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>Mike Cuckovich
Not even a pretty poo.
what was he even known for? why did anyone like him in the first place?
>If YOU get the GORILLA MINDSET, you WILL be able to GET a 7/10 ethnic WOMAN!
Get cucked, Kike Cernobitch
What happened?
Lol he's probably one of these faggot Sup Forumsacks you see here from time to time LARPing about muh white race while they're dating a latina or chink - but it's ok because their kids will "look white"
Low test cuck detected.
did he died ?
he cucked out like the little faggot he is
>muh 6 gorillion mindset
>be author of GORILLA MINDSET, self proclaimed ALPHA MALE
>be fidgety nasal voiced e-book merchant
His brand fails the minute you hear him talk.
cuck out the minute going gets tough
>rich wife left him
>lives off massive alimony payments and never held a job for over 8 years
>took 7 years to pass the bar after going to a shitty law school (pepperdine)
>wife literally cucked him for a fat guy named mike
>claims to be an expert in maniless
>fucked a tranny with a salty dick
>forced himself on a poo in loo woman
>has ZERO cases argued in civil or criminal court (easily verified)
>has lithsp
Everything I have listed is verifiable true and said by him in many cases.
More like baboon mind frame. This guy is a joke and rode the wave of trump to 100k twitter followers.
Let him fade into irrelevance.
He's a lisping kike married to a street shitter.
Yep like i said slightly before you >mfw I first heard the voice of le alpha male Gorilla Mindset man
Why pay respects to a faggot cuck?
Good riddance race traitor, seig heil mein fuhrer TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP
ein bolk ein kike ein furor
braise pritler 16 99
he's a disgusting failure
hilarious to see him get BTFO
Fuck this bitch.
>find out who he is, somewhat interesting so i follow him
>every fucking day he just brags about how many hits his twitter gets to try and discredit people's arguements
>spouts incredibly false shit
this guy is the biggest fucking joke
what an incredibly sad human being
>Trump invariably tells the fringe loonies to fuck off since he's got real work to do now
>Rats jumping ship
When I saw Milo first appropriate the term, I wondered how any of them jumping on the bandwagon would deal with the inevitable fact that it's racist.
Mike Cenovich and Paul Joseph Watson ran their mouths about Jared Spencer on Twitter, so now they're having a faggot Twitter war about who is the real alt-right and who is controlled opposition.
This is why you keep seeing Jared Spencer threads everyday, and now Mike Cernovich and Paul Joseph Watson threads today about them being faggots.
faggot Twitter war
>Everything I have listed is verifiable true and said by him in many cases.
she's Persian
>fucked a tranny with a salty dick
I'm probably going to regret asking this but
>salty dick
What does that mean?
we need to ruin their brand
faggot traitors
t. Mike Buymybooksavitch
top kek
it's fucking hilarious hearing Cerny talk
If I didn't hate Jews as much as I do I would feel sorry for this kike.
He tasted it and said it was salty, obviously
Sometimes I wonder if this place is filled with homos or something.
There's nothing wrong with fucking/marrying non-white women.
she's cute
Very few people on Sup Forums actually date.
Girls only like outgoing and muscular guys. Shy and average guys on here would be lucky to get a kiss.
I remember seeing them name check Sup Forums and then adopt the Alt-Right name, a group of people who have routinely been purged from Sup Forums of all places for racism and trolling, and wondering how they ever thought it could end well.
Goddamn mongs.
(((Mike Cernovich)))
t. High Pitched Nasal Woody Allen Impersonator
>hurrrrrr if trump nominates romney i'm out xdddd
>the same person who says "why should we give a fuck what a celebrity has to say about politics"
love the hypocrisy sometimes, it's so fresh
except throwing your bloodline in the garbage
>Girls only like outgoing and muscular guys.
Its you again
Im neither and have a cute gf, im not fat tho
alt right is a Jewish creation aimed at exploiting an internet clique. Bill Mitchell and Scott Adams are the only twitter guys I followed during thee election. The rest are fruads
>gorilla breathing
This is a must watch if you want to be an alpha male like Mike.
i implore everyone to watch from 4:40 onwards, really classic stuff
Finngol memes aside, how many nonwhites have you actually met in finland?
Well I regret asking. The mind boggles at a person that would do that and then also tell others.
>all these fags that tried to get rich off Sup Forums are dying
Good riddance
I'm not in high school, and I'm still right.
Then she's probably a landwhale. That or you're rich.
The alt right is a sinking ship anyways, ever since the fencer bullshit
If in Helsinki, all you have to do is go to central station to feel like you're on another continent.
His books are cancer. I actually like Vox's blog but he really should stop shilling for this vagina. I guess he also just wants to sell his shit to us ...
Poor Cernovich.
There's about 150k
I live in the capital area so I see more
>they fell for the alt right meme
>G O Y E D
If youve ever heard his adv in picking up girls its hilarious.
>dress like the gay guys and sit mysteriously in a corner like Clint Eastwood and girls will approach
What a joke. But then again which heroworship isnt. Listen to your own guts instead
The Alt-Right is sinking big time.
Better get off quicly and leave Stormweenies go with it.
>leftist media let's Spencer have a voice knowing he'll do something that will push the fold too much, cause a rift, then the turbo autism takes it from there.
Well done Sup Forums. 2016 was going too good for the right to not have a schism
Nice that the smart ones are jumping off the sinking boat, Richard and his 50 IQ niggers fucked it all.
What have we become, my sweetest friends..
How do we move forward? The left will inevitably ruin itself but what is our goal?
>starts dating a mulattoe
>immediately starts sperging out with antifa-tier faggotry
Really makes your neurons fire.
this is great way to purge the e-book celebs and assorted cucks
We do what we normally do because these shitheads were never what we were about
She kinda is, she's just preggo.
>e-celeb drama
Damn. Rly makes me think.
What does moviebob and FrogWarrior 1488 think about it?
So what? he isn't a white supremacist and isn't against race mixing. unlike Richard "butt plug" Spencer who only dates asian women while telling others its wrong to race mix.
Nothing until LePen
Cernovich is a marketer, nothing more. He's a total fraud. It amazes me that anyone takes him seriously.
He's a kike though
Cernovich > Skrely
At least he looks like a real man.
Doesnt sound like one
Never liked Cernovich. I've followed him for a long time though.
Basically 50% of all his tweets are about how much reach he have and how many people see his stuff compared to everyone else. He basically thinks he is the greatest thing to happen to free speech since "(input something that happened some time ago and was very crucial)".
Also his fucking book "MAGA mindset", that is some new level of jewry. He already had a book out that is called Gorilla Mindset, as if i needed another fucking mindset book.
Sad to see Watson go though and ever more sad to see Gavin kinda jumping ship too.
ppl are allowed to change their minds though
especially to evade media labeling while still acting the same
He shits on the media every once in a while then shills his book the rest of the time. Also his wife is Iranian.
Curse that Richard Spencer who came out of nowhere a few days ago and definitely didn't create the alt right several years ago. It belongs to Jewish faggots who suck BBCs like Milo!
>supporting a man who spreads his asshole live on air and a faggot who posts pictures of himself in bed with niggers
Spencer may have coined the term but he has just about no actual supporters.
Why should I care about Richard Spencer? He sounds like an idiot and probably shouldn't be calling himself the leader of the alt-right.
Reminder that most stormcucks are Appalacian whites of Irish descent.
Irish don't count as white in most W.N. canons.
Stormcucks are literally the Talcum-X's of identity politics.
He had a dinner event in the Reagan Building in DC with hundreds of people in attendance.
More people know this guy than whatever the fuck YouTube vlogger you listen to in between bouts of loliporn.
I fucking hate Sup Forums and how quick we eat our own. Stand with Spencer or you'll fall for anything.
You shouldn't, you should care about all of the 'alt light' figures virtue signalling that they are not Nazis and not support them.
Gavin is great. Talks about race pretty much every show
>a fucking terrorist
Gavin McInnes literally said, a year ago, that he doesn't get along with Alt Right people because they yell at him about being a race mixing traitor.
You can call my sides Hiroshima and Nagasaki
>ppl are allowed to change their minds though
*roman salute*
Wtf i like white genocide now
- Cernovich
Welcome to Sup Forums.
He also called himself left-wing alt-right, so he was pretty much onboard
gavin is the original hipster faggot, I wouldn't be surprised if he becomes a commie to stick it to the right wing now
Is he a big fan of brown caucasian women? Looks like he could do better than a 7/10
Once you label yourself "alt-right" you're literally just making yourself a target for the leftist media, and playing into their entire scheme of dismissing someone's opinions based on affiliation. This is the reason why Gamergate and any other online "activism" is so retarded
Also, every single one of these unoriginal "alt-right" youtubers and personalities are just opportunists who associate themselves with a certain movement since it promotes growth of their content and their own brand. Now that the alt-right meme is a sinking ship they'll stop associating themselves with it, It's real simple
>imitating a primate with a 2 inch penis
What does that mean?
Most Appalachian whites are of Ulster Scot descent aka Scots-Irish.
Does Gorillas only have 2 inch dicks?