ITT we trigger the French.
ITT we trigger the French
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Tbh they are good people and have a great military history.
It's jsut friendly banter, pierre.
I love French people though, they were the only country that genuinely tried to help Romania both in WW1 and WW2.
But the French are our greatest ally?
>ITT we trigger the French.
>be France
>have excellent military history
>surrender in one war
>get memed on forever
it's a struggle
Fuck the French
>german education
Just face it, frogs. Marine Le Pen is not going to win the election.
this is the epitome of humanity
Lapen wil winn
Dead country since July 7, 1936.
Why is one of the most famous pictures to come out of France is a crying faggot?
funniest thing is that most german never heard of "Charlamagne" and didn't ever question the idea that he was 100% Deutsch.
No German teacher would say that Karl der Große was German. That would be racist, you know?
yeah, today he would be portrayed as a black lesbian.
Not french though, thats never gonna happen.
Napoleon would roll in his grave if he knew the same Germans he so easily conquered would one day cuck his capital twice
Funny how the burger's education can't go before 1940 and after Azincourt at the same time ...
Jesus died for this.
fuck what battle was this
Why did Karl the great make Aachen his capital and ditch Paris?
>The Brits lost the longest war in their history
and completely false.
His genes are Dutch, his Empire French. His wannabees, German.
thanks and nice digits
and now you shit up their eiffel tower with fucking beggars everywhere
>Why did Karl the great make Aachen his capital and ditch Paris?
Better whores!
>a line of longbowmen
Any English victory between 12 and 1400 AD.
Both of these were great series. Gives the impression the Germans still care about their history, culture, and people. Even ending on a patriotic note with Germans cheering at the fall of the Berlin wall. So wtf went wrong in 2015?
>French army matches the German army in force
>Poles are outnumbered
>put up a fight
According to the legend Aachen's hot springs would relieve his back pain. In reality he probably just moved there because it was in the middle of his empire after he conquered Saxony
that was indeed a nice fight you put up in english skies, but you can go home, now.
Dutch was Deutsch at that time. And French ("Frankish") was also Deutsch at that time.
Why does this exist?
It's amazing.
First post best post as always
After getting to know some mainland Chinese I've discovered that, at least among the older generation, French is a popular choice for another second language. Dear God, why?
seems the only not Deustch thing at the time was the Germans then.
You are now aware that your genes contain 50%+ slavic genes from Poland, Lithuania and Russia. The """Deutsch""" you refer to never lived in Germany, Hans, Hansov, or Hansovski
What a time to be alive
Not even a real country.
No it wasn't
>And French ("Frankish") was also Deutsch
How do you explain pic related then?
Franco-Prussian War and WW2
See pic for proof.
There was the franco-prussian war well before that, and the colonial wars after WW2.
I guess his back was Aachen
Franco-Prussia war
World War II
Twingo a shit
Was it autism?
This didn't un-loose them the Battle of the Three Emperors though :x
not really triggering since coming from leaf
Not my fault the French don't deny entry to the gypsies and beggars, its their country the ball is in their court. This is true for Britain as well, btw. I do know that a while back they rounded up some of them and sent them by plane to Romania but they always find a way to go back so its pointless.
The French were so assblasted by the Franco-Prussian war that they flipped the Autism switch in their brains and torn down the Place Vendôme during the Paris Commune while the Germans were building their victory column
The Franks were a Germanic tribe who came from an area that is in modern day Belgium, Netherlands and Germany. I.e. along the river Rhine. "French" (Gauls really) were cucked by them and adapted their name.
>be french
>get invaded through Belgium
>build wall everywhere BUT along Belgium
>get invaded again
The column is decorated with captured French cannons
Still did it first. And melted the shit out of said canons
This might be the dumbest thing to ever obliterate my sides
It actually worked. They tricked Germany into invading through Belgium and thus gave GB a reason to interfere.
"Hail Mary, I'll rape the virgin clit."
"The powers that be invested in me; planting my malevolent seed.
Your screams make me erect."
"I almost don't want to dissect that childish cunt, but I come swinging, wielding this blunt club."
"Smashing as this cunt is gushing, licking at her oozing blood-soaked labia."
"It is so arousing eating out her anus. Elbow deep, force-fisting, digging for her foetus."
"I have my grasp on the son and I sever.
Her consciousness slips as I birth my new spawn."
"Now we must feast on the uterus on the name of the sacrament."
"Feast my son!"
"Now we must feast on the uterus on the name of the holy sacrament."
Chomping on his mother's womb.
Like father like son, he begins to fondle.
My lord, my love, kiss me with the kisses of thy mouth.
How lovely art thou, thy embrace.
My lord, my lord, my love, my soul salvation.
Take me to thy lap.
that would be a good tagline for the inevitable biopic
Triggering another great European Empire, fuck yourself OP
Indeed, they are trailblazers in many regards
silly doggo
Just...too early man.....
not clicking that shit, does the dog get shot.