at first i laughed, then i tried to debunk it, but now i'm lost. is the earth really flat?
At first i laughed, then i tried to debunk it, but now i'm lost. is the earth really flat?
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Its not flat, you dumbass. And you have no skill to proof or debunk anything.
Yes, it really is.
Where does the sun and moon get it's momentum in the Flat Earth model?
The physics of it is retarded.
Besides look at the photo. With the sun cycle...the in the hell would the antarctic have 24 hours of Sun in that model???
no, get out
Can you try debunking round earth too?
Obviously, the sun too
Wouldnt this mean we always have a full moon?
Only for the plebs.
from the perspective of the sun and our solar system, those other stars are not moving, because our solar system is moving in tandem with the rest of the galaxy.
If the earth is flat how can you explain my time in the navy when I sailed from San Diego to The Philippines?
I'm really wondering if that image was originally made unironically. I don't want to underestimate the retardation of this planet.
Stop feeding his delusions with memes you tart.
You can only see some of those stars during each night precisely due to the spinning of the Earth.
You can sail on, well, flat surface.
If the earth was round people in Australia would be falling off into space. Check mate, ball-tards.
Yes, Earth is as flat as your brain.
>earth flat
>sun make circle around earth it hide get dark
>moon afraid of sun only come out when sun hide
That's easily achievable on the flat earth model, officially endorsed by the UN
Flat just like this.
>your brain
that pic is fucking stupid. if earth were flat, sun would illuminate the hole surface. anyway, it doesn't explain moon phases either
What is a horizon? What is celestial navigation? What is a great circle trackline?
I was in a plane recently... At about 30,000 feet, I could start to see the curvature of the earth.. at 35,000 feet, I could definitely see it. At the highest cruising altitude I've ever been, 39,000 feet, it was totally undeniable. I actually saw the curvature of the earth. It's a globe, guys
What is a window?
Get out you fucking retarded mudslime shits.
The windows on a plane are curved, fish eye effect
It's hollow
But if the Earth is flat how can the Earth be hollow?
The real redpill is realizing that our entire universe is 2D
Earth is hollow
It is round but hollow
And Im not just shitposting
why would someone lie about it?
>is the earth really flat?
How does the sun set if this is true?
I'd like an answer to this.
Also an answer to gravity if the earth isn't a globe
who is that semon demon?
Who or what is more powerful than control other human beings?
I fail to see why it matters, especially for you user. How would your life change if the earth was flat?
Hate to add to this and be complicit in the flat earth retardation, but this autist on youtube, Eric Dubay, does videos offering compelling arguments about the procession of the sun and such. He seems to be an authority on the entire subject
How do flatists explain tides?
Quick question: Has anyone from Australia ever posted in as a Flat Earther? Because a road trip you can take from Melbourne to Perth should be physically impossible on a flat-earth model.
That only takes effect as you reach altitude?
So... How many people are involved in this conspiracy? I think claiming that all planes are equipped with special windows raises the number of co-conspirators into the millions... You shitting me?
We're controlled in plenty of other ways that arent retardly difficult to pull off.