Chance of getting a penalty because of it, SWEDEN YES! (pls, wake me up)
Chance of getting a penalty because of it, SWEDEN YES! (pls, wake me up)
I know you right wingers hate Sweden with passion but for a liberal faggot like myself Sweden is pretty cool. I want to move there.
>you right wingers
Do you even know where you are faggot?
>Do you even know where you are faggot?
In your echo chamber.
And don't you forget it
This is for white people only, pls go
South Korea probably has more whites than sweden by this point.
Kek, good one Mohamed
tl;dr translation? I don't speak your durka durka language
Swedish armed forces is still based even if the politicians are working hard to pussify it. Swedish soldiers are top notch, too bad there are only like 40 of them.
Why even call it Sweden anymore? It's more like some twisted social experiment of a country, it's name from the past isn't reflected at all in the current ruling.
So they can really order someone to participate in events that has nothing to do with military or national holidays?
I was a tourist, once. Now I can't leave. OOGA BOOGA
>sug på den du
If you are a professional soldier, you don't disobey orders because of your political views.
Fuck the military leaders for supporting faggotry, but if they are your superior you still do what they tell you.
fuck off faggot
Even if it has nothing to do with being a soldier?
Would you be assfucked by a nigger if an officer told you to? After all, he's your superior.
This is sad. The government is trying to portray the military as something other than a baby killing organization by letting them participate in these kind of events, and yet they deny it? Hopefully the soldier gets punished for disobedience, and possibly homophobic views.