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Nice, she conceded. It's over, you can't come back from a surrender.

>Only urged to do so, ot even close to being confirmed


Even if she ever gets president, she'll make us all burn and ill be there to tell you so.

Donald should just eat his loss already.

>2m popular vote lead

Even if the electoral college isn't rigged for cheetoman (it is though), he should just concede the fact less than half this country wants him to lead

Stupid orange retard

Wasn't it just weeks before the election where the left was speculating on whether or not Trump would have the audacity to vote for a recall when he inevitably lost?


Do you faggots do it for free now?


this is 100% true

What a coincidence, Hillary also got less than half the popular vote

Do you think Johnson voters would prefer Hillary over Trump?

Weren't there 3 million confirmed illegals that voted Dem?

How many corpses voted Dem again?

I hope they do the recount and find all those absentee ballots for Hillary all marked with the same address.

It's just trolls.

10 million illegals don't count.

>it aint happening kiddo


Say it with me Sup Forums

Makes her loss even sweeter, watching libtard continued suffering, please continue having false hope

>Recount takes place
>Hillary loses even harder

Show em bros. Let me see those fists.


>Trump says the election could be rigged for Hillary
>Libshits like you say that he's delusional and a sore player
>Trump wins because of the Electoral College
>Libshits like you screech that the election is rigged






You honestly think she'll want a recount, considering the illegals and fraud on her side.

I don't believe OP to be a hill-shill.

Troll ass troll.

Do you have the one with the memeframe frog?

>Turns out she did fucking far far worse because machines fucked up trying to vote for her when it was Trump.
>Throw out illegal votes.
>Trump landslides the bitch worse.
>Rope salesman can now afford vacation to Bahama's.

You're now about to realise this.

>Trump was mocked for refusing to accept election results if he lost
>Hillary is now refusing to accept election results because she lost

Maybe Trump will win by an even bigger margin from all the immigrants and dead people voting Hillary.

All this conspiracy about foreign hackers implies that hundreds, even thousands of people in a joint effort had to infiltrate and infect so many voting machines that aren't connected to the internet, that are guarded, that all have different set ups and different embedded operating systems.

Oh yeah because election rigging can only happen when Donald Trump wins the electoral college instead of the popular vote - something much more easily attainable with rigging.

Looks like you guys are still in the denial phase.

Such Bait. These are offically bait threads.

>You can't come back from a surrender

How do you think that France "won" World War Two ?


>The allegations say Clinton won 7 percent fewer votes in counties that use electronic voting, compared with counties that rely on paper ballots in the state of Wisconsin.

Would it even fucking matter if she did end up winning Wisconsin?


>yfw you rig the election by having illegals and dead people vote and still lose.

>remove the over 3 million illegals and millions more dead people that "voted" for Hillary

>landslide for Trump increases

>Hillbots are suicided

>you lost and you're so insecure about it that you literally have to recount everything to try to make it seem like she even has a chance
top lel

This topic has been SAGED by our lord KEK!
Bye, CTR shills!


>about to
I realized that on November 9th.

My Digits say otherwise

>2 million vote nationwide when shes 3 million ahead in california alone

wow really makes you think


>Clinton shows no mercy
>Prosecutes Trump
>Trump complains he's been through enough and needs to heal
>Clinton has him executed for treason

And the best part is, if you account for race and education voting patterns, the discrepancy become 0 percent. (((Computer scientists))) have no idea what they're talking about.

>How do you think that France "won" World War Two ?
You didn't, the english, russians and americans did.

You were just a crying little bitch the whole time.

Heck, even my shitty third world contry contributed more to the war effort with our minor contribution to the war then you frogs.

No wonder you can't even control the muslins in your country.

Prisoner 2017

Hilldawg memes going up in stock!


Y'all niggas do realize the election's over, right?


You could have linked to the Independent too. Equally shitty.


Sup Forums do your thing kill the shit youtube.com/watch?v=gJE1XPRKxkI&t=192s


Wow it's fucking nothing.

Also, I'd love to see this cunt pull an Al Gore and get BTFO, so bring it on.

are you calling for a raid?

is this why MMFA are still on payroll to shill

>Yfw the recount disqualifies the 3million illegals that voted.

Remember when Clinton said that not accepting the results would be a "direct threat to our democracy"?

you people should've realized this would happen when you kept calling it "another Brexit"

She also conceded, so...I don't know why they keep shitposting.

You won in the same way that the Chinese won against Japan.

>ill be there to tell you so
No you won't. You'll be burning.

>the guardian

guys the election is over... come on go shill somewhere else.

doesn't mean shit . you can undo it

1 post

This is simply a reversal to take away suspicion from the mass voter fraud in california and new york.

Jews are still operating on the low tier.

>Rachel Révész

Should I sell now?

>change your gender

Literally nothing.



Gore conceded too he still went ahead with the recount

>vote gets a recount
>all the illegals that voted no longer count
>Hillary loses popular vote



Are they still paying CTR fags? Saged you fucking niggers

Why do none of these "educated" muthafukkrs not know the definition of the word "Concede"

she will still have the popular votes thanks to commiefornia tho .

Humpty drumpfy is backing off this cause even he knows she did nothing illegal

Back to your Nazi convention alt right moron, you know NOTHING about politics or how the world works small dicked white loser

What did she mean by this?

>Brown fist

Concession is not formal by any means.

>all the illegals that voted no longer count

Literally no evidence of that happening. Stop reading Fake News

I'm sorry, but did Hillary already lose? Oh, that's right. The election isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only November. Does not having the lead in November count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the election is still on? Hillary is still in the running right now and she has been the best politician in the DNC for how many years now? She’s running against one of the worst politicans in the GOP who just happens to have a lead because he’s feeding off the energy of Election Day. But you know what? He still fucking sucks. Hillary is one of the best fucking politicians in the America, she won the popular vote this year and would of won the election if the black vote didn't choke. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Hillary wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, a petition for the Electoral College to vote Hillary reached 4 million signatures to save the nation, just like in 1836. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Hillary topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the politican because they're good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these Hillary supporters on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

Over 7 million illegal votes recorded already, nice try shill.

This is serious. Forget the stupid jokes about wars, landslides for Trump, keks ....
It's been two weeks. More than enough time for Democrats to commit fraud with votes. No one was watching. They prepared everything for this day.



>foreign hackes
>no one cares when sandnigger jews rig the machinesfor Clinton

>be a cucc
>say that Hillary won by the popular vote
>doesn't care about that trump won

fucking demorat

It's two whole syllables.


I am so triggered right now. If they somehow give it to hillary im going to freak out.

the word fuck really is cringy as fuck now

Kek disapproves the recount. Liberals go home.

and lost.

nice try shillary but only illegal immigrants voted for you