Fuck Sweden


Should I even try anymore?

It all just seems so hopeless.

Can't you just move, Sven?

No, give up, move out of here, make an example of our old country to our children

embrace the struggle
never yield
a Nordic man standing proud is terrifying to our enemy

lift weights, learn, become a force to be reckoned with
THEN kill yourself

Kill yourself in self-defense

>embrace the struggle
more like embrace the dick

For the last time Estonia you will never become a nordic country. Fuck off to eastern europe you russian rape baby

Leave Estonia alone you fucking cuck.

You will never be Scandinavian, no matter how much you wish you were, attacking Sweden won't make you more Scandinavian xDddddddd

> old country
You only have one country.

We are actually glad we will never surpass you in Nordic Cuckery.

You will never be more than an Island of inbred "wewuzvikings".

You are a lone dingleberry in the Atlantic ocean. A turd of an Island so irrelevant that the entire world forgets you exist.


yeah fuck my nation. I hope russia annex us.

Multiculturalism doesn't works on its own, nothing does. To create multiple cultures you first have to know your own culture and race, obviously you need a plan. Being just happy hippie of good heart is not a plan.

better a russian rape baby than a mongol/arab gangrape baby. Weak bantz truly shameful.

1. Embrace your inner viking
2. Chop down invaders

WTF ? They only search for muslims
Sweden is so racist

You will always be an amerimutt
You will always shart in mart
You will never have a culture
You won't exist by the end of the century

why the fuck are you giving brother esti shit you faggot

Fuck you cuck faggot estland sucks

>You will always be an amerimutt

>You will always shart in mart
It is my right as a citizen of the free world to shit my pants whenever and wherever I please.

>You will never have a culture
Better no culture than one that values cousin fucking and eating rotten shark

>You won't exist by the end of the century
Neither will yours when the sea levels rise.

Don't bully Iceland fucking stupid americuck

Well fuck you too russia.

Its funny though.

>be Estonia >Talk shit about every other other country for not being white enough >Russia invades >Europe and USA pliz help we can't defend our irrelevant shithole ^ Face it Estonia your peak was when you were a part of the swedish empire other than that you have been an irrelevant turd in the shadow of Russia

>Don't bully

Sweden is lost.

Fug life is hard on the phone

I'll fuck your shit up m8, my best m8 is Australian and together we can defeat you

kys svoneposter

Go hang yourself you racially degenerate kikeslave.

I really hate Sweden. They are a disgrace to the white race.

>>be Sweden >Talk shit about every other other country for not being multicultural enough >Arabs invade >Europe and USA pliz help we can't take all of these refugee dicks by ourselves >Face it Sweden your peak was when you weren't a country of brown cock loving libshits who value cuckoldry over everything else

God damn. Out I say, OUT!

> tfw your inferior neighbours hate each other

>dat flag

>be american>be a mut>invade countries becasue they where shittalking schlomo


>try anymore

What are you currently doing to try?

Follow your roots, invade England.


>>be swedish>be a cuck>destroy your country in the name of diversity

Being Finnish is great

I love my country. The people is hard working and honest. I can hike pretty much all over the place, fish in a river and fuck my wife in the woods with out encountering other people.
I live pretty isolate so I only see immigrants while visiting relatives in the bigger cities.

>get invaded by shit skins and niggers
>pass out gibsmedats to all that come

Thanks swedebros

>I don't see it personally so there is no problem.

Scotcucks have the same attitude.

>seeking the aid of a swedecuck

Cmon Iceland I thought you were supposed to be fearsome vikings not total cucks like your cousins.

>be mut>destroyed any hope for your ountry yers ago>ruin the western world with your shit "culture">destroyed any hope for your ountry yers ago

She can follow them, if she wants to. She won't be missed.



Never said it wasn't a problem, it's not a problem for my daily life or the security of my family. I partake in demonstrations when possible and I'm active in politics in my village.

I need to get out of my uganadan/pakistani prison cave and say that this is probably the most retarded, most beautiful display of salt and chromosome overdoses. keep up the good work, sweden

When you're so liberal, feminist, and multicultural that your police, politicians, and media all cover up an epidemic of rapes by foreigners because you'd feel guilty about it.


its like pottery

what the fuck is wrong with Sweden goddamn.

America has lots of different cultures. There is no one American culture. Now the culture that the jews attempt to export is the worst, hollywood, rap, etc. But no-one is forcing you cucks to consume American culture.

>America has lots of different cultures. There is no one American culture. Now the culture that the jews attempt to export is the worst, hollywood, rap, etc. But no-one is forcing you cucks to consume American culture.


What most of the world sees on television or online is the Hollywood/yoloswag city culture.

Most regions have their own way of doing things.