Why is Sup Forums so anti-Intellectual?

Why is Sup Forums so anti-Intellectual?

How did you manage to get roped in by the demagogue known as The Donald?

Clinton was the demagogue, Trump was the Caesar.

Its the politics board, what do you expect?

Demagogue and caesar are not anthonyms or any kind of opposites.

Further proof that you're an anti-intellectual

i wanted to see minorities and cucks cry and it's already been more than i could have ever dreamed of

Cattle want good sheperds

Show me where that was implied.

Sup Forums is basically the same as normies. It's just the backwards normies who hate brown people instead of the progressive normies who love brown people. There's not much of a qualitative difference, both are easy to sway.

>Clinton was the demagogue (bad)

>Trump was the Caesar (good)

Trump can be a demagogue and caesar

caesar is not a behavioural quality, its a title. Hillary would have been caesar if POTUS instead of Trump

Seeing as we are using analogies from the time of Imperial Rome, consider Trump as a Claudius figure - overlooked as a fool, but a wise man, the choice of the patriots, capable of great and mighty works, repairing the damage done by a profligate tyrant (Caligula/Obama).

Let us pray he is not followed up by a Nero.

Ever since /r9k/ was raided and destroyed with the faggot sissy shit I've noticed Sup Forums has transformed a bit into its bastard son

>Why is Sup Forums so anti-Intellectual?

This is no way to get back at me for fucking your mother.

Sup Forums did literally nothing wrong.

Also, Tuck is on tonight. Sources say he is growing exhausted repelling women from himself and his wife jealous fucking his brains out all night.

He needs our energy.

because most of people are. doesn't matter Sup Forums, Sup Forums, or entire internet

>leftard thinks throwing buzzwords at people makes them change idea
Nothing to see here

Because college is full of cucks/anti-white propaganda.

Don't blame me, I voted for Jeb!.

This board is a great example of a hivemind though

"Hail Mary, I'll rape the virgin clit."
"The powers that be invested in me; planting my malevolent seed.
Your screams make me erect."

"I almost don't want to dissect that childish cunt, but I come swinging, wielding this blunt club."

"Smashing as this cunt is gushing, licking at her oozing blood-soaked labia."

"It is so arousing eating out her anus. Elbow deep, force-fisting, digging for her foetus."

"I have my grasp on the son and I sever.
Her consciousness slips as I birth my new spawn."

"Now we must feast on the uterus on the name of the sacrament."

"Feast my son!"

"Now we must feast on the uterus on the name of the holy sacrament."
Chomping on his mother's womb.
Like father like son, he begins to fondle.

My lord, my love, kiss me with the kisses of thy mouth.
How lovely art thou, thy embrace.
My lord, my lord, my love, my soul salvation.
Take me to thy lap.

Aristotle would vote Trump.


Thank your so much for making this post! I used to have to leave this place to get my daily dose of liberal tears.
Since the election, you come here to post your tears. It's like a gift from the emperor himself.

How did you let your island get invaded by niggerboats ?

Voting Trump and rabidly endorsing him are not the same and Sup Forums is fanatically raging in Trump's favour all the time.

I think it started as a meme because Trump was the meme candidate, then he tuned in with the current fade of anti-degeneracy and some idiots thought they had a place here actually shilling for Trump for real.

How is that bad?
Ideas that hold their ground remain and the weak ones are immediately argued and disregarded.

Well to start there's never any complexity to the ideas that are memed here and there's close to 0 discussion.

You're a shill or you parrot whatever idea is being memed at the time, there's almost no insight.

Even the anons that worked like niggers in the pedophile and clinton foundation threads doing the work that the FBI should have done didnt seem to be particularly bright in any way and were not open to discussion

I'm not talking in terms of good and bad, it is what it is and how it is, but I'd say this board is widely anti-intellectual

>"Intellectual" now means hating yourself and your country

>Sup Forums is fanatically raging in Trump's favour all the time
Is this really a thing, though? I think we all agree that he's a better than Hillary and he was an anti-establishment pick (we'll see how it'll work in the future) but nobody seriously expects him a be a god emperor who'll single handedly uncuck entire nation.

>there's never any complexity to the ideas that are memed here
Because the more complex it is the more holes it has
>there's close to 0 discussion
There are many threads every day about all kinds of subjects, of course when talking about news there isn't much to argue

>You're a shill or you parrot whatever idea is being memed at the time
But you can keep going with the argument, it's not like if you're called something you have to stop debating

If your definition of intellectualism is being progressive then yeah it absolutely is anti-intellectual.