Is Sup Forums actually white nationalist or only ironically? I have a feeling that it's the latter considering everyone is disavowing the alt right now that Trump has spoken out against it
Is Sup Forums actually white nationalist or only ironically...
Threadly reminder not to fall for the current coordinated demoralization effort.
Sage & hide.
Sage & hide.
Non-whites have no place in America, they are free to go to mexico.
At first it was ironically but over time it became sincerely.
The alt right has been taken over by civic nationalists anyway
All leafniggers must fucking hang
Half ironically.
>immigration is trash
>multiculturalism is trash
>white and asian culture is superior
>demoralization-crisis-normalization is real
>Hitler did nothing wrong
>We need to kick out every single non-white
Civic nationalism is the only thing that can realistically stop the immediate flood of immigrants. Racial purity is a personal choice and nobody is stopping whites to form homogenic communities.
Sup Forums is nationalist, not just "white" nationalist. It supports nationalistic countries, regardless of color.
Nationalism is important. White nationalism is a misdirection.
Alt-right is a meaningless term.
People are distancing themselves from the dumb fuck Spencer.
Sup Forums is a moderate centrist civic nationalist atheist board. We love Jews and stand with Israel with our god emperor Trump. Praise kek!
Viva Sup Forums
Viva Los Pepes!!
I'm just a nationalist but I want to have the freedom to self-segregate; forced association/integration is bad.
Half of Sup Forums is nonwhite so no.
Fuck off to stormcuck. You faggots will hang on the true day of the rope.
I'm a patriot. I don't care the color of your skin as long as you bleed red, white, and blue. Any anti-democracy fucks and fuck right off to Canada.
Hitler is a spicy meme and the Nazis had awesome style.
I'm a normie conservative though, enjoy all those constitutional rights you don't believe in Nazis.
at least 40% of Sup Forums are non whites. Don't let the flags confuse you.
So Sup Forums wouldn't mind racemixing as long as everyone was a nationalist?
Shills and newfags?
>alt right
>Nationalism is important
>White Nationalism is misdirection
>Posts a she-boon to reinforce this point
You are not making the point you think you are making, son.
Screw you, I'm not working for a bunch of spics and niggers to take my money through this hellish welfare state we have.
i don't support the jewish state, and no one else on Sup Forums should
I see, it's that kind of thread.
Drop your folders lads.
>tfw no civic nationalist qt black gf
Some wouldn't care, there are others who would chimp out over "MUH PURE WHITE RACE"
do you know how fucking bad that hair must smell?
I get that attitude for America (but it won't practically work since minorities will never ever give a shit about "American" Nationalism) but for Europe it makes no sense. For me it's about people and culture not the state of Britain. "Civic nationalism" is just worshiping arbitrary lines in the ground like leftists say.
You should be chimping out. If you're not, you're retarded, because we all know white genes don't survive in mixed race couples. Kids are always colored.
Also racemixery means this kid is your future.
> alt-right = Sup Forums
All the world's people, regardless of colour, should have the Queen as their head of state.
The violent crime rate in America would drop by just under half if you removed about 10% of the population.
The world would simply be a better place if blacks just disappeared tomorrow. I don't care much about other races.
strange how she looks so beautiful in victoria but irl looks so plain
I fucked a girl who looked just like this. I kept calling her a nigger
You seriously think there's anyone on Sup Forums who wouldn't smash this ass?
What the fuck is the point in nationalism if you have no shared heritage?
You will lose all those constitutional rights when your country is replaced by foreigners who all vote for bigger government, more gibs and don't care about the constitution one bit.
The only reason anyone takes your constitutional rights seriously is because of the white people who created them and the ones still alive who still care about them.
replying to sheboons with white women
irl she looks like a fuckin angel mate
Yeah. Me. You dummy, blacks are walking sacks of disease. Enjoy your STD's for being a retard racemixer.
>implying we ever give a shit if africa or whole middle east got nuked except for celebration
There is no more "alt right". We won. It's over. Now we're just "the right". There are no revolutionaries after the revolution. You're just the government at that point.
And while we like keeping white countries white, we are welcoming to select individuals of good character. We're far more welcoming to non-whites that match our values than most non-white countries are to whites, so fuck anyone who thinks we need to go farther and be more welcoming.
queenfu in victoria, just another swarthy anglo irl
I wouldn't.
Jerusalem is Christian clay. Deus vult
While there are some people who prefer racial "purity", I find that the biggest threat of "race mixing" is in the side-effect of the possible culture clash of mixing incompatible cultures, creating a confused and dysfunctional environment, which can be terrible for a child growing up.
Then again, you can have different races who share the same culture, removing one of the biggest obstacles for race mixing.
I think you'd find that many Sup Forumsacks are not as threatened by a multi-racial society as they are a multicultural society, as long as the included races are statistically non-violent and respectful of authorities.
>Hispanics are also divided over how much of a common identity they share with other Americans. About half (47%) say they consider themselves to be very different from the typical American. And just one-in-five (21%) say they use the term “American” most often to describe their identity. On these two measures, U.S.-born Hispanics (who now make up 48% of Hispanic adults in the country) express a stronger sense of affinity with other Americans and America than do immigrant Hispanics.
Nailed it
I want a nation for white people. That's it. It's hardly even an extremist view.
Pol is just an unironical extension of stormfront now.
>nobody is stopping whites to form homogenic communities
Except you know, the current immigration laws, birth rates, affirmative action, forced diversity, and any homogeneous white community being deemed "racist".
>I don't mind if my heritage is thrown down the toilet and my people race mixed into a bland globalist slave class so long as they are "respectful of authorities"
Like why do you people even oppose globalism in theory?
>soon the white race will be eliminated
Feels bueno.
Good luck with that
You would think the logo of the website would tip redditfags from coming here, but I guess not.
t. ape
the only reason your country survives is because of white people in the US
crypto white nationalist
I want my country to be populated only by my own ethnic group.
And I wish the same for the rest of Europe.
>as long as the included races are statistically non-violent and respectful of authorities.
As long as they stay a minority.
Asians are largely nonviolent and respectful of authority, but I don't want them to outbreed and outnumber the native population in Western countries. If I wanted that, I'd go to Japan, China or Korea.
What site is that?
>hating our our boy
I'd expect nothing less from a monkeyman.
Sincerely I don't want non-Irish people in my country.
White people have outlived their usefulness. Choosing an anti-science global warming denier has proven that you guys are not fit for life on this planet anymore
You guys need to be eradicated, and there is nothing you can do to stop the necessary demographic change.
Sup Forums was never Stormfront, but they're like the assholes that come to your party, but it's not worth kicking them out because they'll start shit and you'll have to call the police before something burns down.
Actually our official stance now is to ratchet down on the alt-right, white nationalism stuff and begin adopting a more palatable, civic nationalism stance.
my heritage is my culture, not my race. I'm not advocating fucking off my future offspring by breeding with a 60 IQ African, but that its possible to breed with someone where your offspring isn't left disadvantaged.
The biggest problem will always be the clash of cultures, not races.
>reee Sup Forums is my own personal clubhouse where everyone shares a hivemind
>Hitler did nothing wrong
>Actually believing the global warming myth
Yeah, this is why we need to remove PoC from the country, they're stupid.
If you actually believed your garbage, you'd hit China about it who produces way more pollution than every other white country on earth.
He did do something wrong, though. [spoiler]He killed Hitler.[/spoiler]
>I have a feeling that it's the latter considering everyone is disavowing the alt right now that Trump has spoken out against it
>everyone is disavowing the alt right
What are you talking about?
(((Civic Nationalists)))
He did nothing wrong.
The election was an IQ test on white people and you failed it. Only a complete retard wouldn't accept basic scientific facts like global warming.
China accepts climate change and is taking measures to move towards renewable energy.
>anti-science global warming denier has proven that you guys are not fit for life on this planet anymore
Actually it just proves the flaws of capitalist democracy, especially in a multiracial society.
White people had to vote in their ethnic interests during this election to save their ass. Most of them are concerned about climate change too, but they had to vote in their immediate interests, so they had to choose between the two available parties.
Most people in Africa, Asia or South America largely don't care about climate change, it's mostly white people who do. Demographic replacement will just turn the United States into Brazil, except instead of nout enough white people being concerned about global warming, it will be not enough non-white people being concerned about it. The majority of the people concerned about climate change voted for Bernie, and they were largely white Democrats.
Also Trump made a comment in a recent interview about how he thinks humans have a probable link with climate change when he was pressed on it.
Sure thing Costa Rica. Let me know when people start jumping your border to get into your country that can't even pay its electric bill.
we do not live like apes, but i don't expect some subhuman retard to understand that
Adolf dindunuffin wrong. He wuz a good boy about to turn his life around and go to college.
Stop wasting time on these cucks, also nazi-post more if you want to redpill the cucked population of Sup Forums.
>supporting jews
fuck off and die
>Let me know when people start jumping your border to get into your country that can't even pay its electric bill.
People do swarm our borders, we got plenty of immigrants constantly coming in because we are better than most countries in the region.
And all of our energy is renewable and cheap.
>trying to define all of Sup Forums as a group
i really wish you newfags would fuck off. of course the longer your here the sooner you swallow some redpills and turn on your jew overlords.
the captioned unfunny abortions some might generously call "memes" are a surefire way to spot a TRS shill
kys we discussed this all day, your Fearless Leader is an autistic faggot, and considerning the coincidence of his speech coinciding with the Soros-Brock alliance, probably one of (((them))) as well.
Set back legitimate white nationalism with his Nazi LARPfaggotry
So you and your collectivist ideology can go fuck right back off to Stormfront, and leave race realism and the good fight to the adults at the table
Reminder that Nazism was designed for Germans. The way American white supremacists adapted it is beyond retarded, pathetic, and reminds of how weaboos roleplayas honorable Samurai.
Hitler never hated blacks, in fact his war propaganda accused US of being racist and portrayed KKK in bad light.
>not supporting Jews having a country of their own, so they can gtfo our countries.
>Most people in Africa, Asia or South America largely don't care about climate change
That's factually wrong, most countries in the world have signed the Paris agreement. Anyone with above-average IQ can realize that global warming is the greatest threat that we currently face.
I'm only ironically
I love brown people
support them dead, not in their own country, conniving to control the rest of the world, like they do now
>American education
is not a meme tbqh
Few hours ago, some American (probably a shill) tried to convince me that Hitler wasn't a German nationalist, but a "white" nationalist
You can take our niggers Poland. I know you love them.
Hitler never imagined blacks living among Germans, either. It's a lot cleaner to advocate for a political cause like his when Germany was full of Germans.
>Is Sup Forums actually white nationalist or only ironically?
it's both and neither.