Yeah go ask away got nothing better to do this night.
Ask a Macedonian that lives in Slovenia anything
Gay? Single?
fuck no I'm not gay, would hang myself if I contracted that disease. And no I ain't single
Why didn't you post this on Sup Forums instead?
timestamped tits or gtfo
because I mostly surf around Sup Forums and Sup Forums are a bunch of attention seeking faggots
Don't really have the equipment to write 20:14 on my male titties and post the picture on the internet.
also can't be bothered to move out of the bed
stick a sharpie in ur pooper and post it then faggit
I knew it, you're an Ad!
also can't be bothered to put it up my but
there are no macedonians living in slovenija hes trolling you guys
why do you think we care?
nice trips
Lmfao go to any fucking uni and like 10% of your class will be macedonians . Just shows that someone dropped out lmfao
Your country is pretty much is lead by the biggest cucks I have ever seen. Remember when Ljubljanski Grad had the colors of LGBT , i member
calm down Nathan no need to reply
you shouldn't why do you think I care that you care?
you can lie to dumbs here i dont care
for someone who isn't gay you sure seem like a faggot.
>Remember when Ljubljanski Grad had the colors of LGBT
I actually dont, I dont live in the SJW and nigger infested places. Countryside is where its at, good looking girls, fešta and veselica all the time. Good happy life
? not me but okay lmfao
odjebi niger, ne boš me najdu
When are you going home?
hahah best laugh I had in a while
When do you leave? You do realize that you are probably not "Macedonian" but Turko-Albanian brown mudshit?
good question, as soon as a finish uni
is it a shit hole?
>Getting education in superior country
>Shits on it
I bet you are in Ljubljana. Do you like swimming in rivers?
Actualy Macedonian from my mothers side , Vlah from my dads side.
Clearly not a shithole if we have people migrating here to study. We are the only 1 st world country in eastern europe
what's that in color?
not really , the people are nice, and I really like the architecture. It's a calm place and a nice place to settle down once you got life figured out if you feel me
Yeah you are a shitskin alright. How did i know? Must be magic.
I wager it must be some mixture of piss and shit
Heyyyy, that's pretty good
I also have a place where you can settle down
>a nice place to settle down
NO . stay away. We are getting really racist especially towards Albanians. Just a week ago 3 Albanians were beaten to near death
Never really shited on it: Just said that the people that lead the country are cucks. The country it self is wonderful, not your ungrateful serbian
Actually I'm quite white like ukranian which is weird. Grandmother has some russian heritige or something like that
>AMA thread
you fags have nice beers?
1 drop rule sorry user. We cant know when your ape side will show and you will bite someone.
You have to be released in the wild or be put down by a vet.
>NO . stay away. We are getting really racist especially towards Albanians. Just a week ago 3 Albanians were beaten to near death
not albanian but whatever, trust me I have an even bigger hate towards albanians than you have. The amount of bignosed,brownskined,degenrates you have is nothing compared to the 30% in Macedonia
Are you a white country?
Is it easy for mudslimes to get in?
Skopsko is pretty good if you ask me, one of the best. But I have't really tried a lot of beers to compare it to . Better than Slovenian beers by far.
100% pure Slovenian here with his known ancestry back to 1751.
Our beer sucks and i am not sure why.
No, canada just dont you know
if you dont take the enemy within your walls, they win
Are Macedonians white?
We are like 85-90% white. The Bosnian and Albanian population ruined our whiteness.
I am actually blonde blue eyed whitey.
35% of the population in Macedonia is muslim so yeah
Wtf is a Macedonia? Also wtf is Slovenia?
Who's gonna make Ajvar now?
Wtf is brazil, wasn't that a football club
Fair enough, Macedonian ajvar best ajvar.
What do you want, a trophy now? degaS you attention seeker. Go to /soc/.
Look like arabs mixed with Italians
Only thing my country can be proud of , also how come you have tried Macedonian ajvar
It's people like you that keep these kinds of threads running, the problem is not the poster himself it is the community that keeps replying to these threads which is the problem
damn straight,a lil bit more white
Mom bought it, said it was the best.
I was sceptical at first, but holy shit is it good.
the secret is that we put eggplant in it and we also peel the paprikas. Hf making the ajvar
hf going off thread is probably kill since there is no Macedonian in slovenia to answer the questions gn
Screencapped, ty