ITT: Pictures that will trigger newfags, r/the_donald cucks, other cuckservatives and leftists
ITT: Pictures that will trigger newfags, r/the_donald cucks, other cuckservatives and leftists
Other urls found in this thread:
The Führer of Sup Forums
>Hurr Durr I'll post my edgy hindu symbol to scare away liberals.
I'm still here faggot. Try harder.
First one triggered.
I'm none of those things and this triggers me. Stop trying to make him someone important, he's literally a fucking nobody. Pol is Pol, has no fucking leader.
TRS shills get out
Sup Forums is not alt-right
My only leader is KEK!
I bow down to no nigger!
Stormfags left Sup Forums when they got bullied by moot and flags were introduced, so they couldn't use their "JIDF" argument in every discussion anymore. They escaped to 8-cuck.
Only newfags don't know about it.
Tiresome, sage.
Angsty cuz your mom brought home yet another brown guy?
stormfags were never on Sup Forums
"stormfags" referred to stormfront bums who gave up on the world
fucking redditor
Here's a serb.
>state capitalism
>not left
Sorry newfag, you are participating in a storm faggot thread right now
I'm not even going to bother answering after seeing your flag. Opinion discarded.
go back to r/the_donald, little fella
I actually think the Nazi flag looks pretty cool. In fact, Nazi's had a damn good sense of style and I think that's part of why people here romanticize them so much.
Love this one
literally who?
>not going to answer
>so triggered that you're tired
I don't know why these faggots hate him so much. We could meme him into office if we wanted dammit.
Asuka > Rei
Finally some nice digits
Bored, not triggered.
Finns look kinda like chinks, not sure why you are in a whitey thread, reindeer-herder.
You're not triggering anyone with this edgy bullshit you don't even believe in.
You are however making fools of yourselves.
r/The_Donald is a white nationalist staging ground
>You know what to do
Heil Spencer
Alt lite gtfo
Friendly reminder that Nazism was designed for Germans. The way American white supremacists adapted it is beyond retarded, pathetic, and reminds the way weaboos roleplay as honorable Samurai.
Hitler never hated blacks, in fact his war propaganda accused US of being racist and portrayed KKK in bad light.
American white pride represent!
Fuck this larping faggot.
Sup Forums is a nazbol board now
Was half of this board even here for Dorner?
Hurl Hortler
This is what I call edge
British white pride represent!
trump triggered leftists so hard, but i'm not sure if it was worth all the newfags that came to Sup Forums
>calls someone reindeer herder and worships a cuck as PM and lives off of syrup
>dirt croat slav-squatter
>white thread
Think you got lost, little fella -- the swarthy threads are over yonder.
You know we have IDs here right?
whats his name again?
>yfw all these whining leddit leftists who migrated here will be converted to natsoc whether they like it or not
Syrup is for tourists, my inbred friend.
Thanks, newfriend! I'll keep that in mind.