What does Sup Forums think of the Irish Republican Army? Terrorists or freedom fighters?

What does Sup Forums think of the Irish Republican Army? Terrorists or freedom fighters?

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>don't just shout up the IRA
>join the

Join the what?

They're non-white.

>Terrorists or freedom fighters?

What's the difference, lad?

IRA, it got cut

Terrorists are condemned, freedom fighters are glorified. The IRA is hated in Britain but loved in Ireland

Neither? Last I checked they were aging drunks who destroyed all their guns, gave up on half their homeland, and can't even crop an image correctly.


Fuck the brits

Official reports claim only a 1/3 of guns was destroyed in the decommission of the IRA and only a fool believes they are gone


The modern day incarnation are thugs. The OG's are legends. All my family from back home (Tipp) support this view. All our men and women were involved when the IRA was a legitimate army.

Fucking morons who don't realize what a failure Republics are and what they've been every time they've been implemented and modified in history which is not surprising, since they also don't seem to know that Ireland was never united with Northern Ireland besides under British rule, and they voted to remain apart of Britain because we're better, and they have trouble accepting that.

As I said, what's the difference lad.

It's solely based on the perspective of the person judging them.

I've got some family history with the IRA though, so I'm about that life.

Ah so they just decided to quit of their own volition, like every other lazy potato-nigger ever born.

Call me when they do anything worse than puke on a Britishman's shoes.

as a catholic and half anglo im torn, but i have to back the IRA, not a fan of their marxist tendencies but thes guys conducted a fairly succsesful insurgency.

Me too. My dad killed 3 of the Irish cocksuckers and my great uncle got his right off disfigured off a mine in Northern Ireland. We kill you Irish fucking subhumans for breakfast.

right foot*

Muh 1/64th Irish.

the only good ira were the 1910s-20s one, Ireland was established and anything that was active afterwards is just terrorists, drug dealers and thugs



any group that supports communism should be exterminated.

That referendum was boycotted because it was in a time of political corruption. There is legitimate evidence that NI is better off as part of the Republic of Ireland. Also who are you to say NI should never rightfully unite with the republic? Quote from James Connelly "The British never had a right, doesn't have a right and never will have a right in Ireland."

you fucking engurlish bastard...ull get whats camin to yer


1. You wouldn't be uniting Northern Ireland, you'd be completely altering the history of Northern Ireland and making it apart of a country it's never been in a union with.

2. No one rigged your fucking election. They didn't rig the Scottish referendum or the EU referendum, they didn't rig the Northern Ireland referendum.

I'm just a lonesome peasant living in Northumberland with like 5-6 family members who took up arms against your Irish terrorists and terrorist supporting cunts.

>Not realising at least 35% of the IRA were compromised or MI5 plants, 55% were inactive or only involved for drug dealing, leaving about 40 guys total who were the actual fucking IRA since 1986

What about them? Your flag tells me you have never had nor will ever have ANY involvement in the IRA or the republican movement, you were the bystanders to our fight

the provos were absolute madmen

>the only good ira were the 1910s-20s one

No, you subhuman Australian shit.


>"The British never had a right, doesn't have a right and never will have a right in Ireland."


To the Field General Court Martial, held at Dublin Castle, on May 9th, 1916:

I do not wish to make any defence except against charges of wanton cruelty to prisoners. These trifling allegations that have been made, if they record facts that really happened deal only with the almost unavoidable incidents of a hurried uprising against long established authority, and nowhere show evidence of set purpose to wantonly injure unarmed persons.

We went out to break the connection between this country and the British Empire, and to establish an Irish Republic. We believed that the call we then issued to the people of Ireland, was a nobler call, in a holier cause, than any call issued to them during this war, having any connection with the war. We succeeded in proving that Irishmen are ready to die endeavouring to win for Ireland those national rights which the British Government has been asking them to die to win for Belgium. As long as that remains the case, the cause of Irish freedom is safe.

Believing that the British Government has no right in Ireland, never had any right in Ireland, and never can have any right in Ireland, the presence, in any one generation of Irishmen, of even a respectable minority, ready to die to affirm that truth, makes that Government for ever a usurpation and a crime against human progress.

I personally thank God that I have lived to see the day when thousands of Irish men and boys, and hundreds of Irish women and girls, were ready to affirm that truth, and to attest it with their lives if need be.
Commandant-General, Dublin Division,
Army of the Irish Republic


So what exactly are "freedom fighters" fighting?

I like the IRA, I just hate the term "freedom fighter."

enjoy this OC


the vast majority of the provos weren't involved in drug dealing, they were oddly pious about drugs

Terrorists. No army, but a bunch of people who set up bombs in city areas and don't think about the people.
You had a good cause but all what is left is terrorism and non-related people crying for their relatives and on top of that hate you.
And if that's not enough, IRA was a fucking radical left that never really extrapolted their agenda. It was always a secret... yeah gotta tell me. Just fuck you

They killed members of the royal family, and so very nearly nailed thatcher too.

>I like the IRA, I just hate the term "freedom fighter."

How "noble" of you. You'll support terrorists but you just won't call them freedom fighters.


They were terrorist child murderers.

Now they're just shitty marxist larpers who beat up children.

That was over 30 years ago you paddy cuck.

I know her reforms were fucking terrible, but Maggie didn't put up with any shit. She sent the SAS in to deal with the Iranian Embassy siege, fucked up Argentina and booted the IRA.

White English speaking people fighting white English speaking people because they pray to the same God differently? Yeah... geniuses.

Are they still a thing?

I thought they didnt exist anymore

How was it never in a union with the republic? It is stolen Irish land under foreign occupation. Gerrymandering and corruption was ripe in NI during the troubles do your research and pass on my regards to your uncle, should've took the both feet


Yanks won't get this, but anyone who lives in the Northern Ireland (IRA) will be posting under a Union Jack. The Southern Irish sold out the North and had little to none IRA members, they are all in The North (Union Jack, because they never won and are still under British Control).

>My Thoughts?

They are responsible for every major IED used today. There's a good doc on how they invented the roadside bomb, could send a tonne bomb six hundred metres, invented the pager/cell phone bombs and almost invented the Heat seeking IEDs for Helis. ISIS are using ITA texhnology from the 70s-90s.

They could've been worse and more effective. They called in to warn when bombs were going off to get civilliaans out.
>Puc related
2 tonne bomb in Wormwood Street, London with only 1 casualty.

Terririst scum and the war was pointless because they are where they left off.

It was more about muh rightful Irish clay, or so they'll have you believe.




Because they aren't fighting freedom, they're fighting FOR freedom?

>"waaah Ireland wants to be free and they're attacking our innocent police thugs waaahh"

The only thing that sucks is that the modern IRA is a marxist honeypot.

they fight occupiers of their land like the palestinians

No. There are people that call themselves IRA. They come in two types: brainless thugs who beat up children and place fake bombs on train tracks to piss everyone off and the Marxist larpers who support them.

No, it was more complicated than that. Even the Hundred Years War had other motives than religion.

Name the point in history where Northern Ireland was united with the rest of Ireland and not a totally seperate "subgroup" (if you will) that constantly tried to kill it's opponents (like most of Ireland) until British rule?

Your dad didn't kill three.

The Army killed very few, unless je was SAS. SaS had calm down because they almost wiped the IRA out.

They do still exist. You see them around. Still supports down south. Up North they go after the drug dealers and do quite a good job.

Damn, I would give anything to be 12 years old again. You've got your whole life in front of you but you choose to end it here?

Since the Anglo Irish Treaty they were shits. and the ones up north were commie bastards.

However the original IRA and IRB are sound lads

The bombing campaign was a war of attrition, the IRA wanted to bankrupt the UK till it was no longer feasible to support NI, hence why they always rang in to warn against the public bombs

I've nothing against patriots. Regretably, Scotland as an independant nation is finished. We are so cucked that I doubt anything will fix what we have become.

I'm seriously considering suicide, senpai.

Northern Ireland is artificial. It shouldn't exist. It's essentially a Gerry mandered segment of an island that has always been whole. The idea you're trying to express about ir land never having been united fully is wrong in so many ways. It's what israelies say about Palestine so they can justify stealing more and more of their land and abuse them as a people. You're a Jew

>Once I heard that people tell lies on the internet
What fucking planet are you on?

"Ireland wants to be free"
From what? Northern Ireland was never united with the rest of Ireland, again.

I know only of one case, where another of his group was shot at down the road from where he was at, right next to a primary school and the whole school was on lockdown until like 7pm because he saved a newspaper report from it.

Who the fuck are you to tell me this? He's been dead for 5 years.

Before the British Invasion and plantations, where the British Forced the Irish off their land to go west to make room for British settlers to take the land hence the term "to Connacht or to hell".

>It's what israelies say about Palestine so they can justify stealing more and more of their land

>let me just apply this completely different situation to yours and see now, i'm right. i guess i win another argument.

I'm not Israeli and Ireland isn't Palestine.

>t. Marxist larper IRA supporter

But they are similar cases, stolen land under foreign occupation.

>where the British Forced the Irish off their land
This happened in Cramlington, Newburn, Scotland and in the Midlands too with full British citizens.

Ireland held the free movement of peoples with Britain, for centuries in fact (before the EU fucked it up), and Irish citizens have always enjoyed benefits that other nationalities don't in Britain simply because of our long and shared history because of being stuck on two islands for 10,000 years.

Don't act like all of Britain's relationship with Ireland was the potato famine. Your economy, the first railway lines, your political system, your written language and your defence was British.

The content of what you're saying is the same you pedantic dickhead

>Before the Scottish* Invasion and plantations,
ftfy. It implies Wales and England conquered you, when it was really just all Scotland but you Celtic lovers pretend they dindu nuffin.

Now go blow yourself, stinky Irish muslim scum.

In a completely different situation, as opposed to two artificially created states, we're talking about a mix of very ancient cultures with centuries of colonisation and conflict.

They're nothing alike you fucking Jew.

From what I can tell it was actually kind of a complicated issue actually, involving when the king of England at the time split off from the Holy Roman Catholic church so he could get a divorce. Ireland got pissed and felt that their culture and church were being gradually robbed by the British beginning a schism between protestant and catholic.

Again - complicated and something that would take more than 5 minutes to explain, but there was merit and valid reason for you guys to be pissed at us.

Sweet digits

lol they think they are Palestine, they aren't the ones living with fighter jets scrambled every five seconds, flying over their land.

Fucking children in the IRA need to grow the fuck up and get a real problem, like me, deciding what to eat now. Think I might go for a nice bowl of Aryan flakes with a juice pint of Aryan blood.

catholics in northern ireland were treated kinda shit

catholics got mad and started shooting troops and blowing everything up

went on about 20 years too long

No, they rang in on Northern ireland too. The only time they didn't was when it was a direct retaliation.

The Ecinomic campaign wasn't succesful. They say it broughr UK to the table but inreality they let the bombs go off. The insurance paid bigly and the 2 tonne Manchester bomb got them an entire new city Centre. Manchester was a Shithole before the Bomb went off.

Read up.

The Ones up North were not Commies, why lie. They split from the Commies in the 60s and became the PIRA (IRA) the IRA in the 20s sold out to the UK and then killed the IRA whi wanted full freedom and killed them with British weapons. They 20s IRA were Socialist, not the Northern.

Your Dads a lying cunt. My DAD was in NI, he was in Omagh in the 70s. It was like Afghanistan, little action but shitting yourself because they'd randomly open up or the IEDs.

We only killed like 300 of theirs in like 40 years. Most times it's only like one person shot at time. The only times more than one was killed was by Special Forces

Your dad didn't do much and made up bedtime stories for you.

with 5% of our population and most people against the mad bombers you could never win and never will

Our written language? You mean the ban on the Irish language? We Irish speak English for a reason, you nearly wiped the Gaelic language. Okay we will not focus on the famine let's focus on the Irish slavery or the no Irish need apply signs or maybe the forced conscription of thousands of Irishmen for your wars for hundreds of years, and don't say it was Ireland wars either because we had no representation in parliament nor was the queen representing us

>Your Dads a lying cunt.
Thanks. I'm in the Army at Hyde Parks now too, and I promise he wasn't lying. Either that or he knew more than he should of.

They didn't 'let' the bombs go off lol, that'd be insane

Murdering, cowardly, bog-trotting scum.

I have respect for the Brits, and can agree to a certain extent that a kind of victim complex is fostered in strands of nationalism that doesn't fully accurately illustrate the history. But I'll leave that to the historians.

The reason why I'm a nationalist however is simple. I ask myself is the union doing any good for Northern Ireland? And the answer is no, it's not. And I don't blame the English for this, it's just the way British democracy works. We don't have the numbers and there's no real will to give us the amount of funding we actually need to get better.

>dat pic
solid work desu paddies.
> There's a good doc on how they invented the roadside bomb, could send a tonne bomb six hundred metres, invented the pager/cell phone bombs and almost invented the Heat seeking IEDs for Helis.
solid engineering work if you ask me.
ISIS are fucking copycat losers,.


>forced conscription of thousands of Irishmen f

This is called being apart of a state. When you reap the benefits of the state, you give up certain things to that state. We do it more regularly in the form of tax, conscription is also a more extreme form of this.

Not one that I personally advocate, but you shared a relationship with Britain that no other country did besides Wales and Scotland.

You had representation in parliament. Constantly. There were Irish Nationalist political parties, what the fuck are you talking about?

As for the Queen, the reason the UK avoided a French Revolution style conflict emerging here is because we made strides towards becoming a constitutional monarchy after the English Civil War 2 centuries prior to the French Revolution. Our Queen represented you as she represented all British territories, however, you represented yourselves in our parliament.

I think we are destined to have our historical gripes with each other. Personally I love the Irebros.

ira were pretty elite really as far as terrorists go


pretty creative

Basically this.

How far is that Irish cock down your throat Hans?

Probably only 3-4 inches judging by the average Irish cock

It's not as simple as this though. As I've repeatedly pointed out, Northern Ireland was never united with the rest of Ireland in its history, so we'd very likely cause more conflict in the region.

It's also worth noting a takeover of Northern Ireland would constitute an invasion since it was never Irish territory to take.

Today's republicans and loyalists are drug dealing gangsters who only terrorise their own communities
The only relation they have to the 1916 rising and the battle of the Somme are the murals they paint in their tax payer paid, Housing executive shit holes
The volunteers from then wouldn't piss on today's gypsy / chav scum if they were on fire

Stop complaining you miserable cunt, you're like Africa.


Fucking die you vermin wastes of resources.

You seen a lot of Irish cock?

Main reason was Cromwell ordered the Plantation of Ireland in the 16th Century.

>Banned Catholics from owning Property, entering towns and owning land

>Ireland is the first Colony of the Empire

>19th Century famine
>British have all the good farming land and Irish starve as British don't help

>British say you can only voteif you own your property and get a vote for each property you own

>British own almost all properties and Irish live twenty to a house

>British start burning Irish out of homes in Belfast

>Army comes over to help

>Irish welcome British Army and give them Parades and tea amd Biscuits for saving them

>power is Transferred to Stormont (Northern Irish British Parliamnet)

>PIRA took the oppurinty after a failed border campaign and splitting away from the Southern Communist IRA to launch a New Campaign

>PIRA Kills a British Soldier in 1969

>Stormont uses the Troops to Intern Catholics without Charges and hold them as ling as they want

That's a very brief intro.

They love immigration.

No just what I hear from all the Irish girls I've bedded

But it was Irish land before It was invaded, and you're wrong, if a referendum takes place and the majority vote for unity then it wouldn't constitute as a invasion

There's a whole thing about the British knew where the bombs were going. The IRA was infiltrated bigtime.

They let let bombs go off before and we helped the Loyalists plant bombs all the time (because the couldn't light a fire never mind a bomb).

>mfw the irish are weaponized trolls.

ask me again when your government stops protecting islamic rapist pedophiles.

>>Irish welcome British Army and give them Parades and tea amd Biscuits for saving them

That quickly changed to rocks and bullets
then again, you lot were never big on gratitute

Basically the start of the troubles summed up

Not mine, but yeah, last time Ireland's crop was this shit was 1845