Why do I fucking hate muslims so much? I wake up wanting to take a knife and fucking murdering a mudslime child and sent the little devil worshipper to hell. They're no good rotten people. Fuck Islam.
Why do I fucking hate muslims so much...
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Dude Muslims aren't evil, Drumpf said so and I follow him blindy. Sup Forums has always been pro Muslim
Because you are a racist, you associate all Muslims with a tiny minority of fundamentalist (who were just reacting against American imperialism anyway). Spread, drop bombs, kill innocents, then don't be surprised when they attack America back, you hate Muslims because your government tries to portray America as the victim (mug 9/11) which was a false flag to justify more imperialism.
This is now a rant thread.
You know I hate also muslims, it's obvious their intention to move to Europe is to take advantage of the welfare of rich countries.
And Americans visit Europe to treat us like your in Disney world, would rather a Muslim than an uncultured over weight cunt
>"""""""tiny minority"""""""" of fundamentalists
What race are they then?
You racist piece of shit.
Havent you faggots seen that op is clearly a kike trying to stir shit up? So Hilarious when I see only one post from posts like these.
The majority of Muslims and all people for that matter want peace, a few fundamentalists don't represent a whole religion, the KKK don't represent all christians, it's not hard to understand.
Racism goes beyond race, Islamophobes attack Islam in the same way racists attack blacks
Terrorism. The west has been abusing and fucking up the middle east and they have grown really bitter and hating of the west in turn. Combine this with them being way more conservative than the west combined with west liberal protectionism of them and you have a recipe for xenophobic frustration.
I personally think it's going to take the oil to dry up before they can progress to become normal societies as currently USA and Russia are keeping the tension so high that only totalitarian dicatorships are allowed to make sure the oil comes in at a stable flow.
>Muslims never did anything bad before America existed
They have no manners. I hope someone kills them all for their oil.
You are on point. But you need to realise /pol has been suffering either from mentally retarded blind hating kids and directly paid kike shills who stir shit up in the internet.
>judging people from 1000 years ago by the morality of today
I wouldn't too that if I were you, Anglos did worse just 50-200 years ago than any people have done throughout history, especially in New Zealand
>the majority reject the central tenets of Islam
This fucking stupid meme again, based on feelings, not statistics. Pic related
Most of Sup Forums don't go outside are have extreme projections over what the average Muslim is like, they need more life experience
because you're such a good goy
So they went to the most backwards regions of the countries and used the sample size to judge everyone from each country... perhaps I should judge all Americans a small survey done in the southern states
>I wake up wanting to take a knife and fucking murdering a mudslime child and sent the little devil worshipper to hell.
Go back to Iran, mohammed. Real Americans want to take a gun and kill mudslimes.
I don't feel the rage that you do, but the "devaluing" phenomenon is real for me when it comes to all but the most liberal Muslims.
I think it's because even the moderate Muslims generally don't assimilate, don't make good neighbors, aren't friendly, create highly antisocial families, can't into pluralism in the slightest, and have a completely alien view of life.
Absolutely. I cant change something as big as media wich is owned by the zionist, blasting the propaganda in the media all year long. Including staged events to pin the hate against certain groups.
Because you validate yourself with your own hatred. The same reason why people just LOVE a good witch-hunt, is because you are "objectively" doing a "good" thing, by bringing ill upon a "bad" person.
Hey everyone Anthony Fantano here the Internet's BUSIEST music nerd.
>Want peace
Book 9 of the Koran says different - it's called Book of the Sword.
a word invented by faggots, and it dribbles from your lips as freely as the black wormy sperm of Mohammed - the pedophile prophet.
In the late 1500s Legazpi established a colony in the island of Panay, where my family is from. We accepted the Spanish to fight off the Moro pirates ravaging the Visayas. 1990s, was born, beheadings are common news in the Philippines done by Muslim extremists. Present day, American now, doing all I can to curb the Islamization of the west. Fighting the Moors is in my DNA.
First of all, we are importing people from these countries in massive numbers.
Second, it included Turkey, which is often seen as a the most progressive and secular Muslim country, yet they were seriously proposing this:
Also, 15% of Turks believe that suicide bombings can be justified.
Don't even get me started on our ''''''''European''''''''''' muslims.
your anger should be aimed at the jews
Yep, they promote hatred against Muslims so that the west will be pro Israel, Trump, Farage, le pen, gert wilders all are pro Israel, islamophobes are too blind to see it
Jesus says he came to earth not to bring peace but a sword, should I judge Christian's by that?
Doesn't matter who invented a word, islamophobia is a problem, whether you admit it or not
You take the suicide bombing part out of context, on purpose I bet, they weren't taking about killing civilians
>racism goes beyond race
I don't remember Jesus fucking a child (Aisha)
...or murdering 800 people in the city which gave him refuge (Medina).
Bleat all the neologisms you wish, you are a faggot and islam is wack.
I like them desu. Who I hate are white cucks, libs, feminists, fags and Anglos.
Then fucking do it instead of shitposting. Why is so easy to muslisms to kill for their believes while whiteys only committ mass murder because their girlfriend left them or something?
Or does, why do you comment on things you don't understand?
As I said, morality changes over time
Ok I know by now that you are a troll, and the ''your statistics are wrong, my feeling about it is more accurate'' spiel is making it really clear, but just for those people lurking that don't get it I'll post a couple more links.
Read these and tell me with a straight face "there is nothing wrong with Islam"
this is from pew research center. they are THE authority on polling and research. You cannot disprove these stats just because you don't like them
Islam is overdue 1400+ years for their Renaissance/Enlightenment, Bkork.
B-b-but they go against his feelings and instinct... that must be worth something?
no, morality does not change over time. Killing innocent people is always bad. Raping children is always bad. Cut the moral relativism cuck shit.
he's another typical bleeding heart lib from norway, knowing nothing of what he talks about, but defends based on his feelings, like a white woman. Absolutely pathetic. His pathological altruism will be the death of him
Not a troll, what's wrong with suicide bombing if you're taking out a bigger threat? If someone suicide bombed hitler who would be the bad guy?
I can't be bothered, but judging by the title, what's wrong with putting your religion first? And shariah courts aren't recognised by that so it doesn't matter
Islamic golden age was far before renaissance
Yes they do
oops, i meant iceland
>american education hur hur hur
christ you are brainwashed. please defend the 584 million that call for death for leaving Islam. You think the muslims that move to europe and the states are somehow different than the ones who stay?
not an argument
Since when did Muslim go from being a follower of a religion to its own race?
Pick one: you are a troll, or you are arguing on the basis of emotions, feelings, and hunches instead of on the basis of evidence.
This. If 1% of Muslims said there should be death for apostacy it would be bad already, but how are you going to explain the 33%?
good goy
They are raised and live in a different environment and culture, so yes they are different
Since islamophobes started treating Muslims as a race
>american education hur hur hur
You just blew your own lid heavy blue pilled cattle. How does it feel that trump is gonna start a war soon? Did they play us for fools this time too? The kikes sure as hell have you by the very collar.
> ignoring the fact there are entire nations and armed groups formed by radical islamists
I don't even know, is this bait?
Neither, the 33% figure is highly inflated, yet it's still the MINORITY of Muslims
t. someone who knows fuck all about trump.
lurk more, wwiii is canceled, (s)hill was the warmonger
how do you respond the hordes of them moving to the west, and calling for sharia here? Islam is a form of cultural imperialism, and faggots like you are spreading your ass to arab cock. you will get us all killed
Meanwhile in bizarro Sup Forums...
retard: how many is 33% of the millions of muslims? if it was 51%, would you disavow, or just call them uneducated
>wwiii is canceled
This person cant be older than 10 years. This is fucking ridiculous! I am genuinly having kek moments of my life here.
A MINORITY of Iranians support the government fundamentalist dictatorship, meanwhile Saudis live in fear of their government
It's called migration, the very thing you country (and mine for that matter) was built on and their ISNT a single Islamic culture there is lots of them
not an argument. Tensions with russia have relaxed since Trump was elected. Hill wanted to go to war with them.
you are addressing none of the stats, just going for feelings. i'm done with the couple of women in this thread.
oh, and teddy roosevelt banned muslim migration
Because bitch, neither you or me are getting fucking snackbar'd.