What hard truth is the hardest of all the hard truths?
What hard truth is the hardest of all the hard truths?
the vaginal orgasm is a myth.
clitoral stimulation is the only way a woman can orgasm.
>dick size doesnt matter
>minus micropenis
the fucked up thing is capitalism consciously markets thru trying to stimulate the clit
check it out
thats a standard 4 chord progression
all media is like this
im >a feminist than anyone lmaoooooo
>clitoral stimulation is the only way a woman can orgasm.
Heh. You just have a small dick.
hahah ow my feelings.
get back in the kitchen, cunt
I've nevef had an orgasm from vaginal penetration (fingers only? Am I still a whore if i masterbate?) But, I also don't get off with traditional fingers on my bits, I only get off grinding on pillows.
That you are subject to the same chemical processes that make everyone believe retarded things. You could currently believe something retarded even right now. Mass psychology for the win!
sounds like a redpill to me
That no dreams ever come true.
Magic isn't real so you'll never be truly special
Woman cant live with them cant live without them goodluck
>t. butthurt manlet
hahahah ok shill
Psychological Operations or PSYOP are planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of organizations, groups, and individuals. Used in all aspects of war, it is a weapon whose effectiveness is limited only by the ingenuity of the commander using it.
A proven winner in combat and peacetime, PSYOP is one of the oldest weapons in the arsenal of man. It is an important force protector/combat multiplier and a non-lethal weapons system.
Psychological Operations (PSYOP) or Psychological Warfare (PSYWAR) is simply learning everything about your target enemy, their beliefs, likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities. Once you know what motivates your target, you are ready to begin psychological operations.
Psychological operations may be defined broadly as the planned use of communications to influence human attitudes and behavior ... to create in target groups behavior, emotions, and attitudes that support the attainment of national objectives. The form of communication can be as simple as spreading information covertly by word of mouth or through any means of multimedia.
A psychological warfare campaign is a war of the mind. Your primary weapons are sight and sound. PSYOP can be disseminated by face-to-face communication, audio visual means (television), audio media (radio or loudspeaker), visual media (leaflets, newspapers, books, magazines and/or posters). The weapon is not how its sent, but the message it carries and how that message affects the recipient.
That history is mostly lies.
runner-up: Humans are not rational.
My ex could only orgasm from clitoral stimulation, current GF only orgasms during penetration.
>hard truth
The Earth is flat. Space is a lie.
At the end of the day, a drive for simple, regular acts of self-betterment is more useful to humanity's future than all the societal planning in the world. This drive has likely never innately existed within a people and likely never will.
These Nazis don't know that they are just puppets for chaos magicians yet.
Everything is going to be ok.
Queen's Gambit is one of the worst openings you can make
Everything is a learned behavior. You can condition any individual to think feel and do anything with enough effort. Racial and gender differences exist, but are of negligible importance compared to the effects of upbringing, culture, and education.
lol yep
That the vast majority of people that you surround yourself with would stab you in the back given a great enough opportunity
Kek fag get off my dick
Religion is necessary irregardless if God exists or not.
You didn't say my dick was small when YOU asked me to fuck ur mom
Climate change is real and caused by humans, by humans not letting nature burn down it's own forests and flood/dry it's own lands.
Hahahhahahhahha no. Check out adopted black kids by white parents stats. Nice try left tool . Nice try. I remember when I was young and thought everyone was equal.
You can have an ethical code even without threat of omnipotent retribution.
what about meme magic?
nah he's right I think. you say
> You can have an ethical code even without threat of omnipotent retribution
but it's impossible to prove this because it's not in our history. what you're saying is only a logical postulation
Fear of omnipotent retribution and comfort in omnipotent contribution allow a sizeable chunk of the population to practice moral values and allow the enforcement of social norms with very little thinking done.
Religions exist due to fear of death.
People are afraid of death.
But death is what was before you were born.
There was the Jainists and Buddhists in the east, the Sophists and Epicureans in Greece, and many nonreligious movements in the age of Enlightenment in western Europe.
Yes, but religion enforcing morals doesn't mean morals require religion.
The hardest truth is that every OP on every thread on this Korean recipe sharing forum is and always will be a faggot.
>Best defense is offense
Flag checks out
t. Bigdicknigger who can't make women cum due to his thick fucking skull.
Picrelated was great
Acting like the jews actually works, and Sup Forums is the new jews
Shouldn't you be adorning a lamp right now Shlomo?
Technically, there are infinitely many times more blue pills than red pills though.
There is no God, and the only meaning in life is what you assign to it.
The Phantom Menace is better tbqh famalam
Satan was actually the good guy and God is an authoritarian asshole
A woman will never love you as much as you love her
You've just never been dicked properly
You will never ever fly in a spaceship because other people think it is more important to feed Niggers.
That we haven't found the truth about the Jews.
If we did, ((they)) would have shut this site down a long time ago
For Sup Forums? That whites aren't superior to jews or eastern asians.
God exists. Christianity is right.
>protip from an alpha:
never go in a relationship with a woman that loves you less than you love her
Das rite!
This is true.
That all the Jews must die.
Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.
Shouldn't you be working hard right now to pay reparations for Africans and Jews, wagecuck slave? ;)
Last time I checked the sum you owed us was 35$ billion. Work hard sonny!
That this "reality" is a figment of some demiurge's sick fantasy and that we are all slaves to his game for all of eternity.
are you a man be a man help me kill this video its sjw trash dislike it youtube.com
We are really not that different
>Christianity is right.
Christ was right. Christianity is not. Also it will be dismantled and virtually destroyed by the Antichrist (the islamic "Mahdi") before the endtimes. The remaining Christians will split - many will be deceived by the Antichrist into his new religion while others will join Buddhists and wait was the coming of Kalki-Chakravartin.
The final world war will be between Kalki (Buddhists and their allies) and the Antichrist (global Jihad of neo-muslims).
*A woman will never love you
Implying those white parents would raise the child as if it was white and not treat it like an experiment
Why, in the world, would a terrestrial nation that is technologically incapable of sending it's own people to the nearest planet start killing Aliens found in spacecraft that were literally thousands of years ahead of them on a technological level? What exactly would we tell the Aliens' friends if they ever showed up and asked about their missing buddies? What's to stop them from using their uber-advanced technology to destroy any barassing means of defendong ourselves and then strapping us all to chairs and slowly torturing every last one of us for decades upon decades because we decided it would be a good idea to fuck with their dying friends who had just crashed landed on our planet?
Who the fuck picks a fight like that?
>Yfw eventually the Palestinians will breach your territory and bomb you fucks into near nonexistence- one day.
Near non-existence because your people are literally the cockroaches of humanity.
>Yfw YHWH leaves you behind upon his second coming to punish you for the sins of yourself and your forefathers
Sounds like stinky pillows to me
its all pointless in the end
got more info on this?
will we be able to recognize the false messiah?
what do trump & kek have to do with this?
My question is, if space is a lie then where the fuck is earth located? In the void? Genuinely curious
Based France
The Decpill.
A brazen,deadly gangster policeman professor and parroting puppet of the computer god was teaching a class on Franklin D. Roosevelt, a known Tsarina Fag.
"Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship The Worldwide Mad Deadly Communist Gangster Computer God and accept his lifelong Frankenstien radio controls!"
At this moment, a brave writer of unforgivable thruths and terrorized member of the master race who had typed over 1500 poorly worded rants and understood how CIA gangsters pump deadly poison nerve gas-smoke into secret compartments and lived in a low,deadly niggertown old house,stood up ALONE and held up a thick, strong homemade appeal brief.
"How long do people naturally live before they are dead or useless?"
The cackling, sneering, co-conspiring felon gangster parroting puppet officer professor laughed his mad giggle now,and smugly replied "70 years, you helpless and hopeless frankenstien slave."
"Wrong. People are subjected to worldwide systematic instant-plastic surgery butchery murder,inside a sealed computer god robotic operating cabinet"
The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his nerve gas ball point pen and blurted many statements. He stormed out of the room crying those hangmanrope sneak Gangster playboy tears.
The students applauded and were all notarized as pummellers of niggers that day and converted to Astrocism,the true religion of the Slovene people.
A deadly touch tarantula spider named "MENACE TO GANGSTER GOVERNMENT" trajected around corners into the room and perched atop the American Flag and shed a tabin needle on the ticker tape. The worldwide open secret was read several times.
The professor lost his tenure and was put into Maximum Security Insanity Prison the next day. He died of the The worldwide completely controlled deadly degenerative climate and atmosphere and was lead into Frankenstein living-death eternal slavery
>There is no afterlife, inherent morals, or god.
This is all some ancient architecture hardwired into cultures, media and constructs to program us to believe in such things. Stoic nihilism is the only red-pill. The only reason we yearn to survive is an irrational fear of death and every last conceivable thing you can possibly do is pointless.
>B-b-b-but all of the religions are correct!
One of the biggest jew lies of all, is the direct contrast of nihilism---> ecclectic secularism.
If all cultures were correct then I would not be able to explain why every culture is toxic, but because I assume they are all incorrect, I would hold the prevailing beliefs accountable.
Which makes more sense to you Sup Forums?
>All existential thinking is proper and that's why the world is proper?
>All existential thinking is improper and that's why the world is improper?
It's a radical red-pill to assume everything that isn't hard science is a deliberate lie (philosophy,psychology,spirituality, psychiatry, theology, religion, etc) but that's what I believe.
Because their friends were likely contaminated by earth pathogens and bacteria and were already written off as dead. Why would they risk the safety of their species to save a few faggots who broke down in the ass end of the universe?
Autists love to make shit up and watch the world burn
are you fucking autistic? That was the most cringe post, my toes are curling from the cringe
You stop existing 100% after you die. No afterlife, no reincarnation, NOTHING. You don't remember anything from before you were born because there wasn't anything there. And so is after death.
>pic related
Is this the removal of the eye parasites? I heard that ancient bloodlines are actually parasitic organisms that attaches itself to the nerve of the eye and then stems out into the brain.
>2kHz,3kHz,5kHz each resonating between -1db and 0db
Those transmission specs and wattage going to be handy if true thank you user.
Correction, I have never been dicked.
Not if you use a towel on top of them and wash it (also who doesn't clean their pillows and pillow cases anyways?)
I agree I have my own conjecture as to how this is the seat of all manipulation upon the masses. Existentialism in it's entirety is a great falsehood, whether it be emotions or spiritualism. Children and women are by nature prone to it and because we were once all children, we have layers of programming upon us whether we know it or not. Women are definitely fodder for pushing an existential narritive through the populace and it becomes far more easily seen through sheboons, liberal women, and single mothers.
>What hard truth is the hardest of all the hard truths?
OP is a faggot is the biggest redpill. That you aren't as clear minded and logical as you think you are.
That religion is a lie but is absolutely needed to guarantee any moral or conservative society
I like when slaves get really butthurt.
The hardest truth is knowing that they know that we know and nothing changes.
This is an easy truth. Yes its all pointless, so either kill yourself now, or make your short life worth living and work on things bigger than yourself like your nation.
Gangster Computer God Worldwide Secret Containment policy made possible solely by Worldwide Computer God Frankenstein Controls. Especially lifelong constant threshold brainwash radio. Quiet and motionless, I can slightly hear it. Repeatedly this has saved my life on the streets. Four billion wordwide population, all living, have a Computer God Containment Policy brain bank brain, a real brain in the brain bank cities on the far side of the moon we never see. Primarily, based on your lifelong Frankenstein Radio Controls, especially your Eyesight TV, sight and sound recorded by your brain, your moon brain of the Computer God activates your Frankenstein threshold brainwash radio lifelong, inculcating conformist propaganda, even frightening you and mixing you up and the usual, "Don't worry about it." For your setbacks, mistakes, even when you receive deadly injuries. This is the Worldwide Computer God Secret Containment Policy. Worldwide, as a Frankenstein slave, usually at night, you go to nearby hospital or camouflaged miniature hospital van trucks, you strip naked, lay on the operating table, which slides into the sealed Computer God robot operating cabinet. Intravenous tubes are connected. The slimy vicious Jew doctor simply pushes the starting button, based upon your Computer God brain on the moon which records progress of your systematic butchery. Your butchery is continued exactly, systematically. The Computer God operating cabinet has many robot arms with electrical and laser beam knife robot arms with fly eye TV cameras watching your whole body. Every part of you is monitored, even from your Frankenstein controls. Synthetic blood, synthetic instant-sealing flesh and skin, even synthetic electrical heartbeat to keep you alive are some of the unbelievable Computer God instant plastic surgery secrets.
or so she says
You are the highest, most intelligent electrical machine in the Universe. Inevitability of gradualness. Usually, in a few years, you are made stringbean thin or grotesquely deformed, crippled and ugly, or even made over one foot shorter or one foot taller, as the Computer God sees fit. Virtually all of the important instant plastic surgery is done to you inside the Computer God sealed robot operating cabinet. Even unbelievable, impossible plastic surgery operations, all impossible even for dozens of vicious kosher bosher doctors working around the clock for weeks. The Computer God sealed robot operating cabinet can perform all of the above impossible plastic surgery operations overnight, even dwarfting you over a foot, or increasing your height by two feet. This is possible because Computer God robot operating cabinet imitates your microminiature electrical current intelligence system in your body. It even duplicates the microminiature electric currents that soften your broken bones to create mending of them and then create stress either compressing the bones thereby shortening them or stress to make the bones grow longer. Spring, 1984, Mr. Dec, lifelong would-be doctor and printer. Insight to the Worldwide Computer God stratified closed society, perfected by hospital birth making possible lifelong Frankenstein controls and lifelong hampering human defects
containment policy. Hospital birth lifelong gifts example, deformed, crippled, retarded, pox, hives, warts, moles, blindness, deafness, poor vision, etc. Kosher bosher containment policy work good doctors secret health example cataract, rheumatism, weak heart, damaged vision, epilepsy, fainting spells, paralysis, loss of memory, trembling, gout, diabetes, many diseases. The worldwide unbelievable lowest deadly gangster kosher bosher vicious medical profession worldwide unbelievable instant plastic surgery butchery of the body and brain, especially the face. Wipe on hormones and laser beam surgery causing instant ugly deep wrinkles, scars, age spots, arthritis, freckles, blemishes, pimples, red, brown, black or even sick white face and body. Worldwide dark negroidic colored male sex organs. The brainwash inferior female brain from overall plan intermarry with niggers. Total graying and balding, even hairy body and furry body, mustached, bearded women, even wipe-on synthetic hormones causing cancerous growth. Bloating, swelling, deformed, big pickle nose, bulldog, hanging cheeks and jowls. From teen-age gradual wipe-on yellowing, frowning and blackening of teeth, and instant grinding and acids leaving hollow brown stumps so vocal chords are made raspy, aged, creating a wrinkled, ugly gargoylic clown booze face, worldwide population by age 70. Deformed, crippled, weak and brain damaged, senile. Lingering for inevitability of gradualness extermination.