Pol why do you hate centrists so much?
Pol why do you hate centrists so much?
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>you have a strong opinion on something?
>what are you, retarded?
What's wrong with that? Both are shit tho.
>i want the world to be black and white
>i can not handle complex issues
> I don't want to sacrifice my social status by having opinions
>i want to be an edgy teen
That's dumb as shit, kys
>I want to think I'm smarter than everyone
> I want to be seen as a distant aloof pseudo intellectual faggot who attacks SJW's but appears rational and repsectable because I want social validation from winning arguments on the internet
It's fucking insane that being apart of certain group means you have to accept all their values wholesale. You're a faggot if you are anything but a fluid centrist.
Their system has failed but they still can't change
>i am a fucking leaf
>i am sure that i am smarter than everyone
> I'm a cuck who can't post Hitler memes on Facebook
Thanks, you really made me think
Being a centrist is in no way indecisive and it's not at all like not strongly holding any views. It's just holding a view that isn't fucking ridiculous and/or extreme, and they may strongly hold that view. I hate non-centrists because (not always, however) they tend to shove themselves into a certain ideology and agree with everything that goes along with it despite what they feel as a person would be best. I personally hold some views that liberals would agree with though must of my views are typical of a republican & some libertarian. If you think it's retarded to not want to shove yourself into choosing either
(A) the group who thinks ending the life of an early-on rape baby that will grow up more than likely abused and underfed is an abomination
(B) the group who thinks we're having a racism epidimic so we should segregate and kill whitey
than kys
>actually forgot the pic
>I know nothing about history and the many failures of ideological extremism
>"t-they just want to look smart!"
> ideological extremism
Faggot a Right winger today is a liberal democrat twenty years ago
>Alt-rightists and Nationalists are less troglodytic than Conservatives
>not having a consistent way of thinking
>he thinks centrists don't have opinions on things
Just more proof that non-centrists are fucking stupid.
isn't true. My feelings towards centrists are very neutral.
>implying none of my opinions are conservative and I can't and/or haven't already gotten shit for holding them
All it really means for me personally is that I agree with almost everybody on atleast one thing but disagree with everybody I've ever met on several issues. I can guarantee you conservatives fit in with the group that you're in much better than I ever will seeing as how y'all all hold the exact same views and jerk eachother off 24/7
Does a centrist agree with an equal amount of mix and matched points from either side or are they just neutral to everything? Or either one of those?
Someone who's a centrist is engaging in self delusion, you only bring up that you're a centrist to get social brwonie points and counter shill people who you agree with on most issues and to win over people you disagree with over the internet by projecting an aura of credibility and impartiality.
Sargon of Akkad tries to do this even tho he's a fucking Trump supporter which means he's not a centrist by definition.
You can have your centrism and i'll keep my strong military fuck you very much faggot
>you only bring up that you're a centrist
Because thread is about centrism. It's called staying on topic, nimrod.
Only people who have ever described themselves as centrist to me were off the wall leftists that are incapable of seeing themselves.
I'm guessing you're not a leftist, then.
Just accept that centrists don't care about politics, and feign it to feel smart.
>Wow, you just enjoy not being retarded because it makes you look good. Sure is great being retarded, because almost nobody agrees with me, so you can't claim I'm doing it to be cool
What do you mean by centrism? It's a way to distance yourself from the extreme elements of the right wing because they aren't maisntream approved.
I support building wall, deporting illegals, monitoring muslims, stooping SJW faggotry but I'm a centrist you see because I support gay marriage and progressive taxation please notice me senpai
your feelings toward anything are neutral.
Far from neutral on everything but I am neutral on a couple things. Most of my views are righty but with major issues like gay marriage and abortion my views are way too leftist for a conservative to accept thus I don't call myself conservative. I'm more of a righty leaning moderate.
>calls himself a centrist
>harbors far-left views 90% of the time
Oh i get it
you're swiss
An Ideological level Centrist ar cucks.
But on a realistic "you can't have it all (consens,cost etc), you can't do it all(technical, by law, physicaly or whatev) point ov view". The centrist are the leader to the light. IRL application, ideology makes blind for reality. Ideology means death on the long run.
We hate the commies/tru nazis not by accident.
the main gag was that centrists have no real standpoint. ergo neutral. semy futurame reference.
It was a joke, a pretty lame joke but as you stated correctly i am swiss after all.
On the original political scale, Sup Forums is a centrist board.
Fascism, Paleoconservatism and Libertarianism are centrist. The far right is Aristocracy and Monarchism
Nice English, Sven. Why don't you go back to school.
Anyway, as a centrist, I do feel strongly about certain things. Such as that extremism, in ANY form, is bad.
i have a very stong feelings towards her.
As my father used to say:
"diä gottverdammti huer khört gfiggt mit me schue"
i would but the foreigeners there scare me. i got left behind.
The centrist of yesterday is an extremist today.
Most centrists aren't even centrists, they just use the title as a shield to prevent people from accusing them of pledging allegiance to an ideology for narcissistic self-indulgence.
You are so disgustingly self conscious. Always making fun of people who are authentic. Never having the courage to make real decisions. Feeling smug about championing other peoples accomplishments. Because of centrists the political left lost all legitimacy. You people have no redeeming features whatsoever.
Everyone ITT seems to feel angry at centrists
I'm a liberal who voted Trump. Probably makes me a centrist. What did I do to you?
I consider myself to be Libertarian ideologically but express my views from a Centre-right point of view. Being an ideologue is generally frowned upon here in Canada, moreso for right wingers since they are the minority. I'm not afraid of expressing what I believe an ideal society would be with people if they are willing to debate policies but that's a rarity since and more and more people my age (teenagers) are incable of nuanced rational thought. I like centrists, the world isn't black and white.
Because a lot of "centrists" think their political stances are so obvious that they couldn't possibly be extreme, thereby making them centrist.
You aren't the kind of centrist we're referring to (probably).
Because rebublicans are lunatics who overdosed on propaganda and went totally insane.
>You agree with the position I spent 4 years fighting for?
>choose a side as long as it's mine
Because "centrist" is literally different for everyone and is completely dependent on the relative beliefs of other ideologies
It's a meaningless term that is virtue-signalling "i'm so above it all" rather than saying anything meaningful about your philosophical outlook except that you're a condescending fool.
But we knew that already.
As a follow up to this, what you REALLY mean by this You're a PRAGMATIST (and a faggot)
>an approach that evaluates theories or beliefs in terms of the success of their practical application.