There he is...finally came out of his room.
Come join us for thanksgiving user.
Uncle Benny wants to hear all about your little online friends.
There he is...finally came out of his room
>house going to be flooded with muslims and haitians tomorrow
>do you know the joke of this guy who did nothing wrong ?
"Let me tell you about the Jews and their lies...."
tfw no qt redhead cousin gf
Well, I go to a board called Sup Forums which is a political board, but why don't you ask my redheaded cousin Rufus sitting there about Sup Forums and /mlp/...go on..ask him...
and what do your little online friends do on Sup Forums user?
why aren't the women in the kitchen or are we only having cheese and water?
>eat cheese triangles
We talk about ways to achieve world peace and trade funny memes about frogs.
They meme wars into reality
pic not related
>t-t-thanks for d-dinner
Hahahahaha fucking normies. I didn't even know it was fucking thanksgiving this week until like two days ago. Enjoy your faggot bullshit holiday and having to interact with other people. Ahahahahaha
They are not my friends, they are my victims.
>tfw I will never be an American
At least I can still join your Thanksgiving table.
They all look like jews
>t. typical closeted trumpfag
Are we having whale for dinner? If not why is that one sitting at the table?
>"somebody get that roach away from the turkey!"
>"it's a big one!"
>rightful Russian clay
>what are you fucking normies doing in my house?
>proceed to the massacre
why are we celebrating thanksgiving mum? Who are these people? Since when did we start allowing gingers on the furniture?
>"hey there kiddo! done hangin out with your online dorks! hahaha. when are you gonna get a girl? hahaha. im just kiddin, HEY pass the potatos! hahaha."
What the fuck are you doing in my house?
Get out. This is private property.
"H... H... Hitler did nothing wrong"
Braless Aunt Patty looks like she would give you an under-the-table HJ in the rec room.
where's the food niggers???
>implying I still see my family
>implying i have any family
>"hey there user! hmm your really growin up huh? *looks you up and down* get some sun and fresh air and maby ill give you a REAL good xmas gift *wink*"
We're plotting to take over the world but don't anybody.
>*thinks to herself* glad no one brought a nigger this time. yeah im lookin at you josh
fuck forgot to post grandma
are those triangles of butter on their plates?
Now I know this white family aint mine
th-thanks aunt patty
The North Koreans would use this image to prove that American Thanksgiving consists of just eating butter triangles, like how the rest of the year it's birds and snow coffee on the menu.
>this nigga's never had butter loaf
h-h-hi family.
don't mind me, nothing of interest to report.
Its funny that people think that we're just confined to basements shit posting all day. I have a "normal" job and family, if anyone asked about it, I'd play dumb and move on. Our greatest strength is that no one can pick us out of a line up, and as a result, can have a tremendous effect on the world without anyone noticing.
Basically this.
>not eating a couple slabs of butter as an appetizer
Are you even American?
>couple years ago, meeting gf's family for the first time at Thanksgiving
>her father's a preacher, talking to uncle about some jew museum he went through
>uncle says "yes, the jewish people are really trying to educate that it was the romans who killed jesus, not the jews. it's a major misunderstanding they're trying to correct"
>look them in the eye and say, "they also tell you the holocaust happened, do you believe everything a jew tells you?"
>table goes dead silent
>leave awkwardly thirty minutes later
>still dating the girl and never have to go to family gatherings anymore
>redpilled girl
things went better than expected
Who /onlyparents/ here?
i like the basement virgin meme though. it keeps us safe.
>Why are we celebrating American holiday when our independence day is in couple weeks
if only we had a handshake or something I am sure we pass each other every day and have no idea its a fellow polack
/deadparents/ here. live with gf and son. great life.
i know alot of red pilled people that know nothing of Sup Forums. i intend to keep it that way. i dont like anyone knowing i post of go on Sup Forums.
Just start grabbing their dick -- you'll know it's me.
Me too. Nothing makes me happier than being underestimated by the brainwashed cucks of the world. While they bitch about the new iPhone, we vote and influence the world to fit our vision. The cultural shift has already started, and I couldn't be happier.
>Tremendous effect
Keep telling yourself that lol, your posting on a shit forum that the rest of the world laughs at. You and your buddies can't change shit.
We don't need to identify each other, and honestly, it's better that we don't. What's going on here is the internet version of Mao's rise to power in China. The more we blend in while creating chaos and division among the enemy, the better.
I'll add that to the list of things that can't be done, right beside Brexit and Trump being elected. Keep laughing faggot.
And yet you post on the very same forum, my dear burger friend.
that picture makes me really anxious
>live with gf and her son
KEK now has thousands of believers, Trump is president of the USA, Brexit won. I think we changed the world more than any normie
are you the son of immigrants? w'sawnoxa (algonquian butter appetizer) goes back to the first thanksgiving
Let me discuss who trump isnt trump anymore and that jews hellbent on globalism have replacrd him with a clone
why are there jews in my house
>who trump isnt trump anymore and that jews hellbent on globalism have replacrd him with a clone
>Tremendous effect
Keep telling yourself that lol, your posting on a shit forum that the rest of the world laughs at. You and your little internet friends can't change shit.
>uh.. oh.. is just some forum
they are not my friends
i love arguing with people on normiebook and other places. something about destroying someones flawed point of view is just so satisfying. i have such a blind seething hate for the social justice shit, and i take it out on anyone who even enables it. Sup Forums really fine tuned my shit posting skills.
>turn to face uncle benny
>Hi uncle Benny, how's the rice industry treating you? Glad you asked me tell you all about them...
>whispers "yeah user has always been a little...special....OH HEY kiddo nice of you to join us! we were just talking about how good you've done this year!" when you stop looking at him he has a clear look of utter disappointment.
hahaha top kek
>"user calm down! dont you want to have dinner with your family tonight? your cousin becky misses you!"
If you try and go out to make some, will you die?
>"yeah user how ya been? college has been going great! did i tell you im out of the closet now? you didnt vote for trump did you? you know he hates gay people right? we should hang out sometime! i want to tell you about the patriarchy and how it keeps minorities like myself down!"
>Tfw I'm the Uncle Benny at the table
Hey there, kiddo!
i fucking hate uncle bennys. they think they are so god damn funny, fuck those guys.
Haha, maybe some day you'll get to stuff something other than a turkey, ya dork! I'm just playing, you know I love ya, kiddo! *back pat*
>*mutters*"g...gas the kikes, mom..."
>"what was that, son?"
>"h-hitler did n-nothing wrong. Race war now, mom. Exterminate the niggers."
>"that's nice, dear. Would you like some mashed potatoes?"
>"....yes mom"
This machine-technics will end with the Faustian civilization and one day will lie in fragments, forgotten our railways and steamships as dead as the Roman roads and the Chinese wall, our giant cities and skyscrapers in ruins like old Memphis and Babylon. The history of this technics is fast drawing to its inevitable close. It will be eaten up from within, like the grand forms of any and every Culture. When, and in what fashion, we know not.
Faced as we are with this destiny, there is only one world outlook that is worthy of us, that which has already been mentioned as the Choice of Achilles: better a short life, full of deeds and glory, than a long life without content. Already the danger is so great, for every individual, every class, every people, that to cherish any illusion whatever is deplorable. Time does not suffer itself to be halted; there is no question of prudent retreat or wise renunciation. Only dreamers believe that there is a way out. Optimism is cowardice.
We are born into this time and must bravely follow the path to the destined end. There is no other way. Our duty is to hold on to the lost position, without hope, without rescue, like that Roman soldier whose bones were found in front of a door in Pompeii, who, during the eruption of Vesuvius, died at his post because they forgot to relieve him. That is greatness. That is what it means to be a thoroughbred. The honourable end is the one thing that can not be taken from a man.
Also, pass the salt
*waves to everyone*
>quickly take seat and stare at food
well you could argue that what happens here is just a reflection of "zeitgeist".
People with clear sense of reality in one big pool of minds. How much influence we have is a question.
>We make presidents
Well, basically we conjured up an ancient Egyptian god of darkness using numerical ouija and the latent psychic power inherent to massive and continuous focuses of human consciousness - you might know their forms as 'memes' - thus ensuring Trump became president. It's pretty neat stuff.
y-you t-too benny
what is with the world's uncle benny's? even our culture has them
that one family member with the really thick forearms and stubby fingers who's always laughing and red-faced way too much and you're pretty sure he beats his wife
Why am I seated at the end of the table? That spot is reserved for the master of the house or the family's patriarch/matriarch.
Also why is there only big glasses of water here? If this is a family reunion, I expect at least two drunk uncles debating by the end of the meal.
>Scan the room
>Not a fuckable vagina in here
>Go back on Sup Forums
when my son was born my uncle benny tried to pick him up and was acting his goofy stupid self and my son cried and cried till he put him down. even babies dont like uncle benny.
Underrated post
>My brother can't get enough of Sup Forums. Goes on and on about "cucks" and "race traitors". Little kids are so impressionable. But anyway, you were gonna tell me about YOUR political opinions, user...?
I rather just show you my political opinions with interpretative dance. Did I mention this dance involves my penis?
.... why are the single moms always the hottest?
As an Uncle Benny, I drink too much, so that might be why I'm a bit red faced.
I know this feel.
so even uncle bennys have feels.