These are the kind of posters that will be displayed in bus stops and in front of schools
Meanwhile in France
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Doesn't this piss off the muslims?
>let's fight AIDS by promoting gay sex
Cleanse the world!
I confirm. I see interracial gay posters on my way to work everyday now. do you explain that to your kid?
Dude, see a doctor.
What do you know about my health. Fuck you.
Where ?
there is this kind of poster in the streets actually
Good. French were fags anyway, and if after that you're not voting for Le Pen your country is beyond salvation.
what did they mean by this
If it's true I feel sorry for you, frenchbro.
How did the muslims react to this?
not op but no reactions yet
>have sex with a black man
>get aides
these posters are medically accurate
indeed they are user.
I live in a catholic city thus i've never seen one but i heard that pic related is very widespread among parisians.
Yes those are the ones.
Haven't seen this one in particular, but I confirm there's some sort of pro-fag ad campaign going on with some disgusting posters at bus stops etc...
The worst part is that it seems, at least partially, government funded...
Man this shit is a blatant provocation, and of course they use the
>muh homophobe card
if you disagree
Fillon will end this cuckery
It's totally Government funded
>be around 10
>ask mother what gays are
>"men who love men, sweetie"
>but how can two men have sex, mommy?
>they do it in the ass, son
>case forever closed
it's really as simple as that
At least it does associate gay men with aids in the minds of the populace.
what did they mean by this?
Actually, if they react they will be accused of homophobia...
So it's either him or Le Pen?
>no sense of humor
French confirmed.
Lepen is a whore, and her friends are gays, kikes, and free-masons. Only Fillion is suitable currently.
MLP is not religious and is surrounded by homosexuals in her headquarter
I'm sure that will go over well with your Muslim community
this but then I added
>in the ass ? that must hurt, mom
>yes but they us their shit so it slide easier
>ew, that's disgusting
>yes they are son
Are yu saying that fucking in ass is disgusting ? You homophobic pig !
it's not just the gays, you know
>sandniggers and niggers have AIDS
Top kek
Surprising that no SJW hasn't been screaming racial stereotype
isis will help purge these queers inshallah
hopefully he will make an exception for child and goat fuckers. amirite?
The gays shall fear the BIG MIGHTY SWORDS of the mujahideen.
So what's the backstory? Karim fucked some dude in the ass and gave him AIDS?
Can confirm. I've seen the one on the left in Nice just today
You know, Portugal.
One of your woman cleane my apartment.
Good friend, sometimes she brings her two daughters and the older one at 14 is growing a mustache.
Are you like dwarves ? Do you double check so you don't get aids ?
I think it's great.
We got very offensive std prevention ads here too.
The fugees trying to ripping off posters and blocking their kids view when waiting for bus and ad is there.
I don't mind the ads and i don't belive a child looks at them and suddenly turns trans.
I don't want lose Europe to ISIS, but cleansing all the faggots would sweeten bitter taste of losing
Alt-Light faggots cuck out at the sight of five Roman salutes. But this goes without comment from Alex Jones and Paul J Watson.
Fuck this noise.
Exactly, if it pisses off the mudslimes I'm pleased.
Shit will they be on bus stop too?
Fucking hell it LITERALLY trigger me when I walk past one of the new pro gay ads.
>catholic city
What city is that? I thought all of France was religiously secular?
Yeah, they are all corrupt except for that one guy that is totally going to fix things. /s
We elect what they first select.
Think about it.
Jesus christ finish us off already!!!
there is no fucking hope left!!
Shit fucking will never be normal no matter how hard they try to present it elegantly and clean. Fact is that homosexuals are dirty, they stink and have shit on their dick.
Implying the Frankish Caliphate of Northen Iberia will let this degeneracy go unhindered and unpunished
This kind of degeneracy probably inspires the muslims to murder more of you guys.
Get your shit together France.
The media was talking about this and they said it was nothing but I hadn't checked myself.
It's actually pretty sickening. Not that I'm surprised. At least they don't even try to hide that the gays are largely responsible for the spreading of aids.
I don't even, I just can't. Really?
>casually having sex while practicing your dance moves
So that's what faggots do, huh...
can confirm for those
OP one looks like a joke to me "karim is a dance teacher: he has a lot to share, but not aids"
There's objectively nothing wrong with these posters.
What's the take home message though? I'm so confused.
We have always known you are fags, nothing new to see here lads.
If all gays have aids, the problem solves itself
What are these posters for?
In OP's poster it's "Not all gays have HIV don't stigmatize"
In the other ones in the thread it's "Protect yourself whatever your kind of intercourse is."
Inviting gays to use condoms when they are really affected by HIV is not a bad thing.
>ywn have Karim's manbun because of receding hairline
since when arabs have aids
it's blacks and whites that are too stupid to use condoms, not us
first we're ghetto thugs
then terrorists
now we have aids
damn it I hate this world
And the accusers will be accused of islamophobia?
Big city are seculars, but hamlets and little towns are more religious. As for my city i will not give its name but it is in the South of France.
>In OP's poster it's "Not all gays have HIV don't stigmatize"
Except it's not. It says that HIV positives that undergo treatment do not transmit the disease. That's different.
...France pls stop
Jeez Noureddine, it's the current year.
>first we're ghetto thugs
>then terrorists
>now we have aids
And soon Le Pen will deport you all back into fucking Lybia, ain't that fucked up?
AIDS prevention
But I think I got aids just by looking at them.
Sounds more legit than my interpretation even though both meaning are possible.
Is it actually a big city then or one few outside France have heard of? Curious because I want to visit a part of old Catholic France someday. Will you say the province?
Oooooooo. It's like missionary or the olympics only not as serpentine and his dick is going nowhere. What happened to you France? When you elect Le Penis, MEN will have Burkas. Mark my words
right, how could they allow this on their newly conquered land ?
As my PM would say
"if the AIDS gets in your system, you win"
Everyone has aids. Including the 700 women who fucked charlie sheen
Tickled your yeast ridden vagina?
what the actual fuck france, get your shit together