>Yesterday I noted a story at New York magazine which reported Hillary Clinton’s senior advisers were being urged to demand a recount in three swing states which determined the outcome of the election. The basis of those requests was an analysis by University of Michigan computer scientist J. Alex Halderman who claimed to have found a discrepancy between Clinton’s performance on paper ballots compared to computer ballots. The suggestion was that maybe someone (read: Russia) had tampered with the voting machines in those states.
>Were this year’s deviations from pre-election polls the results of a cyberattack? Probably not. I believe the most likely explanation is that the polls were systematically wrong, rather than that the election was hacked…The only way to know whether a cyberattack changed the result is to closely examine the available physical evidence—paper ballots and voting equipment in critical states like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, nobody is ever going to examine that evidence unless candidates in those states act now, in the next several days, to petition for recounts.
He says Russian hackers did it.
Other urls found in this thread:
Looks like a huge cuck.
this to be frank
>Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign is reportedly being told to call for recounts in three swing states by a group including voting-rights attorney John Bonifaz and widely respected cybersecurity researcher J. Alex Halderman, the director of the University of Michigan’s Center for Computer Security and Society.
You can't hack something that's not connected to the Internet. Plus she conceded anyways, you can't come back from that.
Why just those 3 states why not all 50?
>the polls were systematically wrong
No shit Sherlock
>This was the plan with the voting machines all along
>the polls only look wrong because of russian hackers
Wouldn't surprise me if they try this one next.
Looks like a kike.
lmao this guy doesn't realize he just discovered that the Dems bussed in boatloads of nonvoters. Hence the discrepancy between online and offline ballots.
I really want this to do a recount. It'll be hella funny to watch Clinton's numbers go down.
This guy brings Shane onto CS. First off they're not fucking connected to any network at all. Second, Michigan ONLY uses paper ballots
>mfw they investigate
>mfw they jew MI, PA back blue
>mfw Trump still wins because of WI bringing him to 270
Why can't they take their own beloved leader's advice?
Nate Aluminum already rebutted this argument. The discrepancies are due to demographic factors.
It's a pretty straightforward multiple regression
That (((nose)))
An entire election decided by Maine's silly district rules
Hillary is over it.
She figures more scamming from Clinton Foundation and no email prosecution. The speaking fees from one speech alone she'll make more than she would have as president. Also I'd assume that Trump would request a full accounting of who voted, which the democrats def do not want as dead, illegals, and multi-voters will be exposed largely in blue precincts.
It is over CTR, you aren't fooling or demoralizing anybody.
Dude looks like he's never received a blowjob in his entire life.
Computer scientists say they have strong evidence election was rigged against Clinton in three key states
>Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania were potentially manipulated, according to prominent computer scientists and lawyers who have spoken with the Clinton campaign
It was hacked by something called the da Vinci virus. Wtf I hate hackers now.
Ayyy it was the kay gee bee
I thought jared was in jail for diddlin' kids?
His facial features just SCREAM collectivist globalist jew cuckery.
Accept your fate Trumpsters
He looks like a betamax nu male
Why do these "educated" muthafukkrs not know the definition of the word "concede"?
so ctr makes their own threads, talks to their own people, why don't you just get your own board too, fucking shills.
Everyone knows Clinton is the one that rigged the election.
I want that list of names so I can find you freaks.
Yep, fucking Shane. I hate that guy.
Votes were rigged for Clinton but someone spaghetti'd the source code and the 0 for Hillary became a 1 for Trump.
is that zuckerberg?
>probably another pedophile
>a jew
This dude needs a giant kick in the nuts. Or two.
What's wrong with Shane getting an education?
>Inb4 I ain't clickin that shit nigga
the J stands for Jew
Post TFW when CTR is literally trying everything (see: denial) they can to change the results of something that is OVER.
Long live Pepe and MAGA.
there is no possible paper trail in pennsylvania and even if mi and wi got flipped hill dog still loses
Hey fuck you man, I voted Trump
Anyone else notice how women self conscious about their stomachs always move their hands in the way, like we won't notice.
Lemask you sumthin, Rick...
You know where Carl is?
Why do CS majors look so fucking disgusting
>real evidence comes out proving the election was rigged for Trump
>Hillary, not wanting to divide the country, personally steps in and stops all recounts
b-but...lock her up...
Michigan is paper ballots though, so I have no idea why these retarded computer scientists want it be recounted there.
Either this is a master move from trump to get hillary fucked for rigging the election or the hillary camp is doing some fuckery, unless these retards have no idea about this are just spewing garbage out of their mouths.
This picture can dry up any pussy in a 20 foot radius
BM1 looking pretty rugged there, fampai
This guy looks like he could use some pizzas.
Any kind anons want to help him get some pizza?
What's some fag gonna do down under other than suck me off.
(( v ))
They look like people i would avoid in group projects.
Even pick shitskins over them rather than deal with autistic personalities and perfectionism.
And then nig nogs think im a genius for doing B grade(truthfully less than C but this is college) level work
In that case I am pretty sure I have somehow dimension shifted to bizarro world.
Of coarse he was going to be a faggot.
Wow a numale blames everything on the 400 lb hackers of Putin even after Hillary conceded.
literally shaking rn
came here from the catalog to say this honestly
He just looks like a giant smug cuck
>tfw you are the handsome one among your nerd friends but still repulsive to irl 8/10s
>computer scientist
>couldn't do basic research
He said it wasn't hacked because there is a 7% difference between paper ballots and machines results across the board in various counties.
Where was he when pic related happened?
Would be a pity if he was exposed as a globalist shill.
>Were this year’s deviations from pre-election polls the results of a cyberattack? Probably not. I believe the most likely explanation is that the polls were systematically wrong, rather than that the election was hacked…
Looks like I'm rooting for Ohio State this weekend
I don't get it.
>computer scientist
Bow to software engineer master race,unworthy dogs
? ? ?
mfw fat nerd, second from left, pretends 1 of 3 nerds successfully deposited sperm in her...
So they got nothing and decided to run with it... its even on the European mainstream news lel
We notice, obviously. But we don't make a scene of it because that's not what polite people do among groups.
fucking this
took me five minuts to debunk the claim after reading the article on jewyork times about "hacked voting machines" this morning
after reading the actual article its pretty obvious that he was never talking about hacking in context of the result but generally speaking the election (DNC, Wiener, Russia, yada yada)
the normie media just put it out of context, either intentionally or unintentionally, and the rest ate it up as usual
tl;dr: its fucking nothing
When will you idiot mobilefags stop taking caps of your fucking phone screen instead of just saving the image?
Yet Bubba's multiple trips to Epstein's "Lolita Island" got very little press. This is why the media has a lower approval rating than congress. Fuck me with a spoon.
Are you sure he is not related to Moot?
>(((Recount))) show Trump 'rigging' 1-2% in Penn/Mich
>Also shows Hillary stuffed Cali with 5 million illegals
Really causes cognitive function
Enough time passed for them to be printing a ton of new ballots for them to conveniently find.
This. His name is echoey AF
Ironically there has only ever been sporadic reports of polling machines switching to Democrat votes and the dead only ever vote Democrat as well
> browser
kek. So if they really go through with this she'll more than likely come out even worse?
I have a masters in computer science, and I say that the election was rigged for Hillary, but she lost anyway. My evidence for this is a "Hello World" program adapted to print out this exact statement
That's the picture of everyone who got their ass kicked for being a know-it-all fuck in high school.
This after a month long campaign to convince everybody rigging is impossible and election results should immediately be accepted
This is just some Michigan cuck not being able to accept the reality that Clinton lost his state
Dude looks like som SJW working at a vegan enigma depot.
Check em
Because he's a transphobic, homophobic, misogynistic, Islamophobic, Russian hacker, racist.
>pol pre election
the system is rigged! voter fraud going on all over the place! the friend of the uncle of soros gardener is the 3rd cousin in law of the guy who went to uni with the operator of the voting machines! RIGGED SYSTEM!
>pol after the election
lol rigged voting machine. how stupid is that?
So thats why Obama will be the last president
rip América
>Jew nose
>Jew forehead
>sunken Jew eyes
>upper Jew lip thinner than bottom
>rat-like Jew ears
Really makes those synapses fire off.