So, which country will be uncucked next? My vote goes to France.
So, which country will be uncucked next? My vote goes to France
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Them or S. Korea. Both, I hope.
>So, which country will be uncucked next? My vote goes to France.
Canada. That drag queen is being a pest.
The US and UK are still cucked
Trudeau is redpilled.
Also this.
He isn't aware of the Quebec problem, nor the final solution to said problem.
He denies the very existence of that problem.
We will slowly become uncucked under Trump.
You're right about the UK though. They were duped and brexit is just going to get swept under the rug without article 50 ever being invoked.
>tfw this image will never be fixed or updated
Kill me senpai
>Trudeau is redpilled
3 weeks till Austria being uncucked. U cant outspeed these mountain krauts.
Surely Trump however will just do a U turn on all off you aswell.
>Ever being uncucked
The French have always been a bunch of ungrateful little shits. Anything we do to help them they'll just shit all over it in a few years
France, maybe the netherlands.
Belgium is a non country and too far gone.
Are you kidding me?
I made this one day after Adolfs birthday this year (minus Japan and India) but though other countries were not relevant enough, so no update.
nice.... nice.... nnA FUCKING LEAF
Kevin O'leary is running for Conservative leadership. If he wins, he could be a Canadian Trump and oust Justin "If you let refugees fuck your butthole, you win" Trudeau
>the English were saying the same thing some months ago
Nothing has change, there has litterally been 0 change for the better. It'll just be the same old under Trump and America will be less and less white and the (((activists))) will keap doing their thing and if Trump don't agree with them they'll break stuff. Hopefully that redpills a few more. But in spite of all of this whites will still be a minority in all countries except eastern slav nations. There is no change on that front.
No country is uncucked yet, what are you talking about?
Trump election and brexit didn't magically turn us into the Confederacy and the 4th Reich.
As for Britain, we need to meme ourselves a based PM.
At the moment we have a globalist shilling, pro-EU, cuck old hag, and she needs to hang.
I hate how these soft cunts cant stop whining about their future defeat. They dont even try to fight. Instead burgerbros make memes for them.
>thinking canada isn't cucked
>"Mr. Prime Minister why is you're cabinet 50% men and 50% women?"
>states the current year
Austria, to many muds in france for it ever to get uncucked.
Trudeau is like Trump. He knows all the best words, but he has trouble expressing them when he speaks.
Dont count on us, too many people wet themselves at the promises the socialist parties are making (and wont be able to fulfill).
I predict our elections ending with the VVD at the helm again, either through a coalition with PVV or with some other lame party. Nothing will change compared to this government. If PVV rules they run into constitutional problems within half a year and crash and burn.
TLDR: country will be ungovernable and as such continue on its current course.
Your mother will be unucked next.
Tony Based Abbots not getting back in. We now have some rich (((banker))) running our country. Best we can unrealistically hope for is Pauline Hanson for Prime minister or the Queen takes over and reigns like a fascist, least the party that's in isn't cuck it's like neutral cuck to immigration
Also Trump won't uncuck the US he'll slow non white growth but white population will still decrese. Your still 60% white, I don't think Americans realize how bad 60% is
What is this cunts goal?
I've never heard of him actually doing anything, or express his thoughts on the economy.
All I've seen him do is talk about diversity, trannies while he visits mosques and dances with poo in loo women.
>I've never heard of him actually doing anything, or express his thoughts on the economy.
That's because you only pay attention to him when he says dumb shit.
What's the quebec problem?
He's black pilled if anything
They exist
>not a single hofer posted
Fuck is wrong with you goys?
Why do we need to support the home country of shitposting?
All you eternal anglos had to do was not invade us if you didn't want french people in your fucking country. Enjoy having your tax dollars drained fag
Trudeau? What the fuck are you talking about.
>women leaders
u ok m8?
Didn't the ol' Nigester say he might run for MP again? If Tresemmé doesn't pull out of Europe by 2020 I think UKIP has a real shot.
>uncuck leafs
leafposting, everyone