They will never learn, will they? At this rate Trump has 2020 in the bag.
They will never learn, will they? At this rate Trump has 2020 in the bag
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Let them destroy themselves
Why stop your enemy when they are making a mistake?
trump 2020 is guaranteed
there's no way he'll be more hated than he was this election. No way whatsoever.
>mfw this got jeers on air
Only way he loses in 2020 is if he upsets his core supporter base in some big way, because no matter how good he is as a president the people who were deluded into thinking he's the next Hitler are never going to have their minds changed.
Start harping on those white women, and make it harder for hard working Asians to get into the best schools.
I'm sure there is no way this can backfire
Still great that it was on air at all. SNL may yet be worth saving
Don't be anti-semitic, /nu-Sup Forums disavows hatred and bigotry. We're a board of peace now.
I knew that if nothing else a Trump presidency would at least make SNL great again
Hey, I have that Outdoor Life shirt. Canvas shirts are comfy to work in.
They have gone so far up their own arses that they're looking through their own eye sockets again seeing the same things
The are suffering from mass hysteria and it will take years for them to understand just how ridiculous they appear to a reasonable person
Gonna be fun watching them collapse though
We really need 2018. We're only one state away from constitutional amendment guaranteed
Of course it did... SNL has been overtly leftist for quite a while, which would lead to the studio audience tending to be mostly left as well.
>Implying the electoral college will vote for Trump
It's basically Mexico with slightly cleaner water
The democrats will probably have a non retard this time around tho
>implying they won't
Keep grasping at those straws m8!
I am sad now
Saw a vid from Peckham in South London the other day that had the same effect
All I can read is
>please we literally can't get a job with these useless degrees in sociology and gender studies don't let us become outdated !
Remaincuck detected
>tfw the enemy is just destroying itself
Good. Trump 2020.
this was always a board of peace
vulnerable isnt the same as valuable you know? tranny votes dont count more no matter how many genders they feel they belong to.
Oh come on.... if i keep seeing this, i cant help but eventually become a nazi
Vulnerable usually refers to 6'6 niggers with a gun and Muslim rapists in leftspeak
Was there any doubt about this after the Emperor launched the Trumpwave with his smooth moves?
Doubtful. The Dem party has been filled with incompetent hacks for many years now. If nothing else, wikileaks proved this. All the upper echelons of the party are taken by corruption and/or affirmative action hires.
There are some good people in the party. I'm thinking of people like Jim Webb. But they will get increasingly marginalized inside the party structure. The main reason Hillary had so little opposition is because there was simply no one else in the party (Bernie had no chance and was not a Democrat anyway).
Some people are shilling the Hawai girl but that would be a flop for the ages. I hope they present her.
Who? The dems have no one
Hawaii girl is getting a part in Trump's cabinet
What you're seeing is why the Nazis became Nazis.
true, bernie was indipendent before this elction, and obama won just beacuse he was black and hip.
if trump gain the support of the working class and labour union the democratic party is done
This is what we in academia call a "death spiral".
>Let's triple down!!!
They need to dress nicer desu
What's the joke here? It reads like a non-sequitur.
They just can't help themselves, they will never free themselves of the identity politics. I feel Trump will win his reelection easily.
I've also noticed how they want to move even more to the left, is this true?
>people are tired of special snowflakes so they voted trump
Holland is full of identity politics on the right.
is this flag rare?
I don't even really follow my country's own politics.
There isn't even a real right-wing only centre-right.
Never interrupt your enemy, etc.
>mfw people are already whining about how offensive this joke was
>pol criticize multicultured or none white states in US
> The riches and most advanced states in the US are happened to be multicultured or none white
Jews hoard all the wealthin big cities and pay the smart goyim to be slaves in their corporations
>lets focus on 30% of 13%
>40% of 10%
>50% of 1%
>etc etc etc
That should lock it up!
This has always been a board of peace.
We are but simple farmers, tending to our memes.
He doesn't even have 2016 in the bag, faggots
kek confirms
Mei is cute. Mei builds walls to keep filthy dangerous people away. Mei is perfection.
not an argument
so whites are better off with jews than being rednecks
whats that roach?
the kurds should have a country to themsleves and eastern turkey should be given to them?
Why thanks enjoy the raid.
no i support a multicultured turkey where everyone is turkish but not necessary a turk
Can anyone find the clip?
what do you mean the ottoman empire was a mistake and the armenians should be given reparations?
>They will never learn, will they?
They will learn when the ovens start working
>They will never learn, will they? At this rate Trump has 2020 in the bag.
Fuck off shill. Sup Forums consensus is SPENCER 2020
well it's not like the republicans are going to do any better sticking with the same shit that was leading to their party's extinction not to mention you fucking retards doing your nazi salutes in public for Trump
>What's the joke here?
People got sick of all this tumblr-tier race and gender politics politics and that's a big reason America has shifted back right.
Predictably this comedian immediately got a torrent of shit about this joke and there are already calls to have him fired from the show. Leftists haven't learned anything at all from their defeat.