USS Zumwalt BTFO

>The USS Zumwalt broke down in the Panama Canal, rendering it completely immobile:

>In September the USS Montgomery also broke down in the Panama Canal and in October its hull cracked in an unrelated incident:

Muh superior ships.

Other urls found in this thread:

>what is a shakedown cruise

I suppose ramps don't seem so bad now

We destroyed that shit without even trying.

why did you post a picture of empty water?

Truly the DeLorean of boats...


Every branch except the Air Force is useless.

>The US military STILL doesn't learn to stop overengineering shit

What does it look like?

mirin that ramp and the diesel smoke.

made me kek

It's not a carrier dipshit.

Is this one that was damaged by tug boat? Twice.

I hate this autismo meme


>get cracked by a simple Tugboat
>expect it survives a RPG7 direct fire

The more simple things are usually the most effective, and for some reason it takes the Navy some sort of major incident to get it through their fucking heads.

Take sound powered phones for example. Old fucking tech that allows communications throughout the entire ship, and the shit is powered by your fucking voice. It's almost like two dixie cups on a string. The Navy decided to scrap them for more advanced phones that were powered by electricity. What the idiots didn't think of is these communications are vital for an emergancy situation such as a fire or loss of power. When the power goes out, so does the phones.

So after a fucking fire they lost their phones and couldn't effectively communicate with each other. Now they are back to sound powered phones.

>Zumwalt in Mediterranean
>Rapefugee rubberboat full of niggers rams Zumwalt for gibsmedats
>Zumwalt sinks

But sound powered phones need batteries which are impossible to find now.

That's totally not a photoshop and believe me I know photoshops

At least it can still shoot.

not funny.


Navy bruh here, that ship class is a piece of shit. They were supposed to make like 60+ of them but the US navy scrapped the program and so only 2-3 in total will be built. They already ordered 3+ of their old destroyer class to be built to hold them over while the design for the new destroyer class is under way. It's a sad day when they spend 7 billion dollars for each of those destroyers while they just started a new development program for a all new destroyer to replace their old fleet of them. Hopefully some people lost their jobs over that failure of a ship class.

it shows who's from reddit and who's not.