>"I'm so glad Milo is the leader of the Alt Right!"
>"Fucking feminists."
>"You know gays are actually based."
>"Does anyone have any rare pepe memes!?!"
>"Top Kek!!!! XD"
>"Nazis were evil, Communists were just mislead and wrong but following orders."
>"Lol I can't believe that guy from twitter named ((((David)))) just posted about BLM lololol! Wait, why do I put echo marks on people's names again?"
>"I love baiting people on Sup Forums! Whenever I get (You)'s I feel a sense of accomplishment."
>"Do you guys ever browse r/Sup Forums? I love all the dank memes posted there!"
>"Who's Julius Evola?? lol who cares"
>"Those Nazi guys in the alt right are just CTR shills trying to make us look bad."
>"Nationalism is actually evil. Blacks are civil human beings that should be treated with respect, multiculturalism can work if the people actually integrate into the culture."
>"Richard Spencer? No, he's just a left wing plant. He doesn't symbolize the alt right movement."
>"William Luther Pierce was just a racist Nazi."
>"Now that Trump is elected we don't have to worry about anything!!!"
>"No, I would never join the military."
>"Race mixing is okay, I don't see what the big deal is, kek."
>"Yeah I came to Sup Forums in 2015 but I browse reddit more."
>"What the heck is a 'Woahyack? Oh you mean the feels guy.'"
>"Guys guys look at this twitter post!!!! WHAT A KEK LMAO"
>"lol Sup Forums B T F O!!!"
>"I'm not a racist."
>"No, the 'Jews rule the world' is just a meme."
>"Christianity is a cancer just like Islam."
>"I hate those faggots that think it's okay to post anime on Sup Forums."
"I'm so glad Milo is the leader of the Alt Right!"
Other urls found in this thread:
it's not like stormfags are any better
There's that word again.
At least stormfags pretend to read Spengler and shit
Fuck off
non ce ne frega un cazzo
You can't really call someone an effete nu-male while posting weeaboo anime shit.
The anime faggot shit is about as cancerous to the alt-right as Milo.
Did I hit close to home?
Stormmen and neo nazis never pretend to read at all.
define ''stormfag'' I see that insult thrown around a lot recently, from what I heard they're just fbi honeypot
The autistic ones get really bad, I just want to be white nationalists again
Stop fucking triggering me with that word!!!
>Did I hit close to home?
No because my home is in a country that actually matters. I honestly feel bad for desu, you could even be bothered to proxy. All anyone sees when they look at your posts is a dirty spic raging against the wall.
Sup Forums has always been an anime imageboard you mong
>Sup Forums was never racist!
>come on guise, you seriously don't believe in all that white natonialism stuff
>I love all races, as long as we are all Americans!
>America was made for everyone not just whites!
>Christianity is a religion for whites, stop saying it worships a Semite
>Race is a social construct
>you're a stormweenie
>Jews are our allies
>It's okay if we all share one culture! Assimilation of different races works!
Of course you'd get mad at white nationalism, you're not even white. If the 1965 migration act was repealed (as it should be), you couldn't be a US citizen.
To be honest I just wish Sup Forums would go back to the circle jerk of talking about da joos and all that. It was funny and was the alternative for when Sup Forums got taken over by normies and redditards. Now Sup Forums is becoming the new Sup Forums.
Youre supposed to grow up and make jew threads every week
Graduate my padawan
Stormfag as in
"a nigger is a nigger and all blacks are niggers"
"white men did everything"
"we wuz nords n shiet"
"Mediterranean aren't white"
for example, the people described in the op aren't stormfags
i'm talking about autistic skin heads
Learn to judge the content of my post instead of my flag. This way, you won't appear retarded to any one on the site
I'm white. great grandpa served Italy during WW2 and fled here. Also, born in the us.
This election opened pandoras box. I hate to be reminded that if I want to shitpost old Sup Forums memes I have to go to autist chan or some forum
I'm white and a gun-grabbing, "criticism is sedition" neo-nazi tyranny sounds pretty shitty.
but you can label anybody a ''stormfag'' be your definition
Richard, take a deep breath.
>Pol was always libertarian
>Civic nationalism is the only good kind of nationalism
>I'm okay with immigration, tacos are great!
>Communism has never been tried
>Whites dying out is a myth, whites aren't even a race, plus everyone will be mixed in 50 years
>mixed girls are the hottest
>who cares if my kids don't look like me?
>real men marry single mothers
I'm sure there may be one or two feds monitoring Stormfront, but it would be about as effective as monitoring a hardware store in rural Kentucky.
The site has a really old userbase, the majority of them are 40yr~ on average.
The boogeyman of white racists plotting acts of domestic terror is pretty much entirely a media invention.
>Learn to judge the content of my post instead of my flag.
topkek. go eat your mama's dirt tamales, Paco. No one gives a shit what a literal subhuman has to say.
Not really. I only consider stormfags the men who worship hitler, think nordics literally are master race (lol), shave their head and doesn't like anyone not white.
>60% white
>getting cucked by Trump
You are literally the shittiest 1st world country. Look, at least WE know we're shit
t. alt-weenie supreme
If are like this please leave anyone reading
alt-right, stormfags... no difference at all really.
>Not really. I only consider stormfags the men who worship hitler, think nordics literally are master race (lol), shave their head and doesn't like anyone not white.
so anybody who you can't exploit thanks for letting me know
there is no alt right
there is no leader of the alt right
it's got nothing to do with Sup Forums either way
fuck off
let me ask you something, and Im just trying to be real her for a second.
Do you organize your pictures into files like "funny gif reaction"?
or do you search for "tl;dr" already knowing what pic you wanted to post?
At least stormfags are not as bad as dirty mexicans.
Gamergate and this election were the worst things for Sup Forums, but we really should have been less accepting of the Sup Forumstards and redditors who flooded in here. "Redpilling the normies" isn't worth destroying the board
Fuck you, we are going to make racism great again.
>>"Those Nazi guys in the alt right are just CTR shills trying to make us look bad."
this is completely true
>>"No, the 'Jews rule the world' is just a meme."
this is true as well
user i know you're disappointed that Sup Forums isn't the unironic nazi shitfest that you imagined it to be, and instead only has 20% people who shitpost for ironic reasons and 10% similarly disappointed nazis, but if you stay around for long enough, you will see that racially honest and not politically correct dialogue is possible without being a full on nazi, and that the nazis you somehow seem to revere were just as much useful idiots as you claim the left are.
>so anybody who you can't exploit
I don't get it. Please repeat what you said. I do not exploit any one
As if you guys are any better
>not alt-right
Explain all the unironic pro-hitler and racist shit then
>u r teh cancur
>no u xDDD
go fuck yourselves.
this isn't the forum of a political organization.
this is a board where people share their political beliefs without being politically correct about them
t. expert on Sup Forums who came here in 2015
I think /r/the_donald might be better for you
>not stormweenies
It depends. I certainly have subfolders on my server, but most of my pictures are named. For instance, I have a subfolder called "smug anime faces" where every pic is just the generic Sup Forums numbered filename, but also have a bunch of pictures called "kek" in no subfolder whatsoever.
Basically I shitpost on here so often that I know a large percentage of my pictures and where they're at. That's how pathetic this is.
This is mostly right except that faggoty pro Richard shit you slipped in there
Fuck Reddit and fuck anyone who thinks we have a leader or that the (((alt right))) exists
No one says Sup Forums as a leader
The Alt-Right most definitely does exist, and has been a thing for 6 years.
10% are actual nazis
20% are ironic for various reasons
10% more are just trolling.
>if you pretend to be retarded for long enough actual retards will join you thinking they're in good company
Sup Forums is breitbart not the daily stormer.
shit like "zyklon" Ben Garrison were just memes done for shits and giggles to enrage people
you don't understand how Sup Forums works if you actually think that people legitimately believe everything they say around here.
No i came here in 2016.
But i've seen the board before, and been on the site for longer.
And the /polgbt/ meme has been around for way longer than milo.
>R-Richard Spencer is an evil Nazi!!!
While I may agree that the thing he did was retarded I don't think it needs to blow up all over the place. Seriously, if I had the money and power to do so I would buy reddit and buy Sup Forums, get all the IPs from reddit and shut down the site permanently then permaban anyone who had an account on reddit.
you don't get it because you're not in a first world country and your country is garbage because of how corrupt you people are from my perspective what you call stormfags are just people who don't want 3rd world people bringing 3rd world problems with them when they jump the border and get on social welfare in US for example
>Came here in 2016
Then your opinion is irrelevant.
this thread is a fucking cancer
Right wingers with alternative viewpoints exist
The ((((((alt right)))))) as a group made up by the media does not exist.
I didn't say he was an evil nazi
Fuck you
Fuck niggers
Fuck Jews
Richard Spencer is fucking planted
He is a false idol being pushed to divide us and it's so obvious
Do not give into labels, it is how the left controls you
>Right wingers with alternative viewpoints exist
They are not Alt-Right. They are people who jumped on a bandwagon without knowing what the term meant or where it came from.
>The ((((((alt right)))))) as a group made up by the media does not exist.
The irony here is amazing. Just prove that you're a newfag fresh out of reddit.
The (((echoes))) meme came from us in the Alt-Right. The concept and the Coincidence Detector browser extension came from TRS. You're using an Alt-Right meme without even understanding what it is.
The term Alt-Right has been around for 6 years. We've been using it for 6 years.
It came from Richard Spencer, not Hillary's campaign.
did my wall just talk to me...?
To say that anyone identifies themself as "Alt Right" is a retard.
>i am an old fag since 2002 my opinion matters
where's your Sup Forums Pass icon? :^)
Those are not stormfront.
Stormfront are the guys claiming that all research that shows them to be wrong is rigged, no matter if no actual scientists agree with them, and will gladly distort facts to push their agenda instead. They are identitarian and concerned with their group and not anyone else, it only appears that way because they think they represent their country.
Silly Norway you don't have a wall.
Maybe you should build one i'm sure that'd upset the swedes.
I have no problem with closed borders. I call stormfags extreme neo nazis who suffer from cognitive dissonance .
>dividing the right in two
Fuck off, you're a Jew shill or a useful idiot.
>Stormfront are the guys claiming that all research that shows them to be wrong is rigged, no matter if no actual scientists agree with them, and will gladly distort facts to push their agenda instead. They are identitarian and concerned with their group and not anyone else, it only appears that way because they think they represent their country.
that's one broad statement first explain what research are you talking about, which scientists, what facts, what agenda?
>concerned with their group and not anyone else
well of course anyone would be concerned with their group what's so bad about it?
>I have no problem with closed borders. I call stormfags extreme neo nazis who suffer from cognitive dissonance .
point it out then don't just leave a blank statement like that without explaining the issue at hand
But at the same time it is a secrete club with world wide members willing to almost anything for lulz.
here is the thing dick Shiners. I am a constitutional conservative pro American 3% and i fucking hate the left .. but there is something i hate Even more. I fucking hare Nazi mother fuckers. if i ever see one of you idiots representing yourself as a conservative while throwing up that Nazi salute I will Fuck you up..... Seriously that Nazi shit is a total non starter.
Alt-Right has always been White Nationalism.
The entire point of the term was to have a more palatable term for it, to change the perception and draw in younger whites.
You objectively don't know what you're talking about.
If you think that you're Alt-Right and you're not a White Nationalist then you're a bandwagon jumping retard.
Stephen Crowder, Gavin McInnes, Milo Dildopolus, the whole of Breitbard, and all their retarded anti GamerGate Twitter following are not Alt-Right. They just heard a term and started using it without knowing where it came from.
Nobody is splitting anything because they were never part of our group.
>that's one broad statement first explain what research are you talking about, which scientists, what facts, what agenda?
Holocaust being fake
USSR apparently being ran by jews
jews being behind everything
Not taking culture into account when talking about iq
Richard Spencor isn't a plant because he is a nazi. Sup Forums is a nazi board. Nobody but red it has a problem with him being a nazi.
However he is likely a false flag jew for the media to hound so they can rile up the useful idiots for civil war.
>that's one broad statement first explain what research are you talking about, which scientists, what facts, what agenda?
Everything and anything they don't like.
If they determined that evolution was somehow responsible for something they don't like and thus label degeneracy, the next day they'd be like creationists defending that the earth is 6000 years old.
>well of course anyone would be concerned with their group what's so bad about it?
The bad thing about this is that they're not actually concerned about the well being of their country.
If 99% of their country somehow disagreed with them they'd gladly bomb themselves into literal extinction so that they eliminate everything "undesirable".
This is lunacy.
>y-y-you guys can't actually be racists r-right guys
>i-its all a joke hehe right? Right?
Such is the fate of movements. Behold, the materialist, rosbif echo of la nouvelle droite, and its identical fate.
We don't need a movement, but rather a way of life.
Unrelated: should I read Faerie Queene or Kalevala next
The election brought newfags, its up to everyone else to ease the redpill onto them. It will take time though.
>Don't you guys sometimes go to plebbit as well? Some of the specific sub are great!
Culture has nothing to do with IQ.
Why can't you accept the fact that over thousands and thousands of years of evolution one group of humans became smarter then another group of humans? Do you not believe in evolution or do you not believe IQ is genetic?
If culture were responsible for IQ explain why African Americans of all nations they inhabit have low IQs? They certainly don't share the same culture world wide do they? Well, they kinda do, do you want to know why? Genetics.
>"I love baiting people on Sup Forums! Whenever I get (You)'s I feel a sense of accomplishment."
>Implying this isn't true for all of us
>Holocaust being fake
There is only very shaky to absolutely no evidence for mass deaths by gassings or millions of people being cremated. Far too many eye witness accounts have been filled with blatant lies, and the people who do give honest testimony about their time in the camps aren't paraded around in front of the media.
>USSR apparently being ran by jews
Communism stemmed from the Jewish Bolsheviks. This is an objective fact. If you don't understand this then your understanding of history is too poor to be taken seriously.
The mainstream doesn't even deny this.
>jews being behind everything
Jews despite being a tiny minority of the world population are massively, overwhelmingly over represented in politics, finance, and media in every country in the developed world.
You just sound like a typical stupid socialist.
This is actually semi true.
A lot of people have actually revealed themselves to be trolling once they got tired of playing pretend. (gas the kikes)
A large part were also simply going to such ludicrous extremes that it was obvious that no person with the mental capacity to form coherent sentences could ever believe that. (flat earthers)
There are also a couple that are just playing along for fun which is obvious from half hearted comments, and some that seem off unless imagined read in a sarcastic voice. (will this spark the racewar guys?)
There's a large minority of trolls as well.
(trump btfo, say it with me, madame president, really gets that Glutamate and Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid released from the axonal terminal)
There's also a ton of posters that don't even pretend to be nazis.
(In any political spectrum thread at least half are always left leaning or center, with some being blatantly obvious attempts to answer the most extreme things possible, and only a few scoring far right wing.)
Then there are some that think being politically incorrect makes you a nazi (lol i think black people have lower average IQs and this could be genetically influenced, so the kkk represents me)
And of course some the people might be actual nazis.
Kalevala. But i might be biased.
>Holocaust being fake
>USSR apparently being ran by jews
most of Bolsheviks were jewish and they followed Marx's ideology
>jews being behind everything
overwhelming evidence and public statements made by jewish people prove you wrong
>Not taking culture into account when talking about iq
culture does correlate with IQ no doubting that
>Everything and anything they don't like.
If they determined that evolution was somehow responsible for something they don't like and thus label degeneracy, the next day they'd be like creationists defending that the earth is 6000 years old.
>The bad thing about this is that they're not actually concerned about the well being of their country.
If 99% of their country somehow disagreed with them they'd gladly bomb themselves into literal extinction so that they eliminate everything "undesirable".
This is lunacy.
but importing millions of 3rd world immigrants who are outbreeding the native population isn't extinction how?
It was real in my mind
>f they determined that evolution was somehow responsible for something they don't like and thus label degeneracy
Said nobody ever. Are you just going to throw straw men or are you going to give me scientific evidence that race is a social construct.
>The bad thing about this is that they're not actually concerned about the well being of their country.
Factually incorrect. We are concerned for our countries and want to eliminate the cancer attempting to destroy it. For example, anybody who thinks illegal immigrants should be allowed to have amnesty deserves to be shot. They are bad for the country and seek to destroy it. Like a virus. Do you hate your body for trying to kill the flu? They are technically part of your body the same way shitskins are part of your country. I wish I lives in a 100% white country like yours. you probably haven't met a single black in your life.
I still havent seen it
If you dont like Hitler, you got some explaining to jew
You're a fucking idiot
I am not anti nazi
I know what fucking echoes are
I'm telling you Spencer is a bigger retard than Duke. They are both fucking there to make us all look bad. If you support them you are a retard
The countries with the highest average iqs are east asian countries, which are notorious for putting pressure on students. Blacks worldwide have low iqs due to culture. In america, most have "rap" culture, which promotes violence, rape and not staying in school. In Africa, most blacks are dumb generally due to the lack of resources.
>There is only very shaky to absolutely no evidence for mass deaths by gassings or millions of people being cremated. Far too many eye witness accounts have been filled with blatant lies, and the people who do give honest testimony about their time in the camps aren't paraded around in front of the media.
There have been a lot of false war stories. That must mean those battles didn't happen. A lot of holocaust fakers have come out due to profit. Blame Hollywood and Americans.
>Communism stemmed from the Jewish Bolsheviks. This is an objective fact. If you don't understand this then your understanding of history is too poor to be taken seriously.
The mainstream doesn't even deny this.
Lenin hated religion and barely had jewish ancestry. Stalin killed his daughter's fiancee for being jewish and before his death, started a "plot" to wipe out jewish power in the USSR
>Jews despite being a tiny minority of the world population are massively, overwhelmingly over represented in politics, finance, and media in every country in the developed world.
pic related
I was like you once
Spengler, improved the methods of his science and some of his predictions became real, but nowadays his theory don't count that much in modern history science.
What is it with 19th century historyfags and circular timelines?
>In 1952–53, a group of prominent Moscow doctors (predominantly Jews) were accused of conspiring to assassinate Soviet leaders
>A few weeks after the death of Stalin, the new Soviet leadership stated a lack of evidence and the case was dropped. Soon after, the case was declared to have been fabricated.
Irish have been huge portion of US forever
Stalin made anti-semitism punishable by death
You might be a jew
>There is only very shaky to absolutely no evidence for mass deaths by gassings or millions of people being cremated.
This is false though. You only say this because you are american.
There is literally an archive of millions of original documents found in the Lagers, of depossession and incarceration records, as well as death records. The Soviets couldn't have faked it in the few days before the americans arrived.
We also have the testimony of high ranking Nazi officials expressly admitting to it without any duress.
We also have detailed plans of this final solution from the nazi party, and written testimony from the diary of goebbels about his concern about the details, and hitler knowing about this.
Traces of the Gas chambers have been found
The logistical operation was well documented and well oiled.
The cars used as mobile gas cambers during operation T4 were found and better known than the concentration camps.
The companies that the incarcerated people had to work in (siemens, bosch, etc) all have the records.
The decline in jewish population in all the individual population centers has been observable, and living relatives of the families individually remember the horrors (although sometimes embellishing them).
The mass graves are partly non existent thanks to industrial furnaces, and partly found and marked.
The notion that just because one or two people with unclear methodology couldn't find the mass graves does not mean that the well documented research of others is incorrect.
The holocaust is one of the most well documented atrocities of mankind. This is exactly why people talk about it so much, because it seems absurd that an enlightened society could go so easily from normal to dealing with industrial killings of people, and documenting it on such a massive scale.
This is also why the subject is so attractive for moviemakers, because it generates an immediate and deserved emotional response in most people automatically.
You have no proof of any of your statements. And you are a newfag. Leave already. You really don't understand. We have been race realist and national socialist long before Donald Trump.
>A lot of people have actually revealed themselves to be trolling once they got tired of playing pretend.
But really, i'd like some proof.
>A large part were also simply going to such ludicrous extremes that it was obvious that no person with the mental capacity to form coherent sentences could ever believe that.
Please show me proof. There is no such thing as extreme either.
>There are also a couple that are just playing along for fun which is obvious from half hearted comments, and some that seem off unless imagined read in a sarcastic voice.
This is your own interpretation. You realize you are a faggot right? You are the person who sees a gore video and immediately thinks its fake because they can't handle having their world view shaken. I know it may be shocking to you but yes, racist exist, national socialists exist and yes, they flock here to freely talk about it without being hunted down by antifa and getting fired.
>There's a large minority of trolls as well.
Those were called shills. There is even a website where they recruit people. I get that you are a newfag but shills are nothing new. There are multiple shill companies that shill different shit. CTR just happened to be Hillary's. Why is it so un believable to you that political activists would spam internet forums in an attempt to gain supporters? It is no different from a tv ad or porn channel spammers.
Not everyone here is a national socialist. But most are white nationalist at the very least. The only people who are not racial realists are newfag cancer like you. You think you everything is satire when in reality it isn't. You are the one guy laughing his ass off in a serious movie because it has a funny man actor.
But really, fuck off and lurk more before posting. You are shitting the place up.
> civic nationalism
There is no evidence to suggest he was assassinated. Also, Khrushchev was stupid but he wasn't a fucking idiot
>Stalin made anti-semitism punishable by death
fucking source
Except the holocaust is an exaggerated jewish lie used for zionist propaganda around the world
Stormfags and alt right need to die. This board should be put down
This is why arguing on the chans is stupid
you can just discard real stuff just by saying some stupid shit like this
Get off this board.
Thank you for spencering the record
Other genocides, like the ones committed by the soviets against the jews, and minority ethnicities have been less well documented, because russians are notoriously lax with their documentation, unlike the germans.
The same goes for the crimes against humanity committed by china on a day to day basis.
Other things however are well documented but aren't often talked about, because of political reasons, like the american terrorbombing of civilian dresden and the resulting genocide of tens of thousands of noncombatants with no military targets nearby.
Stalin was literally a killer of the enemies of jews
The feels when my countries biggest newspaper spent the entire election trying to smear Trump and now has moved onto the alt-right
>"I love baiting people on Sup Forums! Whenever I get (You)'s I feel a sense of accomplishment."
So then leave and never come back kike
Noone cares about your jewish bitching here