In every county in Massachusetts, White voters preferred Hillary over Trump. This represents a regression from 2012, where Romney won White voters in Plymouth County.
How do we make Massachusetts Great Again?
In every county in Massachusetts, White voters preferred Hillary over Trump. This represents a regression from 2012, where Romney won White voters in Plymouth County.
How do we make Massachusetts Great Again?
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Send Trump there.
He can flip anything. All he has to do is promise it, the traitorous fuck.
>that single blue spot on texas
Where can I get those election maps filtered by demographics?
That's Austin for you. Any Texas anons could confirm.
Austin needs to be nuked.
NH here. Send help. Massachusetts democrats are takin over
mass hole here. there is no fixing Mass, its broke, but there are good people there. Yes we are the minority. Also my mom cried when my sister said she was voting for Trump, but i cant rub it in because i dont want to be cut out of the will
I don't know if maps for other racial groups exist (there is a White vote map for 2012 though) at the county level.
This particular map has been posted on Sup Forums before by someone else.
no taxes, low crime, freedom or death...dont worry liberal massholes are on the way to fix all of that
413 reporting in. The state as a whole is lost for at least a generation (too many liberal colleges full of liberal students who vote) but proud that my town sided with our President-Elect.
We vote Democrat because we're educated
>how to make Mass great again
Get rid of academia.
Obrigado user
Stop advertising Southern New Hampshire University.
(((Educated))) you mean.
you mean indoctrinated with marxist bullshit
gender studies or what?
In 2012, we had an interesting taxpayer chart, is there one already for 2016?
>All those cuckifornians in AZ
>That irredeemably cucked west coast
We've got a lot of work to do to make America great, lads.
And by the way, is there a white male only map?
That just appears to be a re-labeled White vote map from 2012.
Chicopee reporting in. Your right. Spics and blacks have taken hold of Springfield and Holyoke. The aristocracy controls everything out here in Western Ma. All Jews from lingmeadow who send their kids to prep schools make all the poor decisions around here and keep us down. Need help.
Not at the county level.
At the state level, only Hawaii, Washington, Washington D.C., Massachusetts, and Vermont would go Blue.
Ok, I akso wondered how they got this. Though I assume the actual map would look the same.
Interesting to see NH, NY, IA, DL whites uncucked. What happened to California though?
Nice meme you have going there but I am being honest. Educated people tend to vote Democrat while uneducated people tend to vote Republican. Not saying it has to be that way as both parties are probably going to change a lot in the next few years. I have a feeling GOP will do better if they tell the evangelicals and conservatives who obsess over social issues to fuck off.
>you mean indoctrinated with marxist bullshit
What are you talking about? You believe people are brainwashed in university? You have to be very weak willed and easily manipulated to let some numale English or philosophy professor change your opinion.
I was a finance major in college. Trump's economic plans will probably fuck us over. I voted for Hillary because I wanted stability and prosperity.
Any thing past Worcester doesnt receive any funding, you guys should form your own state. what was the stat about Springfield being one of the poorest most economically devestated cities in the usa?
>be in Sorth Carolina
>lots of beautiful open land gets developed on the coast
>over the past two summers more and more people from MA keep moving here
>always hear them spew liberal bullshit in their disgusting accents
You people are literally the worst.
Why would you move down south just to complain that we're not like your yankee liberal cuck state?
Now that's one hell of a meme. Every spic or black trash that votes Democrat is not educated. Go get binned you FUCKING Jew.
Yup it's shitty! The only funding we eat is to keep the poor destitute over populated shit scum niggers on the DOLE. 51st state!
Exit polls by Edison Research (or just an approximated understanding of the gender gap in states without them)
Those are the exit polls most of the news networks utilized.
why do you know so much about amerika?
Notice that it's only the poor white trash towns that voted for Trump.
All the wealthy (i.e. the ones filled with job-creators) suburbs went for Clinton by pretty wide margins.
>my county is still blue
fuck you Trenton
the cities are a dump but the country out there is really nice and if mass didnt have restarted taxes and gun laws i would consider moving out there
im an american you fucking frog
The heroin is doing the work on all the blue collar folk, so all that's left is liberal manlets and lesbians. I'm a Masshole, take it from me, almost every chick is atleast Bi here, so when they "get sick of guys" they just date eachother for a while. Makes the bar scene pretty droll actually, well unless your gay.
>Moved to Maine recently. Similar, but not as degraded yet.
>Still enjoy a show in Boston every now and then.
Trump voter have higher income both average and median. This shill tactic of portraying Trump supporters as poor is not going to work.
There's a place here also called Austin.
It needs to be nuked as well
I want to apologize for my state's shitty behavior. Massholes mean well, we're just brought up in an environment where most people have gone to college, and thus, through the brain-washing that liberals force us to endure. Not many make it through that without swallowing a lethal dose of blue pills. Also, not many black people, so the white people up here have a romanticized view of black communities.
the cities in maine are on bar with cambridge and ptown. and enjoy your refugees. and dont speed down rt 1, the staties will have radar every mile
>blaming people from Longmeadow
You should kill yourself you poorfag. How jealous can you be?
Problem with Puerto Ricans is they all come here because they have a large community basically and people want to be where they feel welcomed and with their people. Then there is a lack of good jobs here. So they fuck themselves over by coming here.
You do realize Trump won the white male college educated vote, right? He lost the white college educated women's vote by like 2 percentage points. Republicans typically win the whole white college educated vote as well.
Good try though
>I voted for Hillary because I wanted stability and prosperity.
Wow, you really are retarded, huh? How does a tax plan that lowers taxes for the lower class and corporations fuck anyone over? How does raising the taxes on the rich help anyone unless you unironically believe in the redistribution of wealth?
I live here - the women are insufferable.
>disgusting accents
I agree with everything else, though
>the cities in maine are on par with cambridge and ptown.
Not all of them, really matters where you are. Places like Kennebunk, York, Westbrook and Portland; yes very liberal but still influenced by the rest of Maine. Nothing like say, Burlington VT. The rest of the near thousand or so square miles of backwoods has a very "don't fuck with me" mindset, so most in Maine keep to themselves in a soft Libertarian type of way.
>and enjoy your refugees.
Less than in Mass.
>And dont speed down rt 1, the staties will have radar every mile.
Yup, learned that the hard way, even though average traffic moves 10-15mph above. Always drive the limit on an empty road.
The have to go back(to Ireland)
But..but...I was like a finance major so I know best!
Guys a fucking idiot
Let him be. It's the only single demographic metric where the Democrat voters don't look bad so they cling to it like madmen. Even though we all know what value college is today.
Trump voters still have higher income. The map cannot show or contradict this by the way.
yeah we got a ton of khmer a while ago but your somalis are literally shit tier. yes your cities are super liberal dumps, I am not arguing about towns and smaller settlements, but your cities though...
>their legal system allows disinheritance
Man, the parties really have changed overtime
>my liberal and absolutely fucked County in California is red on this map
God bless you, lad. There's still hope after all.
Yeah what's up with that? Why those mass fags obsessed with your state?
NH used to be pretty based, isn't it going more and more blue thanks to those cucks?
lol I make a decent living cuck boy. All the politicians are from Longmeadow and have continuously made poor decisions that have had adverse effect and on the community of Springfield. Springfield use to be called the city of homes, now it's the city of homeboys. KIKE dectected.KYS
>The map cannot show or contradict this by the way.
Yes it can, by pointing out that the towns in Mass. with the highest average incomes went to Clinton by a large margin and that subset of towns with high white populations but low average incomes went to Trump.
If you knew anything about Mass. it would seem entirely obviously to you, though.
t. masshole
Not really
The Demographics just changed and the Democrats just kept getting more liberal
>Why those mass fags obsessed with your state?
New Hampshire is obsessed with MA for the same reason MA is obsessed with New York: a colossal inferiority complex.
What, we have like 3 cities at best.
>Towns and Settlements
That's most of Maine.
>Somalians shit tier
Workers that we do desperately need up here. Atleast they arnt Syrians or "capable" Muslims who can operate terrorist cells, like in Mass.
Also, more water, more land, less chance of false flags, less federal overwatch (aside from near the boarder), more farms, more guns, more self determination.
>I'd currently take Maine over Mass anyday.
>tfw my cucked county is red here
>All the politicians are from Longmeadow and have continuously made poor decisions that have had adverse effect and on the community of Springfield
Do you even have any idea what you are talking about? Give me examples. You are delusional.
If you're so smart then why don't you get involved in politics and try to change thing. Tell me your magnificent plan to fix all the problems? You don't have one. It is not that easy.
>KIKE dectected.KYS
Majority of people from Longmeadow are not Jewish
Thought you meant in the US. It is perhaps the case in Massachusetts, though that is not a big state. I'm pretty sure the (rich) lobbyists in DC voted 90% for Clinton.
Cape Cod Fag here. 81 Towns/Cities voted for Trump in Mass. Bourne was the only one on Cape. Once these Boomers die off we will go Red.
Kek, that's true. But generally they win the college educated vote due to minorities. Not even kidding you can look it up. The white college educated vote almost always go to the Republicans. Trump won the white male with a college degree vote this year and by a good margin too, and everyone couldn't believe it because Democrats tell themselves they're the smart ones. It's a fucking fallacy. It proves as well that for the most part college indoctrination doesn't work because once people get actual jobs and have to pay taxes, they stop caring what their sophomore year sociology professor told them about Republicans.
>I'm a Masshole.
No sales tax, Hampton Beach, Mt Washington, Fireworks, Ski Resorts, Ice Castles, Old Man In The Mountain (RIP) and "Manch-Vegas".
>Your welcome.
It is happening in an hour!
workers for what jobs? last time i checked there was a huge problem with unemployment. apart from the hospitality industry during your 7 weeks of decent weather and maybe 3 weeks for the leafers. theres really nothing there
>non-hispanic whites near the border voting Clinton
absolutely disgusting
You actually have no idea what your saying...Lesser was just elected and that's just one in the past month. When the Italians ran shit around here with the mob crime was under control. I actually take part in multiple political campaigns in the county and the Pioneer valley shill. I can smell a Jew through the computer. We're coming for you kike boy :)
Former mass fag. Reside in NH now. Feels good to vote republican where it counts
I don't know the specifics in the US, but I have witnessed it here too. The number of people I've seen changing parties the very day they looked at the two columns "gross salary" and "net salary" for the first time...
Also today everyone goes to college, which wasn't true even merely 15 years ago, so there is a implicit age bias in this metric (with people below 30 being more left leaning). I wonder how Trump did among people that graduated prior to 1980.
I live near a ferry between Long Island and Connecticut. Whenever I'm driving and see MA plates, I make sure to give them an extra hard time; dumb bunch of cunts who drive like schizophrenic old women
The healthcare industry is huge up here, a lot of dieing old folk who didn't make it back down to FL.
Culinary currently has a huge bubble where there are too many restaurants and not enough cooks. This then creates a vacuum for a lack of fast food and retail workers.
A lot of people are needed to work innawoods
Ski Resorts are always hiring
Inns often hire Eastern Europeans to fill the gap in employment.
>You need a car to have a job up here, and that combined with other degradation is why we have an "employment problem".
Mainly in Maine, it's more a matter of getting people to get out and work.
(and nuke coastalfornia)
Heading to Massachusetts right now. Pray for me
My town did the right thing.
dismantle unions
If you are taking the Pike, watch out for those new tolls. Might only be one lane open.
By plane, Logan sucks, sorry.
nuke commiefornia and Jew York.
Make the rest bend the knee.
That's not how you spell indoctrinated.
>Blight and Basketball
TopKek, forgot "Six Flags and Stabbings"
Friendly reminder to get them gets for the glory of kek
>"Look at me, I'm New Hampshire now."
the hell why would anyone vote for romney
gonna leave out the minorities that 80% of live off of benefits entirely alone that voted for hillary eh. of course all the puerto ricans out here have such shit education they all thought they would be deported if trump won.
Taking a $12 greyhound bus from NYC. Lived up here for a year, fell in love with the only good thing Massachusetts had to offer, and now I'm back visiting her parents.
My verdict of MA: 3/10 just because there is a lot of good acid
He was governor of Mass.
How cucked is this state for going to Clinton after having elected a cuckservative?
you dont want Union Leader Mr. Goldsilvertiberiumstein to dock your pay for not voting for someone whose going to lower his taxes and raise yours now do you goy?
>his mom is willing to cut her children out of the will if they don't vote her way
We build a wall
Massachusetts doesnt need fixing. MA has some of the lowest divorce rates, best access/quality of health care, great public schools, tons of higher education, a near recession-proof real estate market near Boston and a generally high quality of life.
Look at West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and the like..."red" states (even predominantly white ones like WV, the whitest state the country) are total fucking cesspools. Why do conservacucks feel the need to drag others down with them? Isn't self-imploding your owns states enough?
Leave us alone, and just be happy that our yankee tax base keep your shithole states from completely going under.