Prove God exists with evidence

Prove God exists with evidence.

>inb4 bible quotes
>protip, you can't

Other urls found in this thread:ánea/Weil (Simone)/Gravity and Grace.pdf?hc_location=ufi

Look in your heart user

Proof science exists, with evidence
Pro tip, you're a faggot

Personally I've become too cynical to be religious but atheists are fucking retards.
>prove to me god exists
why? What do they have to prove to you? It's their beliefs let them have them.

jump off a cliff, let me know if you fall down or float

prove you exist you faggot

Just use Google. "Proofs of God's existence". Read them all and go with whatever makes the most sense to you. Then research that one more.

You have to soften your heart and open your mind to the possibility of God's existence.

I have seen her and heard her voice so I know she's real.

Pope Pius X, the most based pope ever, denounced this as heresy

OP is an idiot.

He came to me a in a dream and told me to gas the kikes. That's all the proof I need.

I'll prove it to you in ~50 years, user.

I fell.
Now what?

1. Everything that begins to exist has a cause
2. The universe began to exist
C. Therefore, the universe has a cause

Prove the external reality exists

>inb4 uses five senses
>protip, you can't

The Son of God, Jesus Christ, came to this earth and founded his Church. The Catholic Church, which still stands to this day, 2000 years later.

Prove to me, objectively, that God does not exist.

Pro-tip: Human reasoning hasn't been proven to be perfect, so you can't use any tautologies or logic traps.

Only God could create this level of edgy

Next question?

Prove to me he doesn't exist you cant.

That is a word with a lot of connotations. You have to define what "God" means to you, before other people can prove its existance. Otherwise we will be talking about two different things.

This happens all the time.

because they're the one making the claim, then using that claim to justify immoral acts committed by the highest ranks in their faith.

One does not need to prove god exists, only to wait for him to show you his presence

Prove god doesn't exist
>protip you can't
>inb4 everything came from nothing

So far no evidence. You guys talk a lot about kike this and gas that but you follow the Jews book? How does that make sense

God is as real as Kek and my Canadian girlfriend

>Universal constants are proof of god
Wow, just like how oceans and the sky are right?

Psychological Operations or PSYOP are planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of organizations, groups, and individuals. Used in all aspects of war, it is a weapon whose effectiveness is limited only by the ingenuity of the commander using it.

A proven winner in combat and peacetime, PSYOP is one of the oldest weapons in the arsenal of man. It is an important force protector/combat multiplier and a non-lethal weapons system.

Psychological Operations (PSYOP) or Psychological Warfare (PSYWAR) is simply learning everything about your target enemy, their beliefs, likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities. Once you know what motivates your target, you are ready to begin psychological operations.

Psychological operations may be defined broadly as the planned use of communications to influence human attitudes and behavior ... to create in target groups behavior, emotions, and attitudes that support the attainment of national objectives. The form of communication can be as simple as spreading information covertly by word of mouth or through any means of multimedia.

A psychological warfare campaign is a war of the mind. Your primary weapons are sight and sound. PSYOP can be disseminated by face-to-face communication, audio visual means (television), audio media (radio or loudspeaker), visual media (leaflets, newspapers, books, magazines and/or posters). The weapon is not how its sent, but the message it carries and how that message affects the recipient.

Why do slack jawed fags like you constantly post stupid shit threads?

earth is flat

Morality is subjective you projecting faggot. Just because you disagree with something doesn't make them wrong, from the perspective of the religious often times it's atheists being immoral.

"Hail Mary, I'll rape the virgin clit."
"The powers that be invested in me; planting my malevolent seed.
Your screams make me erect."

"I almost don't want to dissect that childish cunt, but I come swinging, wielding this blunt club."

"Smashing as this cunt is gushing, licking at her oozing blood-soaked labia."

"It is so arousing eating out her anus. Elbow deep, force-fisting, digging for her foetus."

"I have my grasp on the son and I sever.
Her consciousness slips as I birth my new spawn."

"Now we must feast on the uterus on the name of the sacrament."

"Feast my son!"

"Now we must feast on the uterus on the name of the holy sacrament."
Chomping on his mother's womb.
Like father like son, he begins to fondle.

My lord, my love, kiss me with the kisses of thy mouth.
How lovely art thou, thy embrace.
My lord, my lord, my love, my soul salvation.
Take me to thy lap.

And this is why catholicism isn't christianity.
Search your feelings, there are bigger and grander things in this world.

How about logic? Does that work as evidence?

I explain what you believe. You believe that for millions of years it rained on lifeless planet earth. Then after a long enough time somehow, magically, "scientifically" rain + lava = life.

You believe your great great great great great grandfather was a rock.

KEK can prove it, watch this

second law of thermodynamics

>The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of an isolated system always increases over time, or remains constant in ideal cases where the system is in a steady state or undergoing a reversible process. The increase in entropy accounts for the irreversibility of natural processes, and the asymmetry between future and past.
what does Kek meant by that?

Ex nihilo nihil fit. Aquinas does a decent job.
Go read Mere Christianity or something.

Prove anything exists with evidence
>inb4 anything
>protip, you can't
no seriously, try it.
To be an Atheist because of scrutiny is just plain retarded.
You might as well even say you yourself do not exist because of scrutiny.

>cogito ergo sum
>presupposing reason
pick one

>be me, milfag
>on missile range a few years ago
>range goes Cold and we walk it picking up trash
>walking around not paying attention
>about to take a step when something knocks me off balance and I stumble a step back
>look down to where I would've stepped
>live explosive round sticking out of grown with crush tip fuse would've been smashed in by my weight
>call bomb team and cordon it off

That's all the proof i need

Sacred Geometry can be observed in everything, if you think that just happened or it is a coincidence, you are insane.

Says the one who follows a religion which has destroyed itself from within by accepting heresy and modernism as dogma.

Kek wills it.

holographic universe comfirmed

I'll prove to you all individually that I exist right here right now.
Pick up a random book, turn to a random page and read a passage. You will receive a messege to confirm of my existence.

You're a retard. I bet your mom did hard drugs when she was pregnant with you.

Seeing what you write like I'd wager she let a bunch of retards run a train on her so she could get cunt blasted with a special needs baby.

I bet your dad is a Walmart greeter because people take pity on retards

ever heard of hard holograms?
I did not

Prove God doesn't exist, with evidence.

Protip, you can't.


I don't know what you are getting at, catholicism isn't christianity. The only Christians are orthodox. Catholicism is the jews way of stagnating society.

>Prove God exists with evidence.
>Can't do it? Must mean that he doesn't exist!
Can you provide some evidence that proves he isn't real?

Gal 2:19: " through the law, I died to the law, so that I might live for God".

You dont know what this means, but you will deny it, because you are biased.

fuckin guardian angels man
or guardian spirits if you are not christian, but they are ultimately same thing:benevolent spectral entities

"He wipes himself with paper, then flushes it down"

Wow! I believe

If you're willing to drop the presupposition that our senses are the only reliable source of knowing the universe

>Remember folks, sage goes in all fields.

Trump won and Satan lost.

I was in a United States Army artillery unit for 4 years. What in the name of fuck is a crush tip fuse?

There is no god but Kek.

Prove that He doesn't exist with evidence.

Also, check my numbers.

>using spheroid compass directions on a falt earth model
It doesn't work for obvious reasons. You have to use things like hubwards and rimwards.

Dear Mr. Skarlakidis,
Thank you for your email dated 31/1/2010. I believe I can be of assistance to your worthy project.

For the last thirty-five years I have been working with Experimental Fracture Mechanics at the Physics of Strength of Materials Laboratory of the National University of Athens and I believe wherever there is no scientific explanation, there is a miracle.

I have no reason to doubt the Munich Library manuscript dated to 1634 which gives an account of the miraculous manner of the rupture of the column as well as what ensued: that the Greek patriarch used this Fire to light his candle. I do not believe it is possible to doubt a miracle and especially where there are related accounts.

By examining the fracture from the photographs, we could conclude that it is a result of combined pressure: a combination of electrical discharge (probably a strong lightning bolt) and a large seismic tremor. The electrical discharge, due to the high momentary temperature, embrittled the material in the column down the length of a narrow area (origin). The surface seismic wave put pressure on the column resulting in torsional oscillation (fatigue). This simultaneous pressure resulted in the fracture beginning at the base of the column and continuing upwards in a zigzag course (as it appears in the photograph the course of the fracture is not linear) along the length of the area made embrittled by the electrical discharge. If the above indeed occurred, in my opinion this simultaneous combined pressure of the column remains inexplicable. Therefore, one could speak only of a miracle.

Dear Mr. Skarlakidis I would like to offer my congratulations on your work and I wholeheartedly wish you great success.

George Α. Papadopoulos
Professor of Mechanics,
Physics of Strength of Materials Laboratory
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

i see kek smiling upon me for the work i have done

>I will keep affirming Catholicism isn't Christianity until it becomes true
>t. the retarded child of Catholicism

I know where your coming from
but there is no way to know anything exists outside your mind beside your senses. you can't prove that the universe exist without your senses


>Proving god by science.
What a dumb idea. You shouldn't mix the domains of knowledge and metaphysics.

You don't have a clue on what the concept of God refers to, be it in Philosophy or in Christian theology. Atheists think of him as a super-being, i:e a material thing, who is materially, physically existing in the universe. Which of course, based on scientific methodology, isn't consistent. But God can't be existant in this material world, according to most Christian theology and Philosophical thoughts. God, on the contrary of finite, material objects, is infinite, and thus, can be perceived by us as a nothingness.

Nothingness in the sense that he is the opposite of finite, material objects, and is present in the world on the modality of the total absence of himself.

Which, according to Christian theology is explained because God, by creating the world, leave himself of his own deity. Otherwise, all will be God. The laws of determinism, because those laws are the absence of God himself, he rules on this world through his absence, either exerced ( the Sun ), or endured ( the Cross ).

I'm sorry, i would like to go further, but I don't have a very good english and when I try to find words to explain it, I take literraly three hours.

Try to read Grace and Gravity by Simone Weil. She's not really orthodox on those matters, being inspired not only by Catholic thought, but by Gnosticism and Hindus Upanishads, but it's a good beggining on those matters. Then you can get hyped with some dope Thomas Aquinas sheit.ánea/Weil (Simone)/Gravity and Grace.pdf?hc_location=ufi

>prove to me god exists
>without using the best proof
If you wanted to shitpost you could just go over to /s4s/.

Spoken like a true, good-hearted Christian.

It is impossible for action to occur without causation. No object can be in motion unless it was first set in motion. This isn't philosophical mumbo jumbo, this is basic, objective, scientific fact. For there to be a beginning, there must be some creative force exempt from this fundamental physical law. There is only one such thing that exists beyond the limitations of physical reality, and we call it God.

If the universe exists, God must exist, for only a force outside of the universe itself could've set it into motion.

You can neither deny nor prove the existence of a creator, but the gods of religions like Christianity and Islam are pretty much bullshit.

11 year vet here.
A crush tip fuse doesn't make sense in this case, you'd need a rail-type lodging in the front housing or best guess four maybe five sledgepins for that to work.
Nobody is convincing me one of those is just laying out on the range, not with the preponderance of plain old double sided 'mashbacks'.
This aint the USSR dude.

Hey dad, you know where I can find some Pope speeches?


5 year vet here. I did submarine navigation. I have no idea what you're talking about. Therefore being a veteran does not necessarily make you an expert on the matter.

Some girls had willingly sex with me.

Based Hungary

If god doesnt exist then satan doesnt either and if satan doesnt exist then how did this happen?


kek predicted trump election.
proof in pic related.

Your heart is beating.

No worries man, we all have our fields of expertise.
If the main buoy came loose from one of the exterior masts I'd be up shit creek.
We'll let the navy boys handle that, you let us handle any ordinance you come across once you get your bowlegged asses on land.

>Prove God exists with evidence.
You just have to be aware of the signs when they happen in front of you.
The cosmic events that happened on november 8 were so important that we should reset our calendar.
This is now the first anno domini Trump.

Explain what causes gravity that isn't a lame duck theory.

This is what I get for putting it in Plain terms and not just using military jargon

Kek exists.
But it would be impossible to "prove" to someone like OP. Not only is your worldview clouded by modern concepts, his might is only visible to the truly open spiritual mind.

The Abrahamic god is the most rationally coherent god. If he's not real then tell me which one is real? the Hindu monkey god?

>Prove God exists with evidence.
No scientific evidence possible. But take a moment to consider the reason why all previous civilizations have had an idea of transcendent religious phenomenon.
Then see how degenerate secular societies are in comparison to religious civilization.

>If he's not real then tell me which one is real
It would have to be a god that is not bound by religions or faith. One in which we would not know he personality of it.

If god exists, he watched it and did nothing



even ignoring transcendence, fact that we live in real world means it was created by some entity
We are yet to find things that create out of nothing
>Big bang bullshit
there was nothing which exploded, cmon physics, that is bullshit

>When you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all

>1-9 means no god
What a stupid thread that was

We can trace causality back to the big bang but no further. Many laws and features of the world like time are emergent from the process we detect as the big bang but not all of them. Logic seems valid independent of the big bang or even what we call the laws of physics. We all agree there is a system that defines these things, so we all agree the monotheist God in the widest sense exists.

>In the beginning was the Word.
The first line of the Bible sets the rest up, it explains God is an axiom, there is no disproving Him, He is the prime mover, the arbiter of logic and morality, He is whatever decided 1+1=2. You can disagree with specific ideas in the Bible but you can't logically claim God doesn't exist.

Speeches? Popes state their positions mainly through encyclicals. Go to the Vatican site:
Check the sidebar on the bottom

For Pope Pius X:
The one I quoted, specifically, was Pascendi Dominici Gregis about modernism.

>It would have to be a god that is not bound by religions or faith
explain what does that even mean? Religion doesn't bound or weaken god if that's what you're saying? He doesn't conform to anything beside himself.
>One in which we would not know he personality of it.
God is the maximally perfect being who is all powerful, all good, and all knowing by definition

I'm partial to this explanation, but there is no denying the inherent (divine?) order of the universe.

so it is humans who are evil
just as I suspected my entire life