Stop bullying sweden

stop bullying sweden.

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stop living on welfare, Louis.

That we can't do, Varg.

I thought cucks liked being bullied?

>check the flag

I'm pretty sure Varg bullies Sweden himself(I know you probably post here, Varg).

his name is Louis

hey hans, I have a fucking job, dont call me out.
t. Louis

Stop calling me Louis.

okay mr arsonist murderer.

How do i get rid of all these fucking muzzie invaders

Comb your beard, trash.

prep the bull sven you aint getting rid of shit. you cuck


Don't you mean millions?

kek say that to my face you little dicked arab shit and i would beat the fuck out of you, i'm finnish not swedish and we have warriors blood in our veins

How many bulls did you prep today pekka.

Sweden is not that large.
We only have 9m ppl here, and like 800k of them are foreign.

Don't you have a wall to climb amigo

>little dicked arab shit

now how do you plan on beating yourself? is it because getting destroyed by a roach is haram?

>tfw turkroach is beating sven

It is just the beginning my anglofriend. Brace yourself because it will get a lot worse... The slimes are going to be your problem like how niggers here are ours.

Don't get lippy cuck, I asked you a question.

I hope to see a civil war in Sweden soon.

More like 9.8m and 7m are swedes. Why are there so many denial cuck?

I hope to see a civil war in your country soon too.

I'm albanian living in Sweden. Tbh I don't feel like a swede but I am civilised though. What do
Sup Forumsacks think about my feelings?

Why did you run away?

We're fucking over due, thank god i found /k/ and i'm almost ready for when SHTF.

Juan btfo!


Says the guy paying for a fucking wall lmao!

The people vs. globalist cartels

We need a civil war real bad here too, Donald can't accomplish what he wants in 8 years.

Swedes might be awful people but you live there so respect their state and culture.

>Says the guy paying for a fucking wall lmao!
At least we will be prepping the only superpower not some dirty illiterate goatfuckers from porkistan that you had to hand the capital of your kingdom. now go get fucked elsewhere.

Lets hope he gets rid of the scumbags and U.S.A goes back to her old self.

Go back to Albania.

Just saw on facebook a bunch of swedish cucks defending John Oliver and hating on Trump. No please keep it coming Sup Forums. We are a shit country that deserves to be wiped out, our people are nigger-loving filth.

I do. I have no difficulties blending in the society.


I work here dude. Paying taxes to bring wven more refugees. This is what you want Bo.

Varg is Norwegian.

yeah but there is like at least 1.5 mil european immigrants too


Bully Sweden.

>800k of them are foreign.

I'm not that good at math, but that seems like a real


fuckin' problem for your future, not to say that it isn't now.

A lot of people laugh at your situation, with Sweden turning into a caliphate. Instead, I weep for you. You do not hear them, but your ancestors cry out from their graves.

Don't forget the 40k if not more "refugees" that swedish authorities have no idea where they are.


Why don't swedes simply reproduce more? Your state is fully supportive in every way possible, you should all be having 5 kids per couple.

They are in the no-go zones that don't exist :D

The cold weather lowers the libido. Not that you would know this.

It seems to have no effect on the tide of peaceful non-combatant, perfectly reasonable migrants coming over, though.

Libido has nothing to do with it, people can and should have sex with the intention of reproduction, at least white people.

t. 60% white


Yeah, yeah. I know. At least we're trying though. The United States must not go gentle into that good night, and neither should you.

i will never get a gf will i

If you're lucky you might into a 3 person relationship where you provide and occasionally get to fap to Jamal pounding Lisa

>why do boys outnumber girls
>in a country thst just effortfully imported military age men

Statistics say no.

Maybe you can find yourself a nice muslima, but that would be suicide.

nice try sven
