So was it an inside job, Sup Forums? Will Trump reveal the truth?
So was it an inside job, Sup Forums? Will Trump reveal the truth?
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Trump has already been assimilated
Was he brainwashed by Jews?
Baaaaaaaaaaahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahwhw hooooheeeeehaaahooooooooweeeeeahhhhhhhhh hoooooohahahahahahahahahahhahahaahhahahhahhahaa
Oh man fuk
It wasnt an inside job but they knew it was going to happen.
It was inside job. CIA created Al-Qaeda and 30 years later they flew planes into buildings.
Then the US government covered up Saudi involvement to protect the petrodollar to this very day.
It was, but the plane pilot wasn't aware it was.
Biggest lie since the Holocaust
He'll never reveal the truth, because he's gone - they replaced him yesterday at the NYT building.
If it was, Bush didn't know. He would have been kept out of the loop by the intelligence community.
There were no missiles or controlled demolitions. It's easier to say the attacks were allowed to happen. It would have been all about opportunity.
A Canadian started that meme, you fell for the leaf meme.
As soon as he met Netanyahu prior to the election. He was told then of what he would do.
>no controlled demolitions
I find this hard to believe, the way the towers collapsed and entered free fall points heavily toward the use of explosives. Also WTC7
Is this a real thing now?
Did they kill Trump and replace him?
Was the media meeting really a Trump beatdown?
Holy fuck.
The media cornered Trump in his own tower and fucked his royal ass to play ball.
They got their revenge and now Trump is a lizard like the rest of them.
Son of a fucking bitch.
That's why he looked weird meeting Obama.
Obama told him about the demon or the shape shifter that's going to inhabit his body.
And they got him.
They really got him.
Do you know how complicated it would be to rig two skyscrapers to blow like that?
Of course it was an inside job
>1st time in history a building collapsed from being on fire. And 3 building collapsed that day, including one that wasn't even hit by a plane
>WTC was bought by a jew just a few weeks before the attack. He insured it to cover terrorist attacks and made billions
>the insulation of the building used asbestos, a material that proved to cause cancer. Replacing it would have cost millions and millions of dollars
>on september 10th, all guards and sniffing dogs were removed from the building, and were replaced by a company called Securacom. The company was owned by one of Bush's brother
The list goes on and on, don't have enough time to enumerate everything
With the funds and planning of the U.S. gov't? Not as complicated as you'd think
they have remotely detonated explosives now you dip
>on september 10th, all guards and sniffing dogs were removed from the building, and were replaced by a company called Securacom. The company was owned by one of Bush's brother
Total bollocks. They were a contractor on the towers in the 90's and Bush wasnt with them after 2000.
1/10 for getting a response
This pic is supposedly some of the info on Assange's dead man's switch files.. Check out tha names O.O
You cant just shove an IED in a tower and expect to bring the whole thing down.
larry just got lucky.
look into elevator elevator repair crew that serviced on the evening of the 7th, shell company
Why the fuck would they use an IED rather than actually military grade explosives?
This is the sort of thinking that put Bush in the position to do 911
That money was given to fund the rebuilding of the WTC complex, which has already cost way more that $4 billion. Try again.
My point is, genius, that 'military grade explosives' arent some magic bullet. It can take months of work to professionally demolish a skyscraper, god only knows how long it would take to blow one that actually had people working in it.
>fake maintenance crew
>hide a bunch of explosives in structural weakness about the building
>blow up as soon as plane you ordered to be hijacked hits it
It's not fuckin rocket science
Just fly one plane into the White House and have a bunch of kids be on a field trip there at the time. All the righteous American fury at a fraction of the cost.
Ok so he wasn't officially with them as of june 2000.
It still stinks and you know it
Slightly less complicated than giving sand niggers minimal flight training and having them pull of complicated maneuvers in an aircraft they never trained to fly. While also fighting of passengers with a box knife.
"$1 billion was given to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey to cover rent, another $1 billion was used to build One World Trade, and the rest went towards construction for 4 and 3 World Trade"
Jet fuel can't melt sandstone 'tard
Nope. WTC had it's own security (many of which, including the head, died in the attacks). The Port Authority also did security and hired various private companies after the 1996 bomb. There was no shady 'mass replacements'.
Kinda, angry muslims were involved, but the government gave them the opportunity
Sorry I meant 1993 bomb.
>There was no shady 'mass replacements
Yes there was! The dogs were removed, this is a FACT.
But anyway all of this is irrelevant because of WTC 7.
50-stories building simply don't collapse from being on fire
I forgot to mention (((they))) had a failsafe mechanism so the towers surely collapse. Bush doesnt say who the bombs planted, but why making such a secret about the existence of explosives there if it where the sandpeople?
Ask yourself this; why? Why would they rig some building no one really cares about to blow when they've just brought down two iconic skyscrapers? It adds absolutely NOTHING.
No, Silverstein lost. $4.5 billion was what was agreed on by the insurers. Silverstein sought over $7 billion ($3.5 billion each tower).
It was necessary to save the petrodollar.
it wasn't 100% inside job
some crazy arabs wanted to fuck up the twintowers and the government KNEW IT. they fucking knew it way before and just had to prepare, then let it happen. they are no better than the terrorists, even worse
Yes engineered collapse and your leader must because it will be dumped and Amerikans will howl for blut.
Yes, some crazy, random, arabs.
>USA funds anti-Soviet group
>30 years later that group attacks America
Ceiling Jew was joined by closet Jew on 6.11.2016. He earnestly sought out something but could not safely appreciate it's potential enormity and suicided in his 12 million euro home once he was informed about the contents of the ARJ folder and that his 14 month install surveillance system was compromised at the board level.
no he won't it was the jews
and the jews have something on him
and his whole family is married into the tribe and his grand kids are all jews
and he is going to appoint either mit romney or rudi guiliani to state department
if he reopens any investigation it will be more bullshit most likely it will be like the 28 pages BS and point the finger at saudis and not at jews and israel
The Bushes are big into behind-the-scenes shadow government elite establishment stuff though. I doubt that he didn't know.
They made a terrible notice of themselves and were followed everywhere...closet Jew learned this the difficult way and it destroyed him.
We all know that Israel attacked the USA on 9/11 now the proof:
All I know is that 7-11 was a part-time job.
Interview with Trump on 9/11
After he commits sudoku with three swords in his back of the belly.