What the fuck is happening?!?

What the fuck is happening?!?

Skype (((MSM))) degenerate Sodomite press-- READ BY MILLIONS-- is arguing about who is shilling who, just like weirdos on reddit, Sup Forums or youtube.

This can't be real.

We are in a dream.

Other urls found in this thread:

idioms.thefreedictionary.com/batten down the hatches

The floodgates have opened. Button down the hatches and get comfy. You are not safe anymore.

These guys can fuck off already

The guardian. THE GUARDIAN.

There will be attention on this place like never before! Prepare yourselves. Get sharpening your arguments. It's the big league now.

Even a week ago this would have been unthinkable.

kill yourself immediately

Based Jews are our brothers. I knew it.

I welcome long lasting Christian - Jewish Alliance against Muslims and Communists

Can I please go to sleep tonight and wake up to the internet exploding with truth bombs? I'd really appreciate it, though I'm happy that stuff anons have known for years are making it to the mainstream.

It would be a Thanksgiving to remember.


meaning you-- as a normie mainstreamer-- has arrived.

There are four or five neo-nazi posters having a panic attack tho


You can never get away. Might as well get used to it you manlet gorilla.

Why do Jews false flag so much? I'm generally a centrist and never even questioned the Holocaust (just thought it was odd how overblown the reaction to it was compared to Mao killing 80 million and modern day SJWs calling themselves proudly Maoist). But the sheer amount of Jews caught drawing swastikas and pulling that shit suddenly got me all paranoid

I know... And Salon and the Guardian are reporting on it! We're gonna have to go way deep now. This is entry level bluepill tier stuff now...

you google loving skype

braise pritler 16 99

We are witnessing the departure of the evil jews from the okay jews, it's finally imploding.

They have to salvage what's left of their credibility because they've know from the beginning this alt-right conference shit was just controlled opposition

Hail the One True Leader of the Alt-Right ! Hail Sargon !

They're both mentally ill - allowing this to play out publicly is cruel.

It's hard to be worried about something that doesn't exist.

Thats the kind of timeline we are living in now

oh klaus

But this Matthew Sheffield guy is clearly in deep. He knows about the stupid squabble over that photo.

They're all probably lurking right now.


I'm English living in Germany. Button down is the correct phrase.

> alt right
> alt right leaders

wow its almost like the jews coopt 'movements' and then make them gay as fuck so no one wants to be associated with them

>Some spoke out on Reddit and Sup Forums

They're literally planting their own stories here. They come here and fake concern as if they're one of us, and then write an article about it claiming we're "dismayed".

Reality is falling apart around us. This must be what it was like just before WWI, when all of the alliances were falling apart and rebuilding themselves. I look forward to the trenches in this new, online culture war that we're about to find ourselves in. This election was just boot camp, boys - we're getting drafted into the REAL fight soon. Kek help us.

What next? Sinead McCarthy on the front page of the New York Times?

Oh times!

its nautical

Not all (((Skypes))) are bad the ones that act like road bumps run them over like road bumbs.

>The anonymous blogger is not alone in being a Jewish person making common cause with racist anti-Semites, however. Many leading figures associated with the alt-right are also Jewish themselves including Ramsey, Cernovich, Breitbart writer Milo Yiannopoulos, libertarian vlogger Stefan Molyneux and publishing entrepreneur Ezra Levant.

So the Jews own the other side of the media too now?

you, sir, are a fool.
idioms.thefreedictionary.com/batten down the hatches

Molyneux is Jewish?

Open up your eyes, if you lurk here and still believe the jews are not anti-white pro-in group you have been willingly overlooking it so it does not shatter your world view.
Whether the Holocaust happened or not it does not matter, what matters is what they are doing now.


Journalists have discovered IRL-samefagging and it's everywhere.

I guess what we're witnessing is the narrative falling apart

This is the first time they've mentioned any of those guys. This is next level. For normies, it doesn't get more red pilled.

This is the end of the movement. REPENT NOW OR FACE THE GALLOWS. THEY'RE COMING.

I fucking knew this would happen

I thought keeping track of Jews was a Pol thing.

Silly goyum Jews control both sides of the discourse. That's how domination works. Jews on the left Jews on the right even green Jews.

This is the russian revolution all over again. Jews co-opting a movement

classic hey rabbi.....

>Molymeme is a jew

what did he mean by this?

wtf I love salon now

Honestly I have no idea what's going on but I'm loving the chaos.

Really? I actually never knew that.

Cheered me up. Thanks :)


At this point their propaganda is naked. They're just calling everyone jews in a sad attempt to discredit them.

Oh I'm just shaking!

I can't even!

His name is Carl Benjamin, and he's a fat fuck.

>all of your prescious right-wing media still controlled by us

This is inception grade kikery. There's like seven layers of who is jewing who, including us.

I'm with ya, m8. I don't think it's reasonable to question the occurrence of a holocaust of Jews (though I do question the 6million figure). But watching what's been happening the last couple years and (((who))) is doing it has made me suspicious too.

Jews are our greatest allies in the fight against SJW

SJWs hate Israel because it is an example of a successful nationalist state

I for one love Jews

but we are the jewest of them all

Exactly. It's been obvious for awhile now. They did this shit with trump, acting like even Sup Forums was sick of him, using their own troll posts in their article.

This is why no one trusts the lying media.

Jew here. We control everything. You cannot escape us.

These people don't seem to realize they'll be descending into hell. Oh but here the flames feel comfy~

They pretty much all are bad

??? So the_donalds identity politics are actually fucking working

What a world

Implying the tribe isnt working both sides

Reminder that of you consider yourself a part of the (((alt right))) or any other meme (((group))) you are the newst of newfags.

Molyneux just denied being a jew the other day on his podcast. I think he might be jewing us.

oh fuck did they find out our leader is steven crowder

Lets not get ahead of ourselves.

As in RamzPaul? He's jewish?

There is no problem.



The kikes kiking the kikes for kiking kikes und kiketube. Highest level of hand-rubbing ever.

But that's what we do.

>molynuex is jewish
Not an argu– huh?...

Most nazis were always jewish, though

Somehow you made your hole deeper

This desu sempai

was irrelevant for years, suddenly everywhere.

He got like 0.3% ashkenazi on a DNA test lol

Plot more convoluted than Metal Gear Solid.

Everything is chaos.

This Kek thing might not have been such a good idea after all but lets keep going and see what happens.

hahahahahahah lmao

it was 10d chess all along


People actually identify as alt-right here?
Do they not realize that the term "alt-right" is basically the "cuck" of the Donald Trump supporters?

so i heard, and got financing from certain sources too.

*unzips dick*

Sup Forums still refuses to take the true redpill that Jews really are the master race. No matter what side they are on politically, they always end up as leaders of their movements. Just look at both the rich capitalist Jews and the Communism founding Jews.

This is all due to the inherent superiority of the Jewish mind, which is proven by their high IQ scores.

They've been kicked out of countries for centuries because all the goyim were jealous of Jewish success and superiority.

so are we the alt right now?

>some spoke out on Sup Forums
fucking lying kike scum


Oh Rabbi watchu doin.

I love being the monster hiding under these commies' beds.

It's simple. His religion isn't Judaism, he is therefore not lying when he says he's not a ""Jew""
while still being racially Jewish.

One of the oldest Jew tricks in the book.

Kek says yes

Alright, I'm going to stop trolling a second here and effort-post: discard my (jewish) opinion if you so desire.

>Why do we immortalize the holocaust?
Obviously, because we don't want it to happen again. The 20th century was the last big pogrom of our history and since then we haven't had many problems because of the religious reverence for the holocaust and the constant battle against ethnic identity among the people who could pull off another shoah. You see that as antagonism towards European gentiles. We see it as ensuring our survival.

>Why do Jews false-flag hate crimes?
Again, because we want to survive. If you wait and see when the actual hate-crimes happen then the police are probably too far gone and you won't get much help. We want the general opinion to be sympathetic always and will go to great lengths for that. We don't care about being perceived as honest. It's better to be viewed as a liar than to just be dead.

>What's going on with the twitterati and the alt-right?
We're asserting control over the right side of the political spectrum before it gets out of control. Again, we prefer to be alive than to be loved so nobody cares if chans think we are pushing a narrative.

>Why do you want to destroy white civilization?
We don't. At least I don't, nor do most Jews. We mostly believe whites will end up like us: a small minority in the world who are very smart and stick together at the higher end of society. Obviously the majority of dumb rednecks are going to die off and intermarry with dumb black, mestizo, or arab peoples. Don't let your children do that if you want to avoid being herded into the underclass.

Kek is merely the deification of the inherent chaos in the unraveling of western civilisation as predicted by Spengler. When a civilisation reaches its effective cultural end point rationality and sense are replaced by irrationality and chaos, which coincides with a dictatorial figure people rally around to make sense of things (Trump).

Interesting times we live in.

I don't think I care about politics anymore just want to watch everything unfold

all of them were jews?

You could have prevented this

but no, you took the shill baits and now they have ammo

This is all your fault

the what?

It's like the Zombie World War.

How long do we tolerate these imbeciles in the press??

Literally the ultra left journalist class defining Right wing groups and issues?!?!?