post here.
Cops Protects us Everyday From Niggers and Shitskins.Of Course it should be a on spot execution
Cops who die in no knock raids deserve it desu.
>drunk cop starts bar fight
>drunk cop gets knocked out
>drunk cop falls on curb and cracks his head
>the person he assaulted gets the death penalty.
Gee, it's almost like mandatory extreme punishments are designed to rob courts of the ability to deal with the nuance and context of real life.
It's a huge drain on resources because of the number of appeals they are allowed, and of course you now have the innocence project that's reviewing cases with DNA evidence, and from those about 10% of death row inmates were wrongly convicted, and 20% of rapists were wrongly convicted. That's only for cases where DNA is available, the vast majority of both of those kinds of cases are determined with little more than eye witness testimony.
But there's a certain mongoloid personality that worships authority to the point that all cops are saints and thinks that all accused criminals should be executed. It's a system made and run by people, errors are a reality, and anyone with even a modicum of skepticism learn to tamp down that emotional call for "justice" and try to objectively look at things case to case.
>Cops shouldn't die because your community has no self control or personal responsibility
Lol wtf I'm not sure you even know what this thread is about ameriburger
agreed but replace cop with whites
I agree.
In spite of all that do people get executed in this day and age?
I say nice digits.....and yes, as long as it's intentional
checked and KEKED
Get out statists reeeeeeeeeee
Yes, but it's less than 1000 in the US since 1976 across all states. Prosecutors rarely push for it anymore because it makes the case so high profile, and automatically controversial.
I agree.
pretty much
Killing any white person should lead to a death sentence
>if a violently criminal nog nogs your door first before kicking it in and raping your family there is nothing you can do about it because you have to assume he has a raping warrant
So happy I'm not 'murican.
Killing any of g-d's chosen should be a mandatory death sentence
Not being a white person should warrant a death sentence
no. fuck no. shit fucking hell no. you are a goddamned retarded motherfucker if you bitch about large government and support this.
Correction I was reading the stats wrong, It's less than 2000 since 1976.
Yeah, unless the person was well within their rights to shoot them. Self-Defense for example. It's a little more intricate than what the OP expresses.
First degree murder should be a death sentence for the most part.
Manslaughter should be a death sentence?
>tfw Blacks would be exterminated in a matter of mere months
>Aww yeeah
First part as taken out of my own mouth.
Act like an asshole here, it doesn't matter if you are the fucking king.
Every country has some system which legally grants some branch or military or law enforcement legal right to enter your house without consent.
Give me your address with proof and I'll help prove it to you
>East in GarĂ°ariki, they reward manslaughter with manslaughter.
This be your wikangz critizing the russians for the death penalty back in the heathen times and heathen court system.
>Never have I seen men take to the sword so fast and with unjust causes, as these christians.
Son of earl, studying in MiklagarĂ°ur(Constantinople)