

Shake the shekel, get explosively heckled

Other urls found in this thread:


>only niggers protest
>only women protest
>only liberals protest
>a true American let's the government do anything they want

When did values here start to flip?

>from NYC
>protesting an oil pipeline in ND
>concerning Indian land, yet doesn't look anything like the red man
I hope her stump forevermore reminds her the price of liberal stupidity.

Idk but I don't believe in "I disagree with you but will defend to the death your right to say it" anymore

If you defend someone's right to do something you're defending their actions. So whether or not you're saying you are a liberal who hates the pipeline, just by saying that a true American would fight back or protest is saying you support the pipeline like some yellow-bellied fuck.


Should only Indians care about Indians?

She sould have armed herself.

no one should

That's not how logic works..

>if you're against blowing up protestors at the Pipeline, you're for the Pipeline

what the fuck man

how are pipelines bad

how is any pipeline for anything bad?

Unless it's a pipeline from the nightmare dimension shipping raw bad juju, I don't think it's a problem. Fucking hippies man. They are massively kiked out and retarded.

>transporting fluid is bad


Nobody's really talking about the DAPL and its protests, but it really seems to me like it's a bunch of out-of-towner professional protesters showing up to start trouble for a job creation project that the locals either want or don't give a shit about.

Am I totally wrong here?

First of all the entire ego that I'm spilling into this thread is the very fact that I'm FOR the pipeline and AGAINST those protesting the pipeline. Is it opposite day for you? And also the pipeline isn't just "transporting fluid". I'm not even going to fucking sit here, plug my ears, and pretend that these protestors are against straws and aqueducts for fucks sake. I don't even like em and I'm givin them that much credit dude
like what the fuck why can't you read

honestly, these aren't niggers chimping out over gimmie dats or illigal mexicunts demanding green cards.

these are indians protecting their land (and their water?) from big government.

Who threw the grenade? Obviously, a limp wristed lib who throws like a sissy threw a grenade, very inn
inaccurately and well short or the target, press is trying to make it look like she was assaulted by the pipeline. The day of the rope can't come soon enough.

Sophia is a dude. look at that body. it's a fucking degenerate tranny.

If the Lakota Sioux want their land back, then great!

Would love to see how they fare in a rematch of 1890.

There's a lot of white people there too.

>dumb lefty bitch commutes from NYC to engage in local NIMBY bullshit

she fucking deserves it and through her actions actually contributed to increased demand for oil

Does it matter?

don't care. didn't read.

The police, the people trying to disperse the protests. And I'm not going to blame them really, because they were just doing their job. So her arm exploded. Maybe she shouldn't be out there protesting, and should be working or trying to raise a family.

how strong are flash grenades? I wouldnt think it would be strong enough to blow an arm off, if you aren't holding it or some shit at least.

no one cares about mexican natives either and suggesting there is a difference between those two is just laughable.



>pic related

Article actually says "concussion grenade" aka stun grenade so I was wrong

All I asked was "Why" you silly fuck

>these are indians protecting their land (and their water?) from big government.

These are big-oil funded protests who are using the native tribe's desire for gibs to get them to protest a pipeline that goes near their land. Emphasis on 'near'

The problem is that ever since Occupy Wall Street, the only forms of """protest""" that have arisen are driven by PAC-funded special interest groups. By allowing theses groups to continue, the definition of protest in America has shifted from
>I disagree with this decision, and will nearly organize a picket, boycott, or disavowment by average citizens until we can discuss the issue further
>I disagree with a broad, generalized concept, and will physically impede any and all activity using professional agitators in this area until I get MY WAY, and won't accept anything else

this isn't a protest, it's mob rule by a very focal fringe minority, and it's happening more and more often

Trigger happy Americans


There is no just cause in protesting the DAP, it's just injuns mad they didnt get their gibs because they asked for too much and the decided to build around them.

go hug a blanket casino american.

>she's hit with a flash grenade
>>Arm explodes

Wait what?

>it's just injuns
no, it's jews false flagging.

Honestly she probably blew herself up with her own pipebomb. Now she's got a kikestarter going for 300,000 dollars or some shit.

>mexican natives
you mean incas and mayas and shit ?

they are extinct m8

Because they're just hostile glorified wildlife that have consistently attacked white settlers from Day 1, murdered our unarmed women, children and the elderly, sold white people to slavery and burned down settlements. Seriously, the very first permanent white settlement in the US (Roanoke) was slaughtered by chief Powhatan's party down to the last child. Then after they get BTFO they start crying WHY DO YOU PERSECUTE ME SO? We owe them nothing.

Maybe we shouldn't let lazy niggers and protests we hate define the entire word and subject of 'protesting'

I think everyone on this site is victim to this shit

A nigger could fucking go around and spew shit, and the first amendment could be taken away, and people would pretty much accept the removal of the first amendment under the basis of a nigger fucking it up for the rest of us.

We are constantly letting niggers define our fucking rights. I"m sick of it, this is even more infuriating than the piece of shit whining about her busted arm

cause lefties are weak

>government's huge projects that will benefit millions
its a private project that will benefit no one but stock holders.

>Mulatto protests King George
>Like all rabblerousers they deserve to be jailed or at least dispersed so he is hit with musket volley

The young mulatto should not have been there in the first place protesting. Seriously good sirs, this is 1770, not 1400. Does he think he is a revolutionary or something?

Some manner of folk will call me anti-Colonist for saying this, buy you know what? True loyal subjects don't step in the way of The Crown's grand projects that shall benefit millions just for some shitty liberty, and then protests like a bunch of Yankees, rapscallions , or just downright Sons of Liberty.

I pray, discuss.

The natives are dieing out (thank god), used to live near a reservation when I was little. Most entitled assholeish people ever, they make ghetto folk look cultured.

It's almost like the government throwing free money at poor people does not solve problems... hmm

Right now they're more tame than some of their ancestors (not that they were all that bad), they're American as FUCK, a lot of them aren't practicing any traditions, a lot of them are essentially white trash trailer parks.. just a shade darker with some Native culture thrown in. They get drunk, they drive hoopty cars and they work blue collar jobs. That's what most of these reservations are.

Those that are traditional are either tourist attractions or sacred as fuck and aren't as involved in DAPL as these other people are, which says a lot.

That shouldn't even be offensive to people. It's the truth. There's really no such thing as native Americans these days, it's just a race at this point and everything surrounding it is pretty much gone. We stripped them of their land, they're living in fucking trailer parks while trying to protect grave sites from hundreds of miles away, while there are actual natives a country away who are free to rape and pillage and kill each other without intervention. Would they rather they had that? Would that be fun to them?

Even with the occasional protester unnecessarily sacrificing a limb it's still safer to transport oil by pipeline than by rail

>implying the Boston Massacre was a real tragedy
>implying they weren't defending themselves

I'm not a redcoat fan but I'm defending them right now out of principle. They were merely protecting themselves.


protests in 2016 are such a strange thing

it's like they want to get as close as possible to violently interfering, while still keeping the pretense that it's a peaceful protest so that they can complain about human rights violations when they provoke the other side to attack

I get why, though. If they actually fought back (which I would say is morally justified) they would be swiftly and mercilessly destroyed by an over-militarized police force.

but it's strange to watch two sides try their best to play nice when each really desires to destroy the other

You're right that it's a private project but if completed it would decrease the price of oil per barrel. Which is why (((they))) are funding protests to stop it

mfw a "payed" protester gets injured for being a moronic sjw

Daily reminder, the US is still in a state of war with the savage indigenous tribes, sympathizers are traitors and should be sent to Guantanamo Bay

>completed it would decrease the price of oil per barrel.
not really.

Take an average protest in 2016. Are you saying "they" is literally 100% protestors? Because the ones who usually start any issues tend to be a small percentage of niggers or just the plain shitty college aged kids who see it as fun.

For the most part these protests are contained so well that it's easy to ignore them. They consist of mostly cowards.

They don't understand what they're fighting for. They don't fight as hard as they could be for what it seems like they seriously give a shit about. They pretty much stand there chanting and holding up signs while police surrounds them to make sure they stay on the sidewalk or wherever it's being held, and that's it.

Most of them are alcoholic, obese meth snorting degenerates with diabetes and IQ below 90. Crime rate in the Pine Ridge reservation for example is higher than in Detroit. Their contribution consists of getting high and selling shitty pottery for three bucks. They are unironically worse than niggers.

Also excuse me for not throwing a pity party for a bunch of treecoons that murdered my kin.

how does that happen


Fuck you OP she has every right to protest.
She should of done it a year ago, in court, when it could of changed something.

I still think she has the right, you boot licker.

>will benefit millions
of dollars in their pockets.
Seriously, do you buy it ?
"This will be good my son, good goy just need a new pipeline to bring oil to the great people of america."

>selling shitty pottery

They still make pottery? It's not as good as it is if done traditionally? And people buy it?

That goes to show that a lot of their surviving culture exists in name only. They're Native Americans.. living in trailers, drinking the soul juice (Budweiser) while making traditional art (pottery that they learned in public school that doesn't even compare to actual pottery their ancestors did) who don't even work as hard as their ancestors did while fighting for vague beliefs they think they understand.

First amendment rights are pretty much abused by liberals. So I'm not for protesting as much as I was when I thought it was a patriotic thing to do.

She probably thought she could get away with it like hillary protesters or blms, but those only damage insignificant shit, like citizens' property and sometimes citizens themselves. Pipelines, on the other hand, are a serious business, srs ppl and govment make money here.

^misses the point^

^voted for Hillary^

There were reports of protestors rolling propane tanks onto that burning bridge. I guarantee this was the result of a homemade explosive.

>using liberal arguments against liberals
That's how you do it boys!

>images of injury circulating social media
And no one fucking posts it here.

^totally makes me laff^

bootlicker faggot

It will open up the railways for other uses and make transporting oil cheap and safer

how much you wanna bet she picked it up to throw back and it went off in her hand.

^closer to the truth than any other post^


>NYC woman
>political protestor


Probably just got some burns and a little bruising. They blow all of this shit way out of proportion.

This is an extremely sad piece of news.
Losing your arms, when you deserve to lose your life for being a traitorous jewess, truly there is no justice in this world.


They're wrongfully protesting.

Okay, but if by some crazy chance the government reverses the election, don't come crying when your arm gets blown off because you tried to protest the capitol.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.



>avid protester

>get blown up while planting IED
>blame cops
>those crowdfunding dollars
>career giving speeches at universities about evil poh-leece

tresspassing, rioting, blocking roads, throwing rocks at police, and generally being a commie piece of shit is not covered by the first amendment

If that happened her hand would be a wreck, not her upper arm. I think that both the grenade and propane tank stories are true: the grenade landed near the propane tank, making it burst, and shrapnel hit her arm.

in the end...a dumb bitch became less fuckable...who cares...

It was her hand that was injured.

Flashbangs don't make sense in this scenario, law enforcement would be using tear gas if anything.


>just walk it off

Remember how guns are evil and no one needs any in [current year]? Well, this is what happens when you oppose the feds unarmed.

>2 spots

Well which one is it dammit!? Which detail am I missing?


Are they just trying make this story blow up more than it should?

>Commies don't know difference between arm and hand

>she faces attempted murder charges if shrapnel matches IED

>be daughter of failed lawyer, yoga instructor father in Bronx
>become "avid protestor"
>try to murder cops with IED
>get blowed up


Blankets would have done more damage.

Where is video? Seems like they recorded everything but this incident.

Well it looks like she was "Disarmed"

ty for spot hunting...lmao...

pics or it didnt happen

new york jew protesting on behalf of brown savages

With this cold, why would they use anything other than a water canon?

You'd literally have to be suicidal to not disperse after getting soaked.

I like that the autotarget spots the dog (pbuh) and lets it live. stay safe pupper.

I bet her parents are proud

Obvious hand injury, no sign of fingers.

www gofundme com/30aezxs

>over 300k, ffs


When did anyone start assuming that there would be no danger in protesting? Back in the day real union organizers faced machine gun fire. Bunch of pussies
