Betsy DeVos

She's not pro-Common Core. Sage and hide these slide CTR threads.

Bump. They're trying to gaslight us.

Yes we know and her brother's academi is
going to be hired to remove illegals. Trump is
doing the opposite of Commodus. Make the
establishment work for you while cleaning it up
instead of removing them all on day one. Peaceful revolution we w don not want to bring the syrian war home

how about a reliable source faggot

Bumpity bump.


Bump. Fuck CTR and fuck niggers.

Thank god, Fox News said she was a CC supporter and I thought Trump had done fucked up.

Then why did Breitbart report otherwise?

The NAEYC and other groups that are pro children that you have to join to get into any elected office are gonna be pro common core


Everything I've read about DeVos tells me she is a swamp drainer.

Tenuous claims about her supporting it because she was involved with education related foundations that supported Common Core.

Fuck off, TRS shill. Breitbard even admits she loves Common Core.

Sup Forums isn't going to fall to your propaganda campaign. We're politically contrarian, not literally Nazis who worship Trump.

If need be, we'll go full multiculturalism-and-inclusion if the political winds blow the other way.

Whoa, she flipflopped

She definitely deserves that position now

>Trump nominates a female for Education Secretary

"B-But the media told me he was a misogynist!"

Based Don BTFOing the fuck out of Never-Trumpers.

She is not pro-Common Core, retard.

>If need be, we'll go full multiculturalism-and-inclusion if the political winds blow the other way.

Go fuck yourself shill.

You probably threw up in your mouth looking at that ass, didn't you faggot?

> not common core
> contributes enormous amounts of money to organizations devoted to spreading common core

You've been tricked. Maybe TRS isn't as trustworthy as you thought?

You've been in every thread with the same scripted responses about muh TRS and unrelated pics with every post. Get a life, retard.

good god these people

Breitbart is now the Lügenpresse

One after another his announcements are getting slandered the second they are appointed. Why on Earth would you fall for it the 7th or 8th time?

They've all been baby slaughtering, white supremacist monsters who want to ban abortion and round all legal immigrants into murder kill death camps.
