Why are cucks hating on based Richard Spencer all of a sudden?

why are cucks hating on based Richard Spencer all of a sudden?

>tfw newcomers don't understand that we're 1488

Other urls found in this thread:


Because they are from a place called Reddit.
A place where Heiling is considered evil.

Heiling is stupid and unhelpful. I believe Sam Dickson and Peter Brimelow have already said as much on this subject.

Doesn't really matter, Spencer was kind of drunk and made a joke, big deal.

The only people peddling the line of "civic nationalism" and "we're not alt-right at all!" are fags from /r/TheDonald.

they think that a nazi salute will invalidate the Trump presidency.

I'm the true leader of Anonymous god dammit!

the joke is that Spencer's speech was really good- so by getting outraged by it and linking it they're doing us a favor by exposing his speech to more people.

all publicity is good publicity, you'd think lefties would realize that by now.


These memes are getting old, People magazine publishes more interesting stories.

They are mainly newfags from r/The_Donald that are just learning that the alt-right is actually about white nationalism.
Really, this was kind of a genius move by Spencer, now "classical liberals" or libertarians like Milo or Cernovich can't try to co-opt the movement.

Sup Forums never has and never will have a single coherent ideology. This isn't your secret club for you and your stormfag friends.

Sure they are from The_Donald also they are Tinfoilhat-LARPers who think they got a big fish when Dick Spencer Heiled. Since they still embrace the marxist world view reddit and school teaches. Wasn't it the Alt-Right that wanted the same rights minorities take for granted. Like if I went to the Uhuru Kangz n Queenz of Africa committee noone would take offense if they raise their negroid fists and shout "black power". Maybe Dick behaved pathetic in some peoples view but i think he was euphoric after all + Reddit shills need to fuck off.

Im pro 14 but fuck 88


>CTR losing steam already



Threadly reminder that the alt-right is a kike creation to control the younger generations flocking to the right.
"Spencer" was unknown until this week.

So you will defend are the literal retards who have the same opinion as yours, even if they make you look bad?

/r/TheDonald was the main propagator of the alt right meme you subversive faggot


why are spergs praising autist Richard Spencer all of a sudden?

>tfw larpers don't understand that you're supposed to hide your powerlevel in public

1. the left made up the term "alt-right" to smear anyone who disagrees with them on the internet

2. We troll the idiot media and DNC into thinking it is a real thing

3. media picks up on it Idiot ADL calls Pepe a symbol of hate, idiot Clinton talks about Pepe in a speech

4.all the chans laugh

5. idiot stormfags think "alt-right" is an actual thing and start calling themselves "alt-right"

6.faggots and CTR shills go back to step 1.

Spencer and the other 'leaders' of the 'alt-right' are subverts.

Richard Spencer is a fucking faggot.


>and then you woke up and the bed sheet was wet

Because. Just let us handle this you mouthbreather.

Repeat after me: Richard Spencer is a faggot kike who likes to take dicks up his ass. He has a gay lisp and obviously prefers men.

This. Spencer is a fucking idiot for expecting to wear the mantle of the alt right without blowback.

It's equivalent to user tripfagging, no fucking support for people too stupid to wipe their own ass.


We need to get fucking Soros declared an international terrorist.

That's justice, baby.

HOLY SHIT THIS YOU DUMBASSES. You want your ideology to spread, you need to walk slow line and give legit proof of whatever the fuck you're talking about. Not go full "hurt duur I'm 1488 ultra white power". Spencer is a idiot for keeping his head on straight.

For NOT keeping his head on tight.*


Don't forget that without Spencer, this place wouldn't even exist you ungrateful fucks.

Fuck Spencer and fuck you. He represents nothing about the right. He's a white supremacist scum, and so are you.


kill yourself you fifth column scum

The issue is that our goal over the past year was to get Trump elected, and so we lightened-up on GTKRWN in order to produce memes that would convince normies to vote for him.

This move was successful, but it's had other consequences. It has lead to an influx of bluepilled normies who still believe in civic nationalism, not unlike a reagan-era conservative. We're going to have to deal with them for a while. They'll eventually either get redpilled or leave.

Civic nationalism is a stopgap ideology. It's inherently flawed, and it doesn't take much reflection before you realize it can't work outside a homogeneous society.

Spencer only represents himself you idiot. He's been attention whoring for popularity. You don't agree to a documentary from the Atlantic of all places unless you want fame from it.

>tfw newcomers don't understand that we're 1488
>tfw newcomers don't understand

You're a fucking newcummer, faggot, this is a fucking shill thread



Stop trying to subvert Sup Forums like you did in 8ch TRS, Fuck you and your Autistic Leader Spencer..

Anyone who puhes the dead end white nationalist shit is an inside jew

Sup Forums is a board of peace where we distinguish by nationality, not race

fuck off

Only newfags know who that is.

So there's no difference between a white american and a black american?

Come on now.

>chips handon here. Check out this image of Taylor swift qu33n of 4channel. I just want to say deus vault to the god emperor. Trust me these alt right guys are one of us.
>s. oldfriend

Ps the cake is a lie!

Shut up, you fucking loser shitskin.

How does it feel being such a fucking genetic fuck up that your only social time is spent with people who may or may not kill you once obtain they/we power?

Australia is White land now!

>Sup Forums is a board of peace where we distinguish by nationality, not race
>not race
sorry mate

>claiming 1488
>while posting a coalburner

what's with the Taylor Swift shit? you know she's fucked blacks, right?


It's the "Sup Forums isn't racist" meme

let's not confuse your fantasy with reality, kike

Unfortunately Sup Forums has never been racialist, only ethno-differentialist

Get fucked piece of shit shill

It seems like people actually bought that bullshit the jewish faggot milo was spewing about how "alt-right isn't actually racist, it's just ironic trolling, serious!"

Correct, but it does currently have a majority ideology which coincides with the alt-right, so saying "Sup Forums is alt-right" is reasonable.


nigger you can't be serious. If anyone's the shill, it's you. Also no one knows who Richard Spencer was until he claimed to be the creator of the alt-right. No one is alt right, its a made up term created to lump us together to make it easier to attack us. Fuck off

CTR is really going hard on this angle, huh. Trying to associate pol with alt-right and richard spencer. He's a plant, designed to destroy this non-alt-right movement with (((media))) help.


>based richard spencer

name a single thing he's done?

link some archive threads from before monday where anyone on here talked about him?

also watch this

if you're a fan of this cuck kys

New idea

spiderbomb shill threads

dont forget to sage



He revealed his power level too early.





Not really. Unless you're going to credit Paul Joseph Watson and Mike Cernokike as "Alt-Right propagators" too, which is ridiculous.

/r/TheDonald, PJW, Cernovich etc. are all trying to synonymize Alt-Right with Classical Liberalism and civic nationalism, which is stupid and actually subversive.

/r/TheDonald are fags
Infowars are fags
Paul Joseph Watson is a giant fag
Mike Cernovich is a fag
Spencer is a fag

Fuck Richard Spencer he's autistic

Literally only Sam Hyde is sticking to his guns

this, desu

>inb4 muh e-celebs
>inb4 muh PEE ARR


The silver lining of this whole thing is that it's driving a wedge between Sup Forums and the newfags that just got here and think sargon of akkad and PJW are so cool.

And it's a big litmus test to see who's a faggot who's going to freak and and waste their time screaming about a salute, and who's a decent guy who's going to stick to their guns, or at least not bitch out. Sam Hyde is a good guy. From what I can understand, Molyneux also isn't distancing himself either.

This isn't about richard spencer, who I think is an effeminate faggot. The issue is that there are a bunch of retards on Sup Forums who are gasping because someone did a nazi salute. People who are unironically calling others stormfags for not wanting to to live in a nigger shithole. These softy faggots who only just got here from r/thedonald

Defending/Disavowing spencer is just a proxy.

It's basically Sup Forums VS reddit

This is why I said embracing gays in the right is a bad idea, even if it gets the right more votes. You'll create conflicts between the less "extreme" people and the more "extreme" people

I agree with Spencers on pretty much everything but alot of the shit he I'd saying when he gets airtime scares off normies. Openly saying Jews are not human or heil Trump is not palatable to the brainwashed masses and just alienates us more at this current time. The fight is still early and this asshole is banging on the castle doors while we are still preparing.

>ywn suck the snot out of Taylor Swift's nose with a pipette and then inject the snot into your dick hole before ejaculating it back up her nose with interest

>someone in the audience of a talk hosted by a guy related to a concept tangentially related to a guy who's related to a guy we like just did a roman salute!
>we, as an anime-centered imageboard that commonly has nostalgic threads about the reich and what the world would be if Hitler had won, must immediately denounce him or we'll look bad and people won't take us seriously!
Even we aren't that retarded. It's just some shills, same as the "he's going back on his promises" threads. Hell, there aren't even enough people here who've ever heard of the fag before to make this many threads about him, even if they all made one every hour.